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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I have no interest in the movie, but I do like hearing stuff like that. I know these studios are almost always motivated by the almighty dollar and want to make movies with broad appeal, but I like that they can throw something out there with a very specific target audience in mind. I don't care in the slightest if no one else likes a movie as long as I do. Warcraft isn't the movie for me, but I'd love to see more movies out there where I am the target viewer.
  2. You better pray to the god of skinny punks that this wind doesn't pick up, because I'll come over there and jam an oar up your ass!
  3. I still have no idea how I feel about the possibility of adding Stamkos, especially due to how it would limit roster flexibility. I don't know how he is as a teammate, but I get the feeling that there really wouldn't be too many chemistry issues there since he's still very young as well. A highly touted 26 year old probably can relate quite a bit to guys like Eichel and Reinhart.
  4. When you’ve gone over something again and again and again and again like I have, certain questions get answered, others spring up. The mind plays tricks on you. You play tricks back. it’s like you’re unraveling a big cable knit sweater that someone keeps knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting!
  5. I'm sure many shows fall victim to it if you think about them more, but I always feel like that show is suffering from stereotype overload.
  6. Taro, I I have a hard time ever placing the blame on a single guys shoulders, especially while saying a team is so much more than just him. He won't go down as one of the all time greats, but I'm sure he will sneak into the HoF eventually.
  7. And does it count as a hit when you cover a Bowie song and it winds up getting a ton of air time over the years?
  8. And by the end of the season, O'Connell was sent packing and Sinden lost all power. That string of success was fully on Chiarelli's shoulders. It does make you wonder how much more they may have been able to do if they had Thornton or a better return for him. Call me crazy, but I think the Sharks would take the return they got any day. Sure, they haven't won anything, but they've been a perennial power for ten years now and the franchise is going to end up with their first hall of famer. I know most seem to push the Stanley Cup or nothing attitude, but I'd love to have the ten year stretch they've had. I'm probably one of few who enjoyed the hell out of our 2006-2007 season and I don't look back at any of that as a failure.
  9. Well there's the problem. They worried about the fans and Thornton and didn't actually worry about their return instead.
  10. I love how the offseason is now interesting with this team. Some are big moves, others not so much, but Murray has definitely added some intrigue to the whole process. Each year he has pulled together some deals you never would have expected. We know what holes need to be filled with this team, now it's time to sit back and see how he goes about it this time.
  11. And on that note, it's officially time for the "Sabres and NHL 2016-2017" thread.
  12. I was mostly off the grid this weekend so I've seen very little coverage of this so far. I'm most curious about his father right now. I get the feeling the shooter was exposed to that propaganda at home most of his life. I know this is pretty much a master of the obvious type comment, but the feds are going to be keeping a very close eye on that guy for a while. It's pure speculation, but I'm willing to bet that he knew this was coming.
  13. I'm sure there are a few out there who have no interest letting the board know they are women. It doesn't impact the discussions one bit.
  14. Did Europe have anything other than the final countdown?
  15. And Derringer did the Hulk Hogan theme too. That right there is the stuff of legends.
  16. What I meant so say is that I wonder where the storyline progresses from here to get it to Infinity War. This is the first time in a while where there was no hinting towards that at all. This one set up solo films in Spiderman and the Black Panther (not so sure that one can be a solo film at this point). I'd imagine that those two don't do much to push it towards Infinity War either. That'll be saved for Guardians and Thor. And I'm not quite sure on their release date timeline, but Black Panther would probably fall right around where you put Guardians.
  17. Last summer, Jurassic World felt like the sequel that no one really wanted to see made, but it wound up being a huge surprise. I don't see the same happening with Independence Day this year. I just don't get a good feeling from the trailers. And speaking of those, one thing really bugs me about some of the story presented there. So in the 20 years since the first one, the aliens have developed much more advanced technology so that they can re-attack. Why didn't the same thing happen during the even longer period of time between the area 51 crash and the first movie? Yeah, I know, there's no movie without it, but it just seems dumb to me. And I almost never focus on stuff like this.
  18. I was really hoping the punches were thrown in the free sample line. That would be perfect for the typical costco experience.
  19. I've been saying it for years. I want this team to be in a place where they've got converted centers on the wing. We had it back in 2006 and we're getting close now. Injuries happen so when a center or two go down, you can just switch back one of those guys for a few games or even a couple of shifts. When you have that instead of a guy like Jochen Hecht as an emergency center, that's the kind of depth that is going to take you places.
  20. I didn't realize that this was an immediate reaction to Pawtucket announcing a free brady night. This makes it that much more hilarious. Anyone complaining about what either team is doing doesn't understand minor league baseball. I wish I could go as I'm sure there's going to be a ton of craziness that night.
  21. And it was the same place where Worf was rescued by the federation years later
  22. And Tim Murray will do what he thinks is best.
  23. I finally got around to seeing Civil War yesterday. It was well done as usual for them. In my mind that was was what Avengers 2 should have been. I didn't think much of them doing a Black Panther movie, but this one made me look forward to that. It was also a rare case where they actually handled the character overload really well. The airport scene highlighted everyone really well. I just wonder where they go from here. I know Strange is next, but where does the all encompassing story go now?
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