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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Why are you in trouble. It's very clear that you still have plenty of time to fill out the appropriate form and get it to them. Maybe you run into a corrupt agent who tries to skim a little of the money off the top, but it beats the alternative. Get those forms in and get your money!
  2. I'd say it's a combination of too many characters and too few episodes. It's tough to develop all these people and also advance the story given the short time frame. I know they like to call it a 16 episode season, but it really is two 8 episode seasons thanks to the time off in between.
  3. For me, the best part of the character development from last season is that it gave us the Carol that we all know and love today. So many people love to talk about Daryl, but to me, Carol is now the best character on this show. I can't wait for the moment where she gets to show Alexandria her true colors. edit: Ok, the rest of Alexandria. Little Sam knows her well at this point.
  4. This weekend could actually be a good one for padding the cushion for last place. Arizona has a three game home stand and the Oilers are 1 game into a 6 game home stand. Buffalo has 2 of 3 on the road. If there was ever a time that either of those teams was going to pick up a few extra points, this is a good one. That then puts you right at the big head to head matchup.
  5. Granted there were a few OTLs in there, but they just won for the first time in 8 games. Like it or not, they're going to win a few. There are 12 games to go and they are still dead last. Keep your eyes on the prize.
  6. Or due to an unfortunate spelling error made by the team drafting second, the Sabres miraculously realize that Eichel is actually still on the board when the pick in the mid-20s.
  7. They can't all think the same way. Sooner or later one of those ideas contradictory to what corporate thinks will be spoken. That's when the real fun begins.
  8. Requiring their employees to talk about social matters with the customers? Yeah, this can't possibly blow up in their faces.
  9. He already knew about the Islanders. He was asking about any other picks.
  10. No lottery draft pick has been traded this year. All 1st round picks that were traded were teams who were firmly entrenched in playoff position. No one was going to give up their chance at McDavid, even if it was only a 1% shot.
  11. That part was much more clear than Aiden's dying words. She told Rick that Pete was abusing the wife and kid and that Rick would have to kill him.
  12. I was giddy this morning when I saw that some teams have hit the 70 games played mark. It's so close to being done now. Finally we can get back to where the team actually wants to win games. It's still going to be rough for a while, but there is going to be a lot of young talent on this team that should be very fun to watch.
  13. Here it would strictly be points not earned by the Sabres. If they lose 22 points out of the remaining 26 points, neither team can pass them. When you're talking about more than two teams, you would need to have a separate magic number for each team. Right now, those numbers happen to be the same for both Edmonton and Arizona since they're tied.
  14. I still think the character development they did last season while the group was split up on the road was awesome. It makes me wish they had longer seasons so they could mix in more of that. With a cast this large, it always seems like the best episodes are the ones that focus in on a small group like this one did with Glenn's supply run crew. Sure, they mixed in a lot of scenes around Alexandria, but Glenn and co. was definitely the meat of this episode.
  15. I'm a week behind on the show right now. Last night I watched the Mike episode on demand. The recording they had on there cut to the end credits in the middle of Mike's "confession" to his daughter-in-law. It was infuriating. I had to go to AMC's webpage to see the full scene. I don't know who puts those episodes in the on demand catalog, but that person needs to be shot.
  16. Can't waste the bullets.
  17. You realize that in terms of points per game, Grigorenko is second to Larsson among all Amerks this season, right?
  18. Gabriel needs to be killed off. The sooner the better. I thought Tyreese was bad, but at least he'd swing the hammer every now and then. Gabriel has quickly taken up the whiny B word mantle that Tyreese vacated due to his own stupidity. The timing is great though. He gives that speech just seconds before Glenn will return to tell leader lady that her son is dead.
  19. The league would come down hard on a team if they actually did something like that. It's too blatant to let go.
  20. Speaking of Daryl, I feel like he may be dying soon. He doesn't fit in at all in the community setting. He is meant to be outside surviving. Maybe being the recruiter gets him closer to that, but I just don't see it. I think we may finally be approaching that one death that will truly rattle the fanbase.
  21. Edmonton is mounting a late charge at this thing, having lost 6 in a row. It's amazing how these teams seem to rotate losing streaks. I'd say our turn is next, but we're already in a streak of our own.
  22. I'll keep the response spoiler-free. I think the stuff they're hinting at from the comics won't happen until season 6. There's not enough time left in this season to get there.
  23. Is he practice squad eligible? I skimmed the thread quickly, so I didn't see if this has been stated or not.
  24. What's the point of even printing a report like this one? The 5th pick is what, about 5 hours into the draft? There's way too much that can happen ahead of that pick. I realize that it's all just a smokescreen, but does a diversion mean anything when you know it's a diversion?
  25. I can't help but think that someone like Colorado somehow wins the lottery, a team that already has their young superstar (even if he's had a rough year).
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