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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Why were you there multiple times, parents not telling you something?
  2. I'll be sure to evaluate the toilet seats to see if the are ball-safe.
  3. I'm not going to rant about that movie. I'm just not interested in it and won't see it. I'm sure I'll each it someday when it is on free tv, but that's it. Star Trek will probably be the only one I see this month. I'm kind of curious to see how much of a role Chekov has, because I can't really remember a single scene with hm n the last one. I wonder if they just leave out the character in the future instead of recasting
  4. I will be in Ogunquit this weekend, renting a beach house for a week with in-laws (shoot me). I'll chime in with some thoughts when I have free time.
  5. It almost feels like it could be an AHL move, a bit of a head scratcher. Do they really go with Ulmark and Kasdorf in Rochester or do they let on start in the ECHL?
  6. Do they really have a different helmet for each jersey? That seems a bit overboard to me. If I had my choice, I'd drop the black uniforms all together and stick with the helmet with the letters on it.
  7. The extra pick or two they could have added in the deal sure would have helped with that roster re-balance though. If nothing else, it could have been trade fodder in their search for another defenseman.
  8. Toy Story 4? Why can't they just leave it where they did? That would be a great ending to the whole series.
  9. And the coach will be fired long before Subban gets to the end of his contract. Hell, I think they'll still be paying Weber after half their current players are retired.
  10. I understand that Montreal had some cap issues with Subban's contract, but exchanging that for a little over $1 million in savings but taking on that 85 year contract that Weber has doesn't make much sense to me.
  11. I know they're starting to throw around the tag of "one for one deal", but there has to be something more going to Edmonton. This one would be the real life version of the "Crosby for Hodgson" rumors that young fans like think are possible. I know Larsson was very highly regarded coming into his draft, but he hasn't come close to living up to it yet. I can just picture Shero throwing that offer out there as a conversation starter and then dropping the phone when Chiarelli accepted it. TSN has a breaking news story at the top of their website saying that Stamkos is staying with Tampa.
  12. It's not so much that they stay over there after being drafted. The more common occurrence is them playing for a few years and then heading back. It might not be very common, but it happens much more with them than with anyone else. What's Gordie going to do, head back to Saskatoon after his ELC expires?
  13. I'm still trying to figure out why an anti-Russian bias would be a bad thing. The flight risk to the KHL is a very legitimate thing. It's always going to be risk/reward with those players. The reward of a proven NHL defender in Kulikov is far more worth it compared to a young prospect or draft eligible player who has proven nothing yet. Now if an Ovechkin level player is there at your draft slot, you sure as hell are taking that guy.
  14. Strangely enough that pick is looking pretty good for Ottawa so far. White had a hell of a season at BC. But yeah, you don't think twice about that deal. No matter what he turns out to be it was still one huge crap shoot.
  15. I'm really torn on the whole thing. I worry about those long term cap ramifications, but it sure would be a fun 2 years, seeing how the kids would play with someone like that on the roster. Still, I'd much rather the money went towards someone on the blue line and another secondary scorer. Good luck finding that defenseman though.
  16. Is there any movie they don't advertise for out there? It's always going to be like that. Your typical movie goer sees a movie because they want to. Critics see it because they have to.
  17. The thing about Panera that drives me crazy is that all you typically see is the name of the sandwich, but the menu board doesn't actually say what is in it. Maybe they've changed that recently, but I always feel like I'm rolling the dice if I order something I haven't had before. Now onto Chic-fil-a. Maybe I've ordered the wrong sandwich in the past, but I don't yet get all the love for that place. Is it all about the fried chicken sandwich there? I always lean towards grilled, so maybe that's where I went wrong. It was fine, but nothing special. And the waffle fries are not my style. I didn't get a chance to hit the grocery store this weekend, so this thread is going to wind up being my inspiration for lunch today. Someone woo me.
  18. You nailed it right there. The offseason hasn't even started yet. It seems that most people were expecting a draft weekend just like last year's (how often do you see a team add their top two scorers on the same day?). It's not always going to be like that. My guess is they kick the can on the whole Stamkos thing and then things spiral from there. I'm not usually crazy about going all in on one target and then reacting from there, but this one is a special case. There's a ton of money involved around this one, a lot of dominoes falling all over the place after he signs with someone. You either sink a lot of cap space into Stamkos, or you miss out and then have a lot of money to spend in other places.
  19. Nashville was ready to sign him and give him top six minutes in the playoffs. That's says it all right there.
  20. The turtles are from after your time. It really is that simple. We all have shows we can say the same thing about.
  21. My heart hurts just thinking about that paper bag you can see through.
  22. They're tied. The only reason Wendy's is listed below is because of alphabetical order.
  23. Wait, you want to sit on Johnny's testicles?
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