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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Maybe I'm blurring the timeline of what came out first, but wasn't that updated klingon look from TNG already used in the movies? I'm picturing Christopher Lloyd in my mind right now.
  2. -Burgers tonight -haircut tomorrow (nothing but the biggest plans for me) -neighborhood party sunday -recovery monday
  3. It kind of struck me today when I heard about this that the ketchup thing seems to be about age and sex. Every ketchup on a hot dog person I know is either a kid or a woman. I'm sure there are some others out there, but I wonder if there's a bit of a dividing line there.
  4. I'm solely behind Nick Bonino. I still have visions of the 2009 frozen four in my head.
  5. Were you hoping for them to kill of Daniel? He may have been the only one on the show who needed to stay alive as long as possible.
  6. I'll give them credit with Chris. He was complete dead weight most of the way, but now he's somewhat interesting.
  7. I have no problem with where they went with those three. Honestly, I've pretty much forgotten about the last few things with Strand because they seem to be mostly in the background. The focus of the episode felt to me like it was mainly on Daniel and that flopped completely. I do like what they did with Madison though, and even Travis. They both are focused on protecting their kid(s), which like I said earlier was something completely forgotten about with Daniel. Hell, even with trying to explain Daniel's backstory, they even failed at that. He shot some random guy floating in a river bank when he was a kid. I don't have a clue what that was.
  8. And all of this happens right while they reach a place where they can relax for a few seconds. It was definitely their safest situation since all hell broke loose, even with the caged in walkers.
  9. Feel free to call it a spoiler just in case anyone cares. Speaking of Mystique, I see that Nightcrawler is in this one. Was there any mentioning of his parents?
  10. That and he was so protective of his daughter the whole time, now he suddenly forgets about her completely. The whole thing makes no sense.
  11. I'm with you on this one. I'm guessing its because of releasing the movie so close to Civil War (which I hope to finally see this week), and maybe even Batman/Superman. It gets lost in the shuffle. It also looks like there's a ton of new characters but still focuses on the least interesting carry over from the first two movies, Mystique. She should not be the lead in any X-Men movie, but they wound up with Lawrence right before her career took off, so they have to run with it. And it's funny that you mention how good McAvoy and Fassbender have been for the roles, because they haven't been used at all in the trailers.
  12. Yeah, they had the announcement a few months back, but I haven't heard anything since. I hope things are moving forward there.
  13. I'm surprised to see two different people saying that Daniel could still be alive. He was straddling the line of fire. He's gone. He "found" his wife and joined her. That whole thing was such a waste. He's the one guy with an interesting enough background that would really work well in this setting, but they threw it away.
  14. I used to go to a gym in the Boston area where the Celtics dance team would practice. It was hilarious to watch that place completely shutdown when they were there. The studio they used was pretty much in a room in the middle of the weight room with a bunch of windows. Guys would be sitting on all the benches, lifting at about a quarter of the normal pace because they were too distracted.
  15. Bring on the NC store! I'm sure that's still a long way off though.
  16. I'm glad you bumped this because I was about to go searching for it. This show is just too damn confusing for me. It was decent at the start of this season but it came completely off the tracks in the last 2-3 episodes with the Mexico stuff. They just took the best character they had and made him lose his mind and kill himself over the course of two episodes. Just plain stupid. And then there's the Johnny Depp wannabe Nick. I couldn't stand him in the first season, but he's come along nicely this season... but then he takes a complete 180 (my wife always calls it a 360, then I have to point out to her that this means you're still headed in the same direction) and is a waste again. Mexico was a complete waste. Hopefully it gets better because I'd imagine they're stuck there.
  17. Can they really tie in all that much given that Wolverine is going to be decades further into the future than the rest of the X-Men series? I also wonder if they'll ever be able to tie in Deadpool given that all of these movies are all over the place in time.
  18. That was his first ever movie? I'd make some witty remark, but I don't remember a thing about his character.
  19. Yeah, but you missed what happened after they went off the air. Let's just say the intern was regretting his choice of shoes that day.
  20. This drives me crazy. Of all the people it had to be him? I just don't see how he is still a draw.
  21. If saying stuff could get him fired, he would have been gone ages ago. He's made a living out of getting away with stupid things, both as a GM and now in the media.
  22. We've got a guy who routinely takes work calls while in a stall. Maybe it makes me a dick, but I go out of my way to flush a toilet or two when that guy is in there. I have a strict no talking rule, but this one violates that in every way imaginable.
  23. I just started it recently. Right now it's what I turn to when nothing else comes to mind. It hasn't really clicked with me yet, but I'm at the very early episodes still.
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