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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I was a little confused by the whole "I've never killed anyone before" thing from Glenn. Did he seriously not kill anyone during the escape from Terminus or any firefight with the Governor? If it was specifically a cold blooded murder thing, has anyone other than Carol or Rick done that?
  2. And it will never be clearcut anymore. Any attack from Negan's group is a response to this raid. Yeah they're brutal (those pictures of Lucile's dirty work), but they may not have gone after Rick's group if they had met under different circumstances.
  3. I know who secretly planted the explosives in the building.
  4. He needs to work on his lines a little bit, but give him some time and I bet he turns into Samuel Jackson in Pulp Fiction. It's amazing how quickly this show can redeem/ruin a character if they really want to. They've finally made Gabriel interesting, but at the same time, they're kind of ruining Carol. She was the original amazing character reinvention. I'm guessing she and Abe aren't long for this world though. It seems like when they start destroying a character, they're dead shortly after (Tyreese).
  5. Did anything ever happen with the whole match fixing scandal that broke out last year? I'd imagine tennis would be far more concerned about that.
  6. It's nice to know that they won. I've hit the point where I turn a game off once OT ends. The shoot outs ruin everything for me. 3-on-3 is a blast, but then it hits a wall with an absolutely horrible, slow ending. Reinhart still needs 2 more. But to expand on this one a bit, just take a look at the top 5 in scoring on this team. 25, 19, 21, 20, and 24 years old. The numbers aren't so great, but there's a lot of growth to be had among that group. Now if a secondary guy like Girgensons could get back to where he should be (if he sticks around), there's a world of potential there.
  7. The utility manpurse does seem more useful than the belt.
  8. For me, it all comes down to Bill Murray. I don't think anyone can come anywhere close to what Venkman was to the original. Hell, the cast as a whole is impossible to measure up to. They would have been better off somehow twisting it to an original title instead.
  9. It's from 2009, but the first paragraph in this statement from the NHL is pretty telling.
  10. I don't see why it matters how it is scored. Ultimately, these kids' scores will be judged relative to others who took the same test, graded the same way. They're not going to compare a new 1400 to your 1400 20 years ago.
  11. He needs to be careful with some of that McGinn stuff though. Saying that they have interest in him moving forward could be interpreted as tampering. I know he has this "I don't care" aura around him, but he will care if they start taking picks away.
  12. Is that the nerdy guy supplying the drugs? He was my initial thought. That guy's definitely going to cause them trouble at some point.
  13. What a pass from Reinhart
  14. So it's strictly about negotiating rights and there's no different price. Why would a team ever bother with the non-exclusive version? I suppose it leaves them open for a shot at compensation, but it's rare the another team would even flirt with that chance.
  15. What exactly is the difference between the exclusive and non-exclusive tag. I know non-exclusive means that the player can negotiate with another team, but does the team have to pay even more if they go with the exclusive tag?
  16. I did forget about him. We haven't seen much of him so far over these three episodes.We'll see if that changes (and Heath too, now that I mention it).
  17. It's amazing how quickly Alexandria has become nothing but red shirts. We know the names of maybe 4 of them at this point: Spencer, Denise, Heath, and Enid. We can name almost as many Hilltop people already (granted, they're very fresh in our memory).
  18. For some reason, I thought he died years ago.
  19. There's 5 left.
  20. iPhone. Teller was telling us to remove the case and if we couldn't get it, he'd have to move on. That didn't make much sense to me at first, but now it does with the phone swap. With all the different colors they have on iPhones now though, I wonder if the dummy phone was even the same color. I don't have the eye for that kind of stuff.
  21. I kind of wish they were just to see the reaction when the league doesn't screw over Toronto for their tank.
  22. For the trick, they were taping a video on the phone that would give us a little souvenir that shows how the trick was done. Essentially, they swapped out the phone at some point, which is why they were looking for a specific phone. Look up cellfish on YouTube. A ton of people have posted their videos.
  23. No, at the very start of the show they had everyone hold up their cell phones and then they picked her. It's not completely random though, if you want to put it that way. They never said it but they were looking for a specific type of phone.
  24. Is it the Kings who are known for having a pretty funny Twitter account? That one was a bit lame.
  25. They're all family, at least the one's who have been on the road together for most of the series. Glenn's speech to Enid in the first one said as much. But those three (oh wait, four... forgot about the baby) are on a whole other level of family, kind of like Glenn/Maggie.
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