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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I think this is actually a pretty common problem, especially in the lower bowl. I've sat there in around 10 different NHL arenas. I don't remember an exact count, but the majority of them were very cramped (I'm 6'2, so not exactly a giant). When my 5 foot tall wife complains about the lack of leg room, you know it's an issue (PNC Arena in Raleigh). They're just like planes, cramming as many seats in there as possible, comfort be damned.
  2. I'll admit that I didn't read it. If I'm looking for info on where a college free agent is going to sign, I'm not turning to the Buffalo News. So when I saw that link, I knew it wouldn't have anything worthwhile to it. I won't claim to have massive inside sources on all of this stuff as I've kind of drifted away from my friends who are well versed in the behind the scenes stuff in college and US junior hockey, but I did ask one or two people. It seems to be pretty quiet around the Vessey. The hometown team quote is just about the only thing out there right now. And let's face it, a comment like that isn't exactly the most shocking thing in the world.
  3. When asked specifically about them at a Harvard event. That's a far cry from expecting him to run off a list of teams.
  4. He's a smart kid. If he mentions any teams, they immediately get accused of tampering. He as a player can say whatever he wants, but its best to avoid it for as long as his rights belong to Nashville.
  5. I never realized it until just now, but the lack of Canadians at the top of the draft rankings this year is pretty interesting. The pair of Finns and Matthews are pretty well established at this point, but it actually goes even further than that. Am I reading this right when I only see 2 Canadians in the top 10? Obviously things will get shuffled around a bit, but I don't remember ever seeing anything like this (and all in the same year where Canada doesn't make the playoffs). It is going to take at least 4-5 picks before they get one. The only thing that even comes to mind immediately was the year Kane and JVR went 1-2. I'm scanning through drafts right now, but I bet I won't find any where it took longer than 2 picks to get a Canadian off the board. edit: Oh yeah, the Ovechkin/Malkin 1-2 combo. editX2: I think i found a technicality. Dany Heatley was born in Germany, then his family moved back to Canada early in his life. So if you count him as German, it took 5 picks for a Canadian to be drafted in 2000, Raffi Torres. I don't think it should count though. Ok, now I'm done after finding this one. Back in 1999, a Canadian didn't go until the 6th pick (Brian Finley), a very euro heavy draft.
  6. The story seemed a bit tougher to follow over the course of this season. It's almost like they tried to do a little too much in one season. I spread out my viewing a bit more than I would have liked, so that could have played a role too. All I know is that down the stretch run of the season, I couldn't stop thinking about how much I want to see the Punisher series once they get to work on that.
  7. Wait, what? Did I miss something or did you miss a word there? And I didn't even realize that Apocalypse comes out this month until I read this thread. I'm very interested in it, but it's amazing how easily it has been lost in the hype for Civil War.
  8. That's the deadline for him to sign with Nashville. He becomes a free agent if/when he doesn't do that.
  9. I finally finished Daredevil this weekend. Now I need to get going on the newest season of House of Cards. I did get up to the first major twist of that season, so I'm curious to see where they go from there.
  10. Does that timeline fit in well for Antman? I suppose his movie could have taken place prior to all of that, but with Falcon being at a Shield facility, it at least feels like it too place after Ultron.
  11. How thin would the field be with that rule? You just threw away a decent portion of the class. This year was a bit of a special case with a handful of guys making an early leap to a significant role, but it's not always going to be like that. With a cutoff of 21, you're punishing what has always been the classic route of NHL development, spending a handful of years in the minors learning the game. If you don't want to call those older guys rookies, you may as well throw away their restriction for entry level contracts. How's that for one hell of a can of worms.
  12. Kane cleared his previous personal best by 18 points. Panarin more than likely played a big part in that. Panarin had a better season than any other rookie this year and is the clear choice for the award. It will be fun though to see where McDavid and Eichel are once they hit 24. The ceiling is certainly much higher for them, but 2015-16 was Panarin's year.
  13. Sure, she picks up the $140 bill and you paid for the two happy meals.
  14. Seriously though, what are they spending on? I suppose I'm living in the wrong market where I don't see buildings and billboards plastered with the stuff, but I can't think of any other ways where they are going to run up the tab that much. What type of marketing is so costly (other than maybe a superbowl ad) where they're going to be spending that much?
  15. And then they changed the rule. They'll never be able to prevent someone from winning based on playing in a league like the KHL because they don't want to acknowledge those leagues as being on the same level as the NHL. Any idea to disqualify anyone with prior pro experience screws over the guy who puts in his work at the AHL level.
  16. How is it even possible to spend over a billion making and marketing a movie? The better be implanting trailers into our brains at that price tag.
  17. If you're not first, you're last. Panarin should run away with the Calder voting, so I don't care one bit who the other two finalists are. I know some might say that he's too old, but rules are rules and Panarin should be the clear winner of the award.
  18. It's nice to finally be at a point where we are looking for complementary players instead of the ones who are going to be your top guys. They probably need a high end d-man (good luck finding that), but other than that, it feels like the first time in ages where there is a solid core in place. I'll be very curious to see what he has up his plans, but at the same time, I'm hoping he doesn't ship too many prospects off. That feeder system needs to remain in place to retain the kind of cheap depth that wins championships. I'm left with the same exact question I had before.
  19. I can't picture a guy like him getting anything more than a 2 year deal. That kind of player is never going to spark up a bidding war. I'm surprised every time I see him mentioned as any kind of priority.
  20. People seem so quick to label these trolls as sexist. I'd be willing to bet that the majority of these people are serial line crossers with their comments. If you're throwing these comments out there at just about anything, you've gone well beyond sexist and you're just a horrible person as a whole (give that whatever label you want).
  21. How many people actually bothered to watch those episodes on the plane? I DVRed most of the season, so I fastforwarded right through them after the first 2 or 3. I had no interest spreading out a 1 or 2 hour story over the course of 8 weeks.
  22. Many of you will be shocked to learn this, but there is actually someone holding a sign in that first picture.
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