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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Has anyone else from his group been identified? I’m. It sure if I’ve seen more than one other person in the videos I’ve seen, but that may be the so called adult supervision you’re mentioning.
  2. He may have mentioned race and he may not have. It's tough to tell from that selectively edited quote. We're judging the book after reading only the last chapter, that's what we do all the time in this cell phone video world. We really need to train more people to have the initial reaction of "well what happened before they started filming". Sadly there's no ratings in that line of thinking. We need immediate gratification.
  3. I hope they never follow-up Joker. That movie was perfect as a standalone.
  4. It's odd though. With all those stories and source material, they keep going back to an early in his career Batman. Snyder was really the only one who didn't. He planted a ton of easter eggs for what could have been a very different version of Batman than we've seen in movies. We've never seen any of the rest of the bat family in anything but the campy versions. If they really want something different, particularly with these darker takes, they need to bring Jason Todd to the big screen. That will shake people from the "same old story" line of thinking.
  5. The time travel in the story is along the lines of Back to the Future. Flash goes back in time and stops his mom from being killed. That ripples through time, changing a ton of things. One big one is that Bruce Wayne is killed instead of his parents and Thomas becomes Batman. They can't do that here since Wayne has to be at least 20 years older than Flash in the movies. So they'll just do the multiple universe thing instead. There probably will only be one Batman at a time, so Affleck and Keaton won't both be in the same scene.
  6. That picture makes it look like you lured that one in with a steak. If you keep doing that I'll show up outside your window. These pictures are making me very seriously consider putting a feeder outside my home office window. A couple neighbors are drawing a ton of hummingbirds so that may be a good option.
  7. Time travel and parallel universes. The original story actually runs with Thomas Wayne instead, which could have been different and fun.
  8. That one isn't actually a Batman movie, it's the Flash. The story they're adapting there (Flashpoint) does have some really fun Batman stuff in it, but they can't do it justice. Apparently both Keaton and Affleck are signed on for that one.
  9. There wasn't a whole lot of concern for the kid from any of the women involved in that video. Even the mother seemed a bit more interested in getting her viral moment instead of looking out for the kid. Sending the kid after them instead of getting the hat yourself? But hey, gotta keep filming.
  10. You probably mentioned it earlier but I missed it. What kind of setup do you have to take these pictures?
  11. Fortunately the next two games in Toronto ended in regulation. After those first two, I was worried that they'd never finish any series being played up there.
  12. I've never really understood the reasoning for hiding stuff on the inside of the jersey. What's next, the fight strap is pink?
  13. Did the team throw in the pants too?
  14. My mom has one stored away in her closet. I really need to claim that thing at some point. It's probably way too small for me since the original owner (her uncle) was almost a foot shorter than me. But hey, it would still be a cool item to have on a wall or something.
  15. I never liked it from the start when it was only one team, but the three team lottery is a complete travesty. Every year they've done it, there's been at least one big jump in the lottery order. Hell, the Rags have done it now two years in a row. The teams that desperately need the elite picks are being leapfrogged each year. It will be fun to hear all of the "it's fixed" talk fire up after this one because right as they're in a mini-rebuild, the Rags are handed two elite prospects.
  16. There's a bit of a Dana Carvey look there.
  17. My guess is that someone dropped a flaming rag into her bud light and she didn't have time to stop and think before getting rid of it. I can't count the number of times that's happened to me.
  18. I don't know exactly how this talk with the media played out, but did Marcel ask for specific examples? If you have the chance to ask that follow-up, you should be doing it face to face instead of on twitter. Maybe he did, I don't know.
  19. I was down the street from a gas line explosion a year or two ago that leveled an entire building. I can't even imagine what it was like for anyone within a visible distance of this explosion. Those videos are downright chilling.
  20. I saw an odd one this weekend. An elderly woman returned to her car in the handicap spot. After moving stuff into her car, she looked for where the cart area was, saw it, then decided to wheel her cart over and leave it in the middle of a large area intended for unloading of vans with wheel chair ramps built in. The odd part, the spot she chose was actually further away than the cart area. I'm not really sure what the thought process was there.
  21. That's not exactly new. Most of the Bills' o-line were wearing those things 30 years ago.
  22. Ever post on TSW? We can count that as one word, right?
  23. I'm not so sure the carriers themselves ever look at the names. That would need to be filtered out before it even gets to them. Yours did remind me of one thing that drives me mad. My neighborhood has a central mail kiosk. For whatever reason, if there is ever mail for an address that doesn't exist, my mailbox winds up being the dumping ground for it. Whether that's a sorting issue or a lazy carrier, I don't know.
  24. 49? I would have guessed that he was in his early 20s when he started out on Mythbusters.
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