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Everything posted by shrader

  1. So in other words he pretty much losing nothing by missing the games, at least in the eyes of the court. Why would they care if he actually gets to play in a game or not? He's not some 20-something playing for his next contract so it doesn't matter one bit to his bank account if he misses games or not. A stay seems kind of pointless. If by some chance down the line he actually wins on an appeal, they could just give him back his game checks and he hasn't really lost anything at all.
  2. Someone covered the stick figure man and woman on the restrooms here in my office with the artist symbol. I have no idea if it's a statement about the law here in NC, but it seems odd.
  3. It's going to be odd when the Islanders win a division they're not even in.
  4. The full list of most popular names is great... Usain Boat
  5. Clearly you weren't paying attention earlier in the thread. Luthor knew Kent is Superman because Jimmy Kimmel told him.
  6. After reading through that list, I can't wait for this month to be over.
  7. It's probably going to have to be the Joker, isn't it? I hope it's from before all the Superman stuff and explores the Jason Todd stuff they hinted at in the trailer and movie. If they're serious about this R rating stuff, it could be a good one for that.
  8. I'd have to go back and watch Breaking Bad, but did Mike ever kill a so called "innocent"? The only time I even remember him killing was when he had to save the asian guy who was being held in a warehouse (I forget what that guy's role was). I always think of him more as the cleaner when he was first introduced as opposed to a killer. It's been a while though, so I don't remember many specifics. The first thing that comes to mind with the whole good samaritan thing though was the kid at the train robbery. He comes across as the kind of guy who will do whatever he has to, but still has that honor code of not involving "civilians" (or whatever you want to call them). That much is retained up until the end.
  9. I kind of want to dig up that topic from last week about Greg Norman.
  10. I've always wondered how people know all these character's names.
  11. And he's still only 26, even though it feels like he's been here since the Reagan administration. If his head is ok, he's a highly skilled player who should be right near his prime.
  12. It's amazing how much the actress playing the female rebel leader looks like the one from the original movies. I couldn't tell you a thing about that character, but for whatever reason, I recognized her immediately.
  13. I don't understand how Ennis can look like both a teenager and a 40-something at the same exact time.
  14. Clearly the guy who runs the Philly twitter is a Walking Dead writer dropping yet another hint that it was Glenn.
  15. I've never had a Creed in my office, or at least I hope not. None, no one who killed a guy and took his place.
  16. Did you cut and paste that, 4mer? It's amazingly accurate.
  17. He left her tied to a chair with dead Milton (I think that was his name) in the room. She wasn't able to free herself before he bit her.
  18. The boss at the bank that Kim was trying to take with her to her new firm, am I just remembering him from previous episodes or did he have a Breaking Bad role?
  19. That line at the end is exactly why they wind up being polarized, they are aimed at a very specific demographic. When that's what you are, there's going to be so many more of the people who don't like or get it. If that's what you want to be, that's fine, but it will never be for everyone.
  20. I see that the Sabres signed another ex-BU guy in Matt Lane (local kid) to a deal with Rochester. They sure have been picking up a lot of those guys in the last two years.
  21. And it's still happening even after Lou left. Hopefully it's just a a few remnants left from his days and the product will change over the next few years.
  22. The writer is particularly harsh with Norman. #1 golfer in the world, 2 major titles. I'd gladly be called a choker if I had that resume.
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