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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Fair enough. I didn't notice that as I skimmed the decision, probably because I skipped footnotes.
  2. Did the league ever actually compare this to a PED suspension when they went with the 4 game figure? That whole portion of the ruling seems so strange to me (unless the NFL did make that comparison). It almost feels like saying that they can't use that game count for any other type of suspension since it is already reserved for PEDs.
  3. You might want to play it safe and send Jay Rosen along with Canada.
  4. I'm picturing the liquid nitrogen scene of Terminator 2 right now. Those sure would be some easy walker hunts in the winter.
  5. The TV spots they're running for that right now, specifically the oven line, make it look like a comedy.
  6. I hope this is the last we see of the boyfriend. The audience doesn't need closure there as we all know his fate. Things are going to get crazy far too fast for the girl to ever make it back over there.
  7. The poster named dog?
  8. 8 or so years ago my cousin was visiting me in Boston and someone keyed "Beth is a hore" into her car. The spelling was great and all, but we also were curious as to who this Beth character was.
  9. At this point this is all about semantics, but correlation does in fact work both ways. But anyway, I see where the whole thing's coming from now, they looked only among suicide cases, so obviously they can't draw any conclusion about those who did not commit suicide.
  10. The AC in my bedroom doesn't get as cool as the rest of the house
  11. The bold is exactly what I think this one was. Who knows though. Just once I'd like to actually hear the real story behind one of these scenarios. And as for the study data you're mentioning, what exactly is the definition of "mental illness" there? It's starting to feel like a very broad term that catches just about everything. The numbers your stating aren't really possible as I'm sure there are plenty of mentally ill who do not commit suicide, but I realize that you're trying to say there. edit: And someone at work was just watching the news footage multiple times on their computer without headphones. Some people aren't too bright.
  12. Mental illness is such a cop out in this one. If he's mentally ill then we might as well say the same exact thing for every single murder out there. This isn't someone shooting up a random movie theater or a school. This is a guy going after a very specific target that he had a history with.
  13. I may have misread Wooderson's post, but I thought he was saying that he watched the video that the shooter had posted. That one would more than likely show you where his initial shots were directed. I know I have no interest in watching that, but if someone actually did, they might as well end the stupid fight so we don't have to read it anymore.
  14. Since you watched it, I might as well ask. Which side of the petty argument/speculation in this thread is closer to the truth?
  15. I feel like the withdrawal will be a major problem for the son as he's trying to get away from some walkers. Did they actually say what he's using? And speaking of walkers, my 5 year old nephew is about to start kindergarten. His school sent a message to my brother saying that "walkers will be released at 3PM". We got a good laugh out of that one.
  16. Did anyone else get a 28 Days Later vibe from the preview for the rest of the season?
  17. The made me wonder how the survivors of the main show could possibly have not been aware that all the dead wind up turning even if not bitten. Rick, I get because of that coma, but the rest should have seen plenty of it by that point. Rick only knew what Morgan told him.
  18. I'm looking forward to when the junkie, Johnny Depp wannabe brother gets eaten. I can't stand him already. That and the thought of a zombie Edward Scissorhands walking around makes for a great show.
  19. Linking to that trash should be banned on this board
  20. The trailer really doesn't show anything though. Every single year people have thought that after seeing them, but as it turns out, everything shown is all from the first episode. You still get 7 more hours where you have no idea what's coming.
  21. The actual Ashley Madison was involved in one of the politician scandals a while back, right? I'm trying to remember who that was. I know I could just google it, but there are some things I'd rather not search while at work.
  22. I thought they might be showing something new.
  23. There's also a sneak peak at the new season on sunday night, right?
  24. My spam filter picks up random "is he cheating" emails from time to time. I'd imagine that is something that could easily be used for these purposes. I get a kick out of those emails because I'd love to know who this HE character is that is cheating on me. My wife would probably want to know too.
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