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Everything posted by shrader

  1. My wife picked up Trainwreck at a redbox this past weekend. My god, what an appropriate title for that movie. How on earth was that one so positively received?
  2. In my town, the charge for the sewer is identical to the water charge. So basically they're assuming that every drop of water that comes out of your faucets goes back into the sewer. It's a total sham. Most of the year, that's fine, but in the summer when watering the lawn they make a killing. It wouldn't be billed that way if I had a separate water meter connected to the hoses, but they charge crazy permit fees to have that installed. I'm sure it doesn't compare to rates out that in CA, but man, this past summer's bills were not fun (new lot, new sod).
  3. That was all I could think when seeing it, tire spikes... or he's got some nasty gophers in that garden where he needed the soaker.
  4. This stuff was everywhere you looked though. I'm sure there were some who were unaware, but for those people, Negan couldn't have seemed like a threat at all a couple weeks ago. They were plowing through his people with ease. Pair that up with week's of "uh oh, big bad Negan" on talking dead clips and I wonder how confusing it had to be for those who were unaware.
  5. Problem is, I do t think you can do a character like superman without a lot of it. Some may think that will ultimately hurt the superhero movie trend, but I don't think so. I do wish they'd go more towards the cartoon route with all of this stuff though. They can do anything they want there. DC had some really good stuff over the years and I wouldn't mind seeing more of that instead.
  6. Lost in everything with the ending, I forgot to comment on the Morgan/Carol stuff. I've hated where this whole story has been going, but I really liked the twist there. All along I figured Morgan's view would get him and others killed. Instead, he kills the savior to save Carol. Great change there. It instantly changes my view of him. But then again, since they're so loyal to following the comics line per line, I guess none of this actually happened.
  7. It really was the mid season finale all over again. I suppose it wasn't as awkward as that one, but it wasn't good. Ending your season with a teaser (season 2 with Muchonne showing up and the prison off on the horizon) is so much better. I don't see the whole Lucille thing catching people's interest and watching more. It only serves to irritate.
  8. I'm right there with you. The whole thing is very awkward
  9. And even saying that they were careful won't stop people from dissecting the whole scene. Even the audio doesn't mean much of anything. Since they distorted that, it's like any of that sound didn't really happen at all. They can change the group reaction at will when they do decide to film the actual scene since we heard absolutely nothing. Any of those slowed down clips could be nothing more than random noises they threw in to have some fun (well that and the human brain can make you think you heard whatever you want to hear). I'd have to go back and watch it again, but I seem to remember them switching from person to person in their point of view of Negan standing in front of them, to really give a roulette feel to the whole thing. The only people you could even consider ruling out (other than worthless Aaron) would be whoever is on the left end if Negan walked from the person's left before introducing them to Lucille. I don't remember how he approached the final person. And speaking of the Tara/Heath run, I really wish we could get a map of where all of this is happening. Which way did they head off so that they avoided Survivors (if they did)? Which direction is the Hilltop? Which direction are the Saviors? And that other group? Given what happened last night, I have a hard time seeing any of these groups moving around without Negan knowing it. I seem to remember Morgan saying that Carol went off in the opposite direction from the Saviors, but then again, she did run into one of their trucks on the road. Just about the only direction where I assume none of these other groups come from is the South.
  10. That's just the people out there in the woods at that moment though. They have to have some back protecting their home too. Either way, they've got a major numbers advantage over Alexandria.
  11. The funny thing about Detroit is that the only reason their streak is still alive is because they got bumped to the east.
  12. I get the feeling that Gus won't be a Buffalo sports name for much longer.
  13. Well if it's any consolation to you, whichever team gets in will get steamrolled by the Craps. Actually though, part of me wants to see both get in. The Detroit streak needs to end. I just don't see the continuity from that team stacked with HoFers, even with Datsyuk and Zetterberg there.
  14. We can't let those Marlies think they have a chance of beating us in the future. They need to know their role very early in their careers.
  15. His look definitely wasn't what I was expecting. I'll throw spoilers on this one for people who haven't seen it yet:
  16. There are three games left. The losses would mean next to nothing at this point. They cannot drop any further in the standings than they are right now. They're tied with Arizona, one point behind Montreal, and 4 behind Ottawa. Those are the only positions in play at this point (ok, if I'm including Ottawa, I should also include the longshot possibility of Calgary making up their 5 point gap). So really at this point, a couple wins probably bumps them up one slot in the draft.
  17. I'm surprised there hasn't been a break down yet based on where everyone was lined up and which way Negan approached from before he swung. I figured that would happen within seconds. Anyway, it's absolutely hilarious that Aaron was even there. They've got every single pre-Terminus person there (minus Carol), and then Aaron. The whole world knows he's not the dead one, that would be the ultimate cop out. As for it being Glenn, that would make the cliff hanger that much worse. Most are expecting him, so if you were going to go that route, just show it and be done. Some may call all of the stuff they've done foreshadowing, other could just call it messing with the comic readers' heads. That was Carl with the carved gun, wasn't it? I'm pretty sure that was the same gun that Negan took back from him during the lineup.
  18. Just with the style of the fighting anyway, far more brutal than anything before. He's out there to hurt people. As for introducing characters, they'll do that in some way with the non-big 2. Wonder Woman, Flash, Aquaman, and Cyborg will get an introduction of some sort.
  19. I get the complaints. It's not for everyone. I personally had no problem with it. My main thought walking out though was that I can't wait for the solo batman movie. That ass kicking was right out of the Arkham video games. It's going to be a very different version of the character than we've ever seen on the big screen.
  20. Lame lame lame lame lame. The whole thing was awesome but then they had to do that. Edit: If I'm Negan, I'm killing Abe. Dude never flinched during the whole thing. I want that guy out of the picture. The whole "taking it like a champ" thing would fit him perfectly.
  21. How many of you have actually seen the movie? This whole thing is bordering on obsession.
  22. If only I had included a link that explained the whole thing...
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