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Everything posted by shrader

  1. What arena was that? This will be the perfect chance we have to get a zombie Kobe Bryant or some other random celebrity. They need to do it just this once. And yes, the zombie Kobe Bryant jokes probably write themselves.
  2. Him stepping down only hurts them in the court of public opinion. The case itself still falls exactly where it did 2 days ago.
  3. Right. It was only the bag that originally held the kit at the hospital that made its way to the mother's house. Someone got their hands on that and left it their. It actually looks more like a case of intimidation to me now than anything else. A stupid move, but then again, we're dealing with some stupid people.
  4. Then there's also whatever the result of the investigation into the potential tampering. That will fall on someone eventually.
  5. The second one doesn't make much sense to me. There's only one possible response to the kit being left on her door and that is exactly what happened. It goes public and then even more investigation begins. So if someone actually did this to intimidate, they are incredibly stupid.
  6. How do they even know what sick people look like? She's seen 4, which I suppose is a much higher figure than most of those other people. I guess that makes her the resident expert.
  7. I guess we'll have to wait and see if they napalm LA like they did Atlanta. But yes, count me as one of the people who is waiting for something interesting to happen. Was there even a single walker in this week's episode? Fortunately we've only got 2 shows left, so something has to be coming quick.
  8. Not to get crayonz started, but then there's those wacky canadians and their PVRs.
  9. Oops. I still stick by my protest. And as for first world problems, I hate it when people don't understand the concept of spoilers when you tell them that you have DVRed a game or show and plan on watching it later.
  10. That first sentence is pure BS. She never met that person, and if anything, the tornado killed her, not Dorothy. The rest? I'm good.
  11. And settlement talks should have absolutely nothing to do with how he is approaching the case right now. He needs to keep on doing his job. If they do come to a settlement, like it or not, that will change the case for Sedita, but like you said, he still needs to continue to do his job.
  12. I'm with you. I don't use gender specific pronouns, I use sex specific pronouns. In the ultra-rare case where I might encounter someone where that doesn't fit, I'll figure it out on the fly.
  13. I was actually amazed by the possibility that you identified him on your own, see as how most Sabre fans will never have any clue what Donovan looks like. It's kind of funny though. Looking at that picture, I would have guessed that he was one of the younger of the 4 guys as opposed to a 25 year old posing with a pair of teenagers.
  14. Based on the fact that she wrote that out, she probably knew the real answer too. Do they get to keep any money when they lose?
  15. Swap Reinhart and Donovan and you've got their order in the picture. I'll take your word that it's Donovan since I don't have the slightest clue on that one.
  16. He will figure it out when either the ex or his son get eaten. One or both of them is not long for the world on this show.
  17. It looks like the girl from Harry Potter has fallen on hard times.
  18. I do look forward to referring to the Patriots as Gladys for the rest of the year.
  19. Power ranking comments are usually dumb, but that one takes it to a whole new level
  20. I always wonder how Tasker is in a non-Bills game. He seems to go out of his way to make sure he's not accused of having a pro-Buffalo bias.
  21. I love the image of half the city rioting, oblivious to the walkers out there among them eating people.
  22. I miss the old days with no graphics where they just superimposed the actual clock onto the screen.
  23. When it comes to Rodrigues, keep in mind that he's older than most of the guys out there
  24. I'm glad she lost. It was getting annoying how people had already crowned her even though she still had to win two more matches.
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