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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I don't want to watch a football team if I can't make constant Schmidt's Gay references.
  2. The robot hand touching R2, that pretty much had to be him, right?
  3. Most of them seemed to be completely insane. We will have to see sooner or later why they were capturing a few people. It couldn't have just been for their walker traps like the one they had last year.
  4. Maybe Carol can take out the whole herd that is heading towards Alexandria. Wait, who am I kidding with that "maybe". Of course she can. I liked the little throwback to last episode where she had to kill the injured woman the same way Rick did, quiet them then stab them. And something needs to happen with Morgan soon because this current version is ridiculous. If anyone gets killed by that gun, I hope it is him.
  5. Has there ever been a case like this where the media has spotted a new player at practice and don't have the slightest clue who he is?
  6. I think the timing was pure luck. If they actually knew what was going on and wanted to ruin the plan, they would have blown the horn right when the walkers were turned by the steel wall and flares.
  7. That and those guys picked up the pictures of Alexandria that Daryl and Aaron (is that his name?) dropped. Obviously it's them.
  8. That or he makes some stupid move like Tyrese did with the Tigers hat guy. I'm holding onto hope that they have something big planned for him still, but this current version annoys me/
  9. It's too bad that Morgan has been possessed by the ghost of Tyrese though. Why do they always have to make the badass guy a softy who "values all life"? I want crazy Morgan from the last time we saw him. Imagine that guy combined with his new jedi skill set.
  10. It's not a tough call for the ref. A bills player threw it, so it must be a penalty. That's where this team has gotten them self with all the personal fouls in the first few weeks. They don't get the benefit of doubt in the refs mind. They have dug this hole for themselves, but hopefully the much more controlled responses this week will start to correct that.
  11. They did try to drop in a line about how they weren't getting any sleep whatsoever. I have no idea how that meshes with the timeline.
  12. I'm still holding out hope that he'll be the next one to go.
  13. It just seems like it would be something they were forcing in there if they tried to cram in a love triangle. The people are trying to survive, they're not going to have enough time to deal with the typical crap that winds up popping up in TV shows. She's dead, so now they'll never feel the temptation to try to squeeze in a cheesy soap opera side plot.
  14. And if that's the case, Williams knew exactly what Beckham was trying with him.
  15. I was thinking that the love triangle thing was going to be way too difficult for them to keep writing. She was never destined to live very long. That and it does fit in perfectly well with the Walking Dead SOP. If you have any medical ability whatsoever, you are not long for this world.
  16. "Oh my god, he caught a ball while landing two yards out of bounds! We have to roll that replay over and over. He's the best!"
  17. Who are the morons who keep taking these pictures and sending them in? You're going to find all kinds of stupidity in every single stadium if you search hard enough.
  18. And then the only thing they left with was some meds but not a single weapon.
  19. Every single character showed some sack in that finale except for the daughter. She was pretty much just along for the ride.
  20. Absolutely. Something finally happened. They also managed to end it on a fairly decent cliff hanger. I can't be alone in wonder what that guy's deal is.
  21. I saw Black Mass last weekend and found it to be very disappointing. They spent very little time showing us what he was doing outside of randomly killing someone, so you didn't get any feel for what if any kind of power he had around the area. It left me wanting to watch a good mafia movie like Goodfellas.
  22. Yeah, it was Hines Ward. But I want the real deal this time, kind of like Bill Murray in Zombieland. There's a very limited window and this is it.
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