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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I can't figure out if this one is first world or not. It kind of feels like a combination of first and third. One of the elevators here at work smells like urine today.
  2. I'm not so sure you typed that right. Than again, I'm not good with grammar.
  3. The water in my kitchen sink takes a little too long to heat up.
  4. You should have found a way to high speed shiv the mofo... ok, maybe slow speed shiv the mofo. There would have been a hearse right there to collect his body.
  5. Or cut them off
  6. Wait, the Washington Generals were actually a separately managed team/business? How on earth did it take until just now for the Globetrotters to realize they could just produce a loser team on their own?
  7. Stupid sexy Flanders.
  8. Apparently the Chinese don't know to hold their phone sideways when taking a video either. Scary stuff there. Was there a much smaller one first that was being responded to before that massive explosion? I can't really tell what the guy was initially filming but did notice those blinking lights from emergency vehicles.
  9. I feel like we've talked about this on here before. All I know is that I'm glad they found a way to re-start things and throw that movie out. There's a lot of stories they can tell now and so far I think they're batting 1000 with the new movies.
  10. Whether you're the costumed guy or the person in random attire, I have zero problem with it as long as you're not trying to force it on anyone else or claiming that you're a better fan than them. No matter how often you hear it, there is no such thing as the "best fan(s)". Everyone has their own way and the fanbase as a whole doesn't exist without each type.
  11. Did you just list X-Men last stand as a good movie while shooting down X2? That one is such a train wreck.
  12. I am now picturing John Scott leading a rape investigation.
  13. Thank god Mr. Radar is still alive.
  14. Both bars have groups. The Harp is the longer running one. A younger group splintered off a few years back and went to the Bleacher Bar. I'm assuming they liked it because it was closer to a lot of the colleges in the area.
  15. Are you a basketball guy at all? Since you're staying in Springfield it may be worth checking out. I don't know a thing about the place or if it is worthwhile at all, but I just thought I'd throw it out there.
  16. Do they actually credit that to Stephen Hawking?
  17. I originally missed the L in Carrie Bilbao, BLM spokeswoman's position. It made the story that much more funny.
  18. Have we ever seen a single one of these videos for these incidents that don't start with someone mouthing off at the cop or resisting? Some day people will figure it out.
  19. Good luck. We're all counting on you.
  20. Good luck. We're all counting on you.
  21. Good luck. We're all counting on you.
  22. I went to Jurassic World this weekend. I wasn't at all interested for the first half of the movie when they setup the characters. Once all hell broke loose it was entertaining though. I wish they had gotten to the action earlier because the characters weren't at all interesting. Just once I wish one of these movies would grow a set and actually kill off the annoying kid characters. Now that would catch people's attention.
  23. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought of it.
  24. Now it reminds me of the old Buffalo Destroyers logo.
  25. To be fair, none of the reports mention the number of tires on O'Reilly's truck.
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