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Everything posted by shrader

  1. You know those pictures he got you to send him? Yeah, you don't want to know where those wound up.
  2. I wonder how common it is though to send a guy in there with a needle after the refs have already checked the balls. These are the things we'll never know.
  3. Speaking of college hockey, tt's a shame that Mark Adams from Providence won't be getting a contract. His dad would instantly make sabrespace more entertaining. He's the biggest troll there is at one of the larger college hockey message boards. And that says a lot for a board that is mostly populated by immature college students.
  4. Whining about the league setting up a sting operation? That's too funny. That whole response reminds me of those guys on the wrong side of the camera on To Catch a Predator. It doesn't matter what I did, you tricked me.
  5. Why even go that far? His 50,000th post should be the same one that predicts the date and the time. We do need another type of pool for that post. I want predictions on who he will call an idiot with that 50,000th post. I'm going to go a little off the board and go with that guy on PPP who cut and pastes those anti-muslim rants.
  6. Interesting. I didn't think of that possibility.
  7. I don't know if anyone actually mentioned it to them, but a big part in why people will view this one as worse than Rice is because it impacts every single offensive play for the Patriots. Rice's stick 'um doesn't help the team one bit on any of that long list of plays where the ball goes to someone else.
  8. My thoughts exactly. This is certainly going to draw attention to that first game if Brady is out. I wouldn't watch that game otherwise, but I may tune in for a bit if he is out.
  9. For people suggesting a 2 game suspension: does that number come from anything other than the fact that we play them week 2? I feel like it needs to be around 4 games. That seems to be the typical number from the NFL.
  10. I love that Tom Brady gives uggs to team staff members. The jokes practically write themselves there. The eye rolling at those gifts had to be off the charts.
  11. How old was the pilot anyway? It sure does sound like he left the cockpit for pee breaks a lot. Did he have some bad indian food the night before or something?
  12. And then there's lazy unoriginal people like you and me.
  13. 100 pages, so that means it should take at least another 100 days to write the report, correct?
  14. My wife and I went to a big event at a local jeweler to pick out our wedding rings. They had a bunch of wedding related giveaways and the top prize was $1000 off of your purchase. Only people who bought that day were entered. They said they would draw the winner the next day and let them know immediately. 2-3 months later they called to tell us we won. I've always been under the assumption that the actual winners broke up and had to cancel their purchase, because I can't think of any other reason why it took so long to find out.
  15. I actually got an email a couple minutes ago from someone walking away. It was a very bitter email, talking about having a lot of family issues and HR/the company not offering enough assistance. It came out of left field for me as this person has been someone I've always found to be very helpful with things.
  16. You sure as hell don't want to do the light flash at night. There's nothing like a good blinding to piss off another driver.
  17. No doubt. Playing that kind of game on the road just isn't worth it. You have no idea who that person behind you is. I know I've done things along those lines, but I would have given up with that quickly with as all that camaro guy was doing.
  18. Well that and the camaro guy was drunk
  19. I did think it was funny that two of the guys you pointed out as examples of character issues were CHL guys.
  20. See, that's how dedicated he is to the weight training aspect of his career. He's watching his calories with that light beer.
  21. BU had to players accused of sexual assault in one season just a few years ago, both high draft picks. But let's continue to worry about a kid drinking a can of bud light.
  22. I'm still trying to figure out why they had Hanifin and Strome at the lottery... or even McDavid. They were probably bored out of their minds.
  23. Eichel lives within a small community at BU where everyone knows who he is. McDavid is allowed to fly under the radar as I assume just about no one in Erie has any clue who he is. That's going to have a lot to do with that perception. It's possible that McDavid is in fact the angel that he is perceived as, but I highly doubt it. These are 18 year old kids and they've all got their own kind of craziness happening at some point. This view of Eichel seems a bit crazy to me since it is based completely off of one single video which was posted online. Everything you ever see out there that comes from the coaches and people surrounding Eichel talks about how hard he has worked to get to where he is. Accelerating his education while playing with the US developmental program should be another sign of his ethic. To try to bury that because a teenager drank a can of beer seems disingenuous to me.
  24. This stuff has always existed in sports. For whatever reason, it only became a popular buzz word in recent years. The leagues can go through as many crazy proposed changes as they want, but this will never go away.
  25. He's not going to fall down to the ECHL. My guess is that by year two he's the guy making constant drives back and forth on the thruway.
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