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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Both bars have groups. The Harp is the longer running one. A younger group splintered off a few years back and went to the Bleacher Bar. I'm assuming they liked it because it was closer to a lot of the colleges in the area.
  2. Are you a basketball guy at all? Since you're staying in Springfield it may be worth checking out. I don't know a thing about the place or if it is worthwhile at all, but I just thought I'd throw it out there.
  3. Do they actually credit that to Stephen Hawking?
  4. I originally missed the L in Carrie Bilbao, BLM spokeswoman's position. It made the story that much more funny.
  5. Have we ever seen a single one of these videos for these incidents that don't start with someone mouthing off at the cop or resisting? Some day people will figure it out.
  6. Good luck. We're all counting on you.
  7. Good luck. We're all counting on you.
  8. Good luck. We're all counting on you.
  9. I went to Jurassic World this weekend. I wasn't at all interested for the first half of the movie when they setup the characters. Once all hell broke loose it was entertaining though. I wish they had gotten to the action earlier because the characters weren't at all interesting. Just once I wish one of these movies would grow a set and actually kill off the annoying kid characters. Now that would catch people's attention.
  10. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought of it.
  11. Now it reminds me of the old Buffalo Destroyers logo.
  12. To be fair, none of the reports mention the number of tires on O'Reilly's truck.
  13. -Dad, you killed zombie Flanders! -He was a zombie?
  14. I've got a bad news spoiler alert for you. It turns out that Canadians are actually immune and have setup a new capital in the Yukon. At the pace their going right now, it looks like Rick and co. will get there by season 9.
  15. I'm sure Morgan is still whacked out of his mind. His spiral of insanity has just taken him to a point where he thinks he's of right mind and thinks that he is suddenly the moral authority.
  16. Ahhh, two movies I'm not the least bit interested in. That explains why I missed it completely. And actually, now that I think of it, I don't think I've paid attention to movie ratings since before I was 18. I couldn't tell you the rating of anything I've watched lately. The trailers typically give me a very good idea of what content I can expect and I haven't been caught off guard yet.
  17. Are there any others? I haven't really noticed anything yet.
  18. Howard, I actually work with the traffic department in Orchard Park and may be able to help you with your issue. I'd be more than willing to schedule a meeting with you to discuss your concerns. We do charge a $25 in order to setup something, with an additional $25 for each subsequent meeting. Would you like to set something up? Now I do realize that many people don't like being burdened with having to bring $25 in cash with them each time they meet with us, so if you'd like, I could setup automatic payments from a credit card or bank account. If you could send me a private message with that information, I could get the wheels rolling. I have actually been thinking about some measures to lessen the traffic in that area, so I am very anxious to hear more from you.
  19. The funny thing is that it's not a plot tease whatsoever. Each year with these trailers, they only show things from the very first episode. So we're getting a good taste of that one, but we still have no idea where the season as a whole will go. They've become really good at doing this.
  20. I have no idea what Jared's role in the whole thing is. I just get a kick out of how newspapers always seem to run with the idiotic quotes that have absolutely nothing to do with anything.
  21. She has no idea how to give her shows any direction. With both shows, she constant adds new elements into the mix without really having an overall focus. With Weeds it was the constant change of setting. With Orange, it's the need to give every single character a backstory, no matter how minor they are. Actually, the more I think about it, I think her biggest fault is that she doesn't seem to be able to create a character that is the least bit interesting. When I look at the characters in Orange, I can't really think of a single one right now who makes me want to know more about them.
  22. The thing that will always sell me on Gretzky is that if you take away every single goal he ever scored (you know, more goals than anyone else scored), he'd still have a 76 point lead on the all time scoring list.
  23. I know they like to brush over it since it wasn't one calendar year, but Tiger winning 4 consecutively back in 2000-2001 absolutely counts in my book. That was one of the most dominant stretches in all of sports history.
  24. Also in tennis, you are far more in control of your fate. It is only you against that person on the other side of the net. All you have to do is beat that one person. With golf, you can be having the round of your life, but has very little impact, if any at all, on some guy 5 holes ahead of you.
  25. Did a cheap knock off of your kid go on a few more adventures of his own, but nobody has actually heard the stories?
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