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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I was hoping for a "thank you Sabres" chant. It would have been hilarious.
  2. I wonder how many people don't have a clue what their first game was. I know I'm one of them. My aunt had season tickets and the extra seat would rotate around my two brothers and me. My first game would had to have been right before the superbowl years. I also couldn't tell you my first Sabres or Bisons game. For whatever reason, those details have never stuck out to me.
  3. The main difference between all of those players you mentioned though is that Crosby was hyped for a few years ahead of his draft. Tavares was close, but the others you didn't really hear much about until the year of their draft. With the Russians that makes sense since people wouldn't have seen them too much. Kane was definitely not hyped anywhere near the level of these other guys going into his draft. He wasn't even expected to go first overall up until the very end. Kyle Turris was up there most of the year. McDavid is the only one who belongs in the same sentence with Crosby. They're the ones where the hype started the second they came out of the womb.
  4. And the other guy who was killed by the little kid drug dealer.
  5. I've got two pieces of paper on my wall that say BU on them, but I'm still not crazy enough to want Eichel over McDavid. I've just been taking the realistic look at this all season. That's so much easier when the consolation prize is this big. We get something damn good, but have that slight chance of something even better.
  6. 10 wins all year. They brought in a very strong class, so it's not all him, but he's a huge part of it.
  7. I'd love something so minor as Jimmy driving by the carwash while Walter is out there drying off a car or something. Cranston seems to have the kind of sense of humor where he would sign up to be in the distant background of a shot like that. It could be like when Conan O'Brien was an extra in an episode of How I Met Your Mother. Other than that, I don't want Cranston anywhere near this series until the very end.
  8. The age thing is definitely overplayed when these conversations come up. Most of the time it means very little, but it is kind of interesting here since the NCAA essentially never sees a freshman at this level. To watch this kid who is the 4th youngest player in all of D1 (I can't verify that stat, but I've heard is stated several times) and to see the way he takes over games, you can't help but wonder how much better he can get. The real appeal for him I think will be that he has taken what was a truly awful BU team last year and turned them into one of the top 4 in the country. He makes the people around him better. The team's second leading scorer had 60 points total over his first 3 seasons. This year he has 61 points. That's the Eichel effect. Hopefully whoever we get can have that same kind of impact.
  9. Once it's done, my wife will finally want to catch up on the season. I can binge watch it all over again. That's a nice positive to this.
  10. No one is going to move a lottery pick.
  11. The house next door to us has been abandoned since we moved in back in August. Yesterday I was working from home and went outside at around noon. There was a pickup truck in the driveway and two guys were clearing out everything in the house. The iffy part of it was that they had smashed in the garage door to get inside. It looked really bad, like they had crashed the truck through it. Other neighbors didn't seem to care, but I called the police department to check on it. They did stop by, but never let me know what the deal was.
  12. Why do they deserve a standing ovation? You can say what you want about it being a bad team, but many if not most of these guys have underperformed this year. The idea of a standing ovation kind of feels like a participation trophy to me.
  13. Keep in mind that Arizona is now further behind us than they were at this time last week. This thing is still right on track.
  14. Selfie stick? They seriously had to invent that? I hope it telescopes because otherwise someone has to look incredibly stupid carrying that thing around with them all day.
  15. Unless they were dumb enough to force Pete to stay in Michonne's home. He had his little fit about "this isn't my home", it would be too funny if they made that mistake. Like BillsFan said, I think it's about picking up the supplies that anyone drops as they're killed. I like how they slowly replenish the walkers outside so that people will think they're the first to find the food trucks. The red poncho guy was going to be one of those outside walkers and I'm pretty sure that's where they were going to take Morgan as well. There was a flash of light though, or at least that's what I thought I saw. Did they mention that kill at all on Talking Dead because it seems from this thread that there is a mixed reaction on what actually happened.
  16. I thought Aaron said Davidson was the leader of the group they exiled.
  17. She's well beyond her demons at this point. Compare her when she first showed up to how she is now. Essentially, Carl saved her. She's a lot like Daryl actually. At first they were both loners, but now they're the ones keeping people together. For Daryl, it was Beth, for Michonne it was Carl.
  18. I can't help but think Jessie would be a bit scared of him now.
  19. I was half expecting him to kiss Michonne during their talk. She's practically Carl's mom at this point, so that combination would actually make sense.
  20. It might be more emotional if we had any attachment to these Alexandrians. They still haven't been around long enough to care about. Deanna is the only one with any character development at this point, so I guess her green lighting the execution does get some reaction from the viewers. She has very quickly been given a taste for the real world, losing her son and husband in a matter of days.
  21. Ok, I suppose he'll have some conversations, but I can't imagine anything happening. I don't think there's any realistic price out there for this kind of deal. Like I said earlier, I'd much rather move some of those assets for someone like O'Reilly or another Kane-type deal instead. The team is still going to need a goalie too. There are too many holes and Eichel isn't far enough behind McDavid to warrant it. edit: And speaking of Eichel, I think some who may have watched the NCAA tourney this weekend will want to say that since he didn't put up many points, he doesn't look all that great. Take a look at this stat, which shows just how much he has done for that team. Evan Rodrigues is second in the nation in scoring this year (Eichel #1). Compare his numbers this year to his previous three years. That's what Eichel brings to his team.
  22. I assumed it was the gun, but I never actually saw it during the fight. It's so tough to see things in those very dark scenes. And now some random thoughts: -Maggie is very quickly becoming a leader. I could see her taking over for Deanna with Rick as her iron fist. -People are talking about disappointment, but I enjoyed it. That last 30 minutes was very tense, switching back and forth from scene to scene, fully expecting a main cast member to die. -How on earth did Daryl fall for that trap? The tin cans hanging from the tops of all of the trucks should have been all the sign he needed that someone had been there before. -The two wolves resetting the trap at the end, were they they the same two that Morgan beat up? Again, it was tough to see on the dark screen. I kind of hope Morgan left them in the back of that car as walker bait. -Daryl's chain kill of the three walkers was pathetic. There's no way that should have worked. -People seem to think that the exiles will wind up being wolves, but I don't buy that. The guys found the pictures Aaron dropped, but if the group already knew of Alexandria, none of that should be a surprise to them.
  23. What exactly is the rumor? To "guarantee" the first pick, he would have to acquire every single lottery draft pick. At this point, I hope the team takes whatever pick they wind up. Instead of using assets to move up one spot in the draft, I'd much rather those be used to build a roster around McEichel.
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