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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I think you may be describing exactly where I am right now. I don't know what is next, but it's not very clear where the story is going to go at this point.
  2. Just like with Ford, I bet we get more of his character in flashbacks in at least the next movie.
  3. I'm slowly finishing up Jessica Jones right now on Netflix. They've done a great job creating a very creepy villain there.
  4. Knightley was actually in episode one as the decoy for Portman's character.
  5. I'm not even sure how long it took for me to realize that the Fox stuff wasn't actually Star Wars music. It fit so perfectly. At least we didn't get that Disney logo to start the whole thing off.
  6. It's such a weird thing to throw out there, but I really missed the 20th century fox lead in to the opening credits. That music fit so perfectly.
  7. What's so hostile about a couple guys randomly choking on nothing? Oh sure Mr. slacker employee, your boss magically choked you. I'm not buying it.
  8. It's a no brainer to send him to Rochester on a rehab stint. He needs to get as much time there as possible (14 days max, according to the CBA).
  9. I'm trying to count the number of times I've seen a head coach shake the opposing RB's hand.
  10. That's one thing I'm 100% sure on, I will never use any of those unaffiliated ATMs. I'm not paying a fee and I'm sure as hell not upping my risk of identity theft.
  11. We're at the stage where we realize it's not going to be just the two of us so we need to get out and do these kind of things now while it is much easier. She's a teacher, so that February break she gets, the timing is perfect to do this as a combined Christmas gift to each other. Once I book, I'll just have to pick up some tickets to certain shows so that there is actually something surprising on the 25th. I'd be curious about some experiences with those too if anyone has them. I did a quick skimming of a list, and so far Penn and Teller sounds like something that will be very tempting. And I'm heavily leaning towards MGM at this point, so I'll let you know how it goes in a couple months.
  12. How long is a really long walk? Neither of us have issues with walking around, but it's tough to tell exactly where everything is just looking at a map.
  13. I'm not so sure the hotel is going to be too much more than the place we sleep. I'd imagine we will want the good food options and a solid casino attached, but we will probably be all over the place while we are there.
  14. Yeah, it's definitely the latter. The wife is having a pretty stressful year and she really needs to get away for a bit. I suggested we do a trip of some sort as our Christmas gifts this year and it has quickly taken on a life of its own (don't worry, she'll still get some actual gifts on Christmas too). Strangely enough, I mentioned it to some friends we haven't seen since we moved away from Boston last summer and now it sounds like they're going to join us.
  15. The wife and I are planning a trip to Vegas, probably in February. We're probably looking for a middle of the pack place to stay when it comes to prices. I'm sure many of you have plenty of experiences with the area. Are there certain hotels we should definitely check out or avoid? I'd imagine we'll wind up staying on the strip so we're closer to everything. We've never been there before, so we have no experience with those hotels. Thanks in advance.
  16. Again? That implies he was ever off the stuff.
  17. What exactly would be a case of someone going at the legs of a defenseless receiver? The only thing I can think of is one where they jump up to catch a high pass.
  18. What if it's George Zimmerman or one of his fellow white Hispanics? There's more trouble brewing.
  19. When are leagues going to realize how stupid fan voting is? Actually, a better question might be when they will realize how pointless the all star game itself is.
  20. I can't think of anything a team needs less than a 3 foot tall grinder. We still have one year left with him too.
  21. Of course it isn't a concern to the GMs. Their only motivation is winning. The media is the one who wants the game to be watchable, so obviously they are worried about a lack of scoring. It's the people above the GMs, the one who make the money who should and most likely do care about the scoring.
  22. I hope not. He should not be seen until the very second they decide to go with his iconic moment.
  23. Except that the wolf was in there alone with the town's doctor. No matter how badass Carol is, even she has to realize the value of someone with medical training.
  24. I'd love to know why he didn't kill anyone. I'd imagine that a gunshot would attract walkers, but is he even aware of the chaos outside? If he is, ok, it makes sense. He can't overpower 4 people. And was I the only one hoping that Tara/Rosita would quickly shoot him in the head when he had the knife to her throat?
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