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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I'm sure it's been done before, but it sounds like an idea for a comedy.
  2. Clearly football players are article 4 free inhabitants while on the playing field.
  3. Nope, never happened. The Man Show ended when Kimmel left for ABC.
  4. I think it's both. There was something in that bag she didn't want found and she was crazy/dumb enough to think that her stance would work.
  5. And the best part is that she winds up posting it online because she somehow thinks it makes him look bad. I wish I could see the conversation that came later in the day between the cop and the guy in the car about how crazy she is. Oh, and how many drugs were in that bag?
  6. Red, white, blue, and gold. Maybe throw a little purple in teal in there too just to balance it out.
  7. I love this idea that some like to throw around that New England should now challenge the fine and lost draft pick decision. In this completely unrealistic fantasy scenario, the league then turns around and tells Bob Kraft that he's no longer welcome in the NFL. A man can dream, can't he?
  8. Is the domestic abuse stuff in there at all? I'm getting random annoying emails from the wife's Boston area family saying that the league needs to focus on the real problems like all of the domestic abuse. I find all of this funny because if that stuff's not in there either, this ruling just effectively stopped him from being able to take a tougher stance against it. Or have they officially laid out how they plan on punishing for that?
  9. Doesn't it have to be something like Apenado in order to really click with the viewers?
  10. Does the CBA explicitly forbid a team from hiring Jeff Gillooly?
  11. I had a feeling it was once you mentioned it. Even though I work in an industry where they are everywhere, I avoid them like the plague. Anyway, I do worry about the potential CBA issues and work stoppage that are going to result from this decision. It could get ugly.
  12. Fair enough. I didn't notice that as I skimmed the decision, probably because I skipped footnotes.
  13. Did the league ever actually compare this to a PED suspension when they went with the 4 game figure? That whole portion of the ruling seems so strange to me (unless the NFL did make that comparison). It almost feels like saying that they can't use that game count for any other type of suspension since it is already reserved for PEDs.
  14. You might want to play it safe and send Jay Rosen along with Canada.
  15. I'm picturing the liquid nitrogen scene of Terminator 2 right now. Those sure would be some easy walker hunts in the winter.
  16. The TV spots they're running for that right now, specifically the oven line, make it look like a comedy.
  17. I hope this is the last we see of the boyfriend. The audience doesn't need closure there as we all know his fate. Things are going to get crazy far too fast for the girl to ever make it back over there.
  18. 8 or so years ago my cousin was visiting me in Boston and someone keyed "Beth is a hore" into her car. The spelling was great and all, but we also were curious as to who this Beth character was.
  19. At this point this is all about semantics, but correlation does in fact work both ways. But anyway, I see where the whole thing's coming from now, they looked only among suicide cases, so obviously they can't draw any conclusion about those who did not commit suicide.
  20. The AC in my bedroom doesn't get as cool as the rest of the house
  21. The bold is exactly what I think this one was. Who knows though. Just once I'd like to actually hear the real story behind one of these scenarios. And as for the study data you're mentioning, what exactly is the definition of "mental illness" there? It's starting to feel like a very broad term that catches just about everything. The numbers your stating aren't really possible as I'm sure there are plenty of mentally ill who do not commit suicide, but I realize that you're trying to say there. edit: And someone at work was just watching the news footage multiple times on their computer without headphones. Some people aren't too bright.
  22. Mental illness is such a cop out in this one. If he's mentally ill then we might as well say the same exact thing for every single murder out there. This isn't someone shooting up a random movie theater or a school. This is a guy going after a very specific target that he had a history with.
  23. I may have misread Wooderson's post, but I thought he was saying that he watched the video that the shooter had posted. That one would more than likely show you where his initial shots were directed. I know I have no interest in watching that, but if someone actually did, they might as well end the stupid fight so we don't have to read it anymore.
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