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Everything posted by shrader

  1. No one opts into the NHL draft. Once they hit the required age, they are eligible to be drafted. If you take a college player, you have their rights for essentially 4 years. They can go back to school but that changes nothing. The Sabres currently have several previously drafted players who are playing college hockey and still will next year.
  2. And Stamkos didn't have anywhere near they hype that McDavid and Eichel have had going into this draft. This whole "generational talent" label seems to be a new term, but I don't think they would have applied it to him as he was entering the draft. With the way he has developed though, I think people would use it for the current 25 year old version of him.
  3. Wait, only 1200? I missed that number when I read the story. Isn't that incredibly low. That was a solid but not spectacular score in our days, but isn't the max score now 2400? The ACT, I have no clue what scores are supposed to be on that one. Anyway, I'm not sure why those standardized tests factor in at all.
  4. I'll stick to my thought that the school created a system to make them (the school) look better than they actually are. Call it grade inflation or whatever you want, something's a bit fishy there.
  5. Is it a participation trophy or is it a school trying to pad their stats?
  6. That's code for testicles, right?
  7. Can't we link directly to the Buffalo News instead of the obvious click bait that is the first post in this thread? I don't want to be used by other websites trying to attach themselves to other's work in hopes of generating views. But anyway, what's the deal with Kouandjio? Vic's column mostly brushes over him. Has there been much chatter about him so far? I haven't really been following too closely this offseason.
  8. I was leaving a bar 5 or so years ago and someone who was pretty clearly a college kid approached me and asked for money. When I said "sorry", he told me he wouldn't leave me alone unless I said "no". It was a very safe area, still light outside, and I had had a few drinks, so I decided to have fun with this. I told him that I was going to go out of my way to avoid that word completely. We walked for about 2 miles talking back and forth before I finally slipped up and said "no" in a sentence. He immediately said "alright, have a good day" and walked off. So it turned out to be an entertaining walk home and the kid got to stop by another bar after he bugged me for a while. I think it was win-win for both of us.
  9. I like the sentence at the end that says the research has not been peer reviewed.
  10. I thought it was Jeff Skinner or maybe even Gerbe.
  11. I'd love to see that added to the all star weekend skills competition.
  12. I'm half way through right now and it really is like a long movie. It keeps pulling me in for more.
  13. If it has to go to mediation to determine the compensation, the Shero situation should work in our favor.
  14. I've always pictured him as a gorn. Keep up the hard work, Rick.
  15. We've had an over saturation of romantic comedies for ages now and that will never stop.
  16. I'm not going to click on it, but the wording in the link has me curious. How exactly did they go about compiling it? Are they piecing something together from a list of sources? That seems prone to error.
  17. I'm not sure how to draw any conclusion from the way that story was written. It's looks like that writer has a strong bias against the schools.
  18. Fake weed in the middle of spring. That has competitive advantage written all over it
  19. I was under the impression that they have reacquired the rights to the Punisher. I thought I had seen something along those lines at some point.
  20. And then he came back... and then he went away again.
  21. Usually player signings aren't even as chaotic as this whole process has been. At this point, I just want it to be done.
  22. The ending with Dylan was incredibly awkward. I don't know if that's just the way Dylan is in general, but he didn't look the least bit interested in acknowledging Dave's presence. Kind of odd given the circumstances. I'm sure I'm just over analyzing this though. And after tonight, Kimmel will be the longest running late night host on TV. That feels so weird to say. The amount of recent turnover in the industry has been crazy.
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