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Everything posted by shrader

  1. With the reputation Carlo had for being made of glass, that was not the first injury of the year that anyone would have expected. Ouch.
  2. Where is the rest of the town? Tara/Rosita rescued that one guy (Tobin?) right at the beginning while Mullet was standing in the background. Then flash forward slightly and they're saving Mullet, but no sign of the previous guy. There are too many people in that town who have been unaccounted for in the last few episodes. Aaron? Heath? Spencer? The armory lady? The woman Abe rescued at the construction site ages ago? I guess it's good that they didn't randomly kill a few more of them this week, but they have to be somewhere.
  3. Is this the first half season stretch they've had where not a single person from the main group died? They're definitely killing the "no one is safe" vibe. I know the red shirt thing is so cliche, but this really has fit that label perfectly. Even the annoying part of the group in Gabriel has been untouched.
  4. One death in the entire episode. That's what we get out of the wall coming down? I feel like they've slowed this show incredibly so that its sole purpose is to push this badlands show. If nothing else, there is no way you should have to sit through the opening of another show to see the end of the episode.
  5. That was pathetic. What a terrible spot to cut off at.
  6. I think Deanna just delivered the best line of the entire series
  7. Yes to the first two, but I have to be honest and admit that the stereo is sub-par.
  8. I've been meaning to look into those fleer jets for a while now. How's the MPG? I don't want to have to sell my Dodge Stratus, but I will if I have to.
  9. I really don't get the Carl hate at this point. He's pretty much just a minor background character at this point. He doesn't have anywhere near the focus he had in earlier seasons.
  10. It wasn't a home game, but the Bruins played last night too. It's a shame they can't coordinate a little bit and not have the teams playing at the same time, especially in Buffalo where both teams have the same owner.
  11. I'd swear that every single week I'm hearing talk either monday or tuesday morning about a horrible call in the late seconds of the previous night's game. They're going to need to do something about this sooner or later. There's way too many black eyes to go around lately when it comes to the refs. It just feels like these guys are making things up as they go. The inadvertent whistle was the perfect example. "Ummm.... yeah, the whistle blew AFTER the catch and ummm.... and oh yeah, it's the coach's fault, he got in the way... yeah, that's it, that's what happened".
  12. The actress is pretty clearly pregnant, so depending on the timing of that and filming, her role may stay minimized for now. And speaking of the mullet, I caught the end of last week's episode last night and the "help" over the radio definitely sounded like him.
  13. Isn't the tower pretty much where the truck was crashed during the wolf attack? I seem to remember the truck being right below Spencer after he shot the driver. edit: As for the wolf, I'd put good money on him killing Morgan after he lets him out of the cell to escape from the herd.
  14. Their real mistake was not ending that episode with the them falling off the dumpster. Instead they wanted to push for another of their over the top crazy visuals. This one failed miserably though. Also, if they really wanted to shock people, the would have included him as a death on Talking Dead. That would have been the only way to not have at least half of the viewers expecting him to walk back into town any second now.
  15. Has he been writing stuff like this every week or is he just trolling a specific fanbase that he knows will take the bait?
  16. That whole plane thing is annoying. I wish they'd just leave it on the internet so you can watch it at will instead of seeing weekly 5 second clips.
  17. I think the worst part of the Glenn thing was how much of him wound up being exposed while Nick was torn apart. Not one walker got a piece of him?
  18. You know what's worse in my mind? All these people caught by the herd but not completely devoured. Nick, the guy on the fence... How is there any of them left to actually turn. Back when T-dog was killed, all that was left of him was a rib cage.
  19. Me too. I go by the brand name to avoid the hassle.
  20. I suppose that's the only way to get ammo in along with the gun, but man, hiding a fully loaded gun
  21. That wasn't magnum. He was turning the wrong way.
  22. I'm amazed no one has complained about the spoilers that are everywhere in this thread. Usually that's exactly what happens when a thread goes off like this one has. Does that mean that Negan is known well even among non-readers?
  23. Why does someone get to make this "special announcement" on the news? Do people really care about this garbage? And yes, I already know the answer to that question, it just makes me
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