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Everything posted by shrader

  1. He does it for everyone? My mom always told me I was special and I actually believed it.
  2. IR requires a player to be out for 7 days, so dressing an extra d-man isn't necessarily an indictment of the Rochester roster. If a guy like Larsson or Zemgus is only going to be out a day or two, they'd be forced to keep them out of the lineup for the whole week if they wanted to bring someone up. Just about the only way around that I could think of is if you free up a roster spot by sending McCabe down for a day. There's no way that's happening.
  3. So many names in that one. It's hard to keep track of all the money moving around there. Ottawa's cheap, so they need to be getting a lot in return for taking on that Phaneuf contract.
  4. My paycheck was apparently setup incorrectly when I started my current job back in late 2014. It's not pretty.
  5. Kilgrave was awesome, just a genuinely creepy villain. He immediately jumped right up near the top of the list of most interesting villains in the Marvel universe. This is really the only format where the villains are going to be allowed to shine. We get to dive into their character for so much more time than the movies allow.
  6. We are headed to Vegas on friday so I figured that I'd bump this in hopes of getting some last second suggestions for things to check out.
  7. Who was the kid that would post reviews of movies like the Smurfs, thinking anyone else actually cared about them?
  8. I'll be very curious to see how the draft goes this year. If they wind up in the top 3, one of those giant Finns would be very intriguing, with a line that could physically dominate. I'd rather see a more NHL ready presence on his wing, but I'm not quite sure where that would come from.
  9. If it actually went up when he had the stick that would be far too early for a penalty shot.
  10. I can't find highlights right now for some reason. I'd love to see when the ref's hand went up.
  11. I can't say I've seen many calls worse than that one
  12. It needs a neutral option because on a lot of the questions, I just didn't care. I wound up at (-0.75, -2.26). I was hoping for 0,0.
  13. Yesterday I got floor tickets for the Raleigh Pearl Jam show in April.
  14. Maybe it's just the color on my monitor, but the arm of the girl on the right looks like it was photoshopped using Paint.
  15. http://www.baseball-reference.com/players/s/sandbry01.shtml
  16. Does that RB Christine Michael count? -You realize that's a girl's name, right? -No, it's pronounced "Kristen". -Yeah, still a girl's name.
  17. I've got a neighbor who is in management there and obviously he swears by those points. I'd love to know what kind of perks he gets through the job. His wife was talking about paying 60 cents per gallon recently.
  18. Apparently the Tennessee winners announced it on the Today Show this morning before even reaching out to the lottery commission. The last thing I'd want to do if I won was to immediately become an attention whore. I'm also not flying halfway across the country with my ticket to do so. Even if there is some level of public announcement required with winning, I'm trying to minimize that as much as possible. Instead, these people have every scammer in the world already forming a line.
  19. Do they actually mention Robin Hood? There's a movie that pretty much disappeared off of the face of the earth after around 1993 or so.
  20. Even my wife who sucks at math caught that one right away when we saw it yesterday. I hope people track down this Philipe Andolini guy and see what other gems he has to offer. I guess I can at least feel better about the people on my facebook list though. The image only showed up because of people commenting about it being wrong.
  21. So if 13 of you each put in $5 and a ticket costs $2, who's the lucky guy who got a candy bar with that extra dollar?
  22. I'll grab a single ticket later today if I get the chance. It at least give me reason to go through all of the fun "what if" scenarios in my mind.
  23. The "one player per team" rule really waters down these rosters quickly. Now that they're doing this divisional format and an 11 player roster, that only allows for 3 additional players on the Atlantic division roster. Mix that with fan voting, the requirements for a specific number at each position within a division and there's essentially zero space left over. I really wish leagues would finally start to phase out these games completely. They really have no point at all anymore now that we have such access to all teams in the league. Just go college style with an all pro/all american style list of players and be done with it. That will carry more weight in a contract negotiation than a meaningless list like this.
  24. There's too much back story of how Ben got to where he is now. It'll be fleshed out in some form. Maybe that winds up being in cartoon form again? I never bothered with any of those shows, but I suppose they could get someone else to voice the character. I have no idea if they did the same with the post-episode 3 cartoons.
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