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Everything posted by shrader

  1. If you are looking for a Sabres version of that combination it would have to be Reinhart and then whoever we draft this year. If you're old enough to be drafted, you're old enough to play in the NHL. Right now there's a very small minority among BU fans that thing Eichel will return if they don't win the championship. He has said all the right things to plant that seed in people's minds, but they're delusional. He's very media savvy already, he knows the right things to say.
  2. And yet Edmonton is only one point ahead of Arizona. Says a lot about the Coyotes chances as well, doesn't it?
  3. Thanks Jim. I slipped up on the wording of my question earlier. It wasn't whether on one approaching faster but if one would touch ground first. Poor choice of words on my part. Anyway, my question has been answered now.
  4. Do yourself a favor. Dig up some highlights. You'll enjoy it. He is the most hyped college freshman since Paul Kariya, will be only the second freshman to ever win the Hobey Baker award. He's the fourth youngest player in the entire ncaa (I believe that's the figure I read earlier today)and has put up more points in a single season than most do in any given year. The kid is an absolute stud and is probably the second most hyped prospect since Crosby. He just happens to be draft eligible the same year as the most hyped.
  5. Just think of how long you'd be able to go without dropping a deuce in the same bathroom. Once you drop that bomb, you can stay away from it for over a month.
  6. His job is to win. I don't fault him for trying to win these last couple games. What I take issue with is how some seem to think that getting to 29th would be some form of vindication for him. Say what you will about the quality of the team, but there is no objective or subjective standard out there for which anything he has done qualifies as a success.
  7. I'm in that anti-Nolan camp as well. The guy doesn't go so long without an NHL job if he's a decent coach. What really gets me now though is the idea out there that 29th place is somehow some sort of badge of honor for him. It's not. No matter where they finish this year, he's going to hide in shame once he's fired.
  8. I'm currently building a house and sometimes I think is a bit too big for just two of us. Deion's place looks like it should be a school or something. This makes me no longer think I went a bit overboard.
  9. I wish it was an actual home and home and there wasn't that game sandwiched in between. Arizona has one in between too. It's a strange bit of scheduling.
  10. I think I missed one piece in this explanation. If a plane is set to fly at 18000', does that mean it is 18000' feet above the ground or above sea level? In other words, if a plane over Buffalo is set at 18000' and a plane over Denver is also set at 18000', are they flying at the same level or is the Denver one higher (relative to sea level)? I'm just curious about if a plane has a programmed in descent if it would be approaching the ground faster if it was flying towards a mountainous area or if it was flying towards the ocean.
  11. Right, they aren't. The whole magic number thing only works when comparing 2 teams. There would be a separate number for Edmonton (10). There's actually a very rare scenario where these numbers aren't accurate, but I'm not even going to get into that.
  12. The explanation from the investigator was that you have to turn a dial several rotations to cause that much of an altitude change. That doesn't happen by accident. If you pass out and bump that dial, you're going to get maybe a half rotation at most. Maybe there is some explanation out there for how you could rotate that dial so much accidentally, but it would be pretty far fetched.
  13. Realistically a split of the two games finishes it. That leaves a scenario where we have to gain 6 points over the remaining 7 games. Let's face it, with as bad as these two teams are, a split is by far the most likely outcome. For those of you who do watch it, if by some chance this thing goes to overtime, remember that this is not a bad thing. Sure we pick up 1-2 points, but so does Arizona. Even an OT win moves us one step closer. For those that like to think in terms of magic numbers, it is now at 13. Any combination of points gained by Arizona or lost by Buffalo of at least 13 and we can't pass them in the standings. So if this game gets to overtime, that number decreases by either 1 or 3. OT isn't ideal, but it will work. (And I'm ignoring Edmonton in these numbers because that complicates things slightly)
  14. You know, except for the fact that they play each other again in a couple days.
  15. Except that you're an idiot! I had to take a break from that board for a little while. I got sick of every single thread being the same exact fight between the same 3 or 4 people. This season could not end soon enough. It will be nice to actually have something to cheer for again.
  16. Actually, if they read SS they probably leave thinking "wow, these people really hate each other".
  17. According to what I heard on the news this morning, that is a regulation in the US. I guess the rest of the world needs to catch up on that one.
  18. Does anyone know what is the reference point for the gauges in the plane that measure altitude? Is it the ground below or is it sea level?
  19. Another team who holds the tie breaker over us. Edmonton is as good as eliminated at this point. We need to make up a point per game to pass them now.
  20. I'm sure there is a strong indicator that they're not ready to tell us yet.
  21. So far, I liked Breaking Bad better, but that's mostly because I started watching it very late and was able to binge watch the entire show. The waiting is killing me right now with this one.
  22. Quite honestly, as long as we finish dead last, there's no sense in worrying about the lottery. 20% is too much of a long shot. My thought the entire season is that we won't get McDavid. For whatever reason, I've been picturing a long shot team like Colorado winning it so that they suddenly get to build their entire team around two young stud centers in MacKinnon and McDavid.
  23. They now need to take at least 6 out of the remaining 18 points to have a chance at passing Phoenix. There's really only been two portions of the season where they were able to put up points at that rate. When this thing is finished, we're going to look back at January and smile. If you want to tank, you need to start it early and not wait until the end of the season. Edit: And I'm curious if anyone out there watched the Hockey East games on NBCSN over the weekend. Eichel is one hell of a consolation prize. His "toe drag through the defenseman's legs, bank shot off the other defenseman" goal against Lowell was filthy. I was hoping for a 40-something point season from him this year, but now with a decent NCAA tourney he is going to top 70. Most seasons no one in the NCAA puts up that many points, let alone a freshman. In two weeks when they hand him the Hobey, he'll be the second freshman to ever win that award (Paul Kariya).
  24. Your dedication to misspelling player names is a thing of beauty. I just hope that the Sabres can do worse than the 2-4 win/loss record you just put up.
  25. Speaking of Rosita, she really needs to get back into her skimpy clothing from when they were on the road. I don't recognize her anymore. When she was out there with Michonne and Sasha, she very well could have been just a random Alexandrian and I wouldn't have noticed.
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