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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I have both. I don't know if I'm looking in the wrong places, but the regular shorts seem to be a bit shorter most of the time and don't come down close enough to my knees. The cargos seem to consistently be the right length for me.
  2. I was terrified that my weekend house guest who was flying back home yesterday was on a delta flight. I may have driven off a cliff if I had to deal with that one more day.
  3. She looked better in some of the old picture they were showing than she does today. That's as much credit as I'm willing to give.
  4. I had to look up the cast for that movie. I didn't think it was possible for him to do a move without Michael Caine.
  5. And he did it with a par on the last hole too. So he's on the last hole pretty much knowing he's got a 58 in the bag. It must be kind of depressing though shooting that in the final round and only winding up tied for 5th.
  6. I'm not so sure I believe that the selection process is random at this point. I have lived in three different states and in all three I have been summoned within 6 months of becoming eligible. Each time I wound up on a jury too. That part's just dumb luck, but the rest makes me wonder. I'll never understand those stories from 50 or 60 somethings about never being called once seeing as how they're practically beating down my door to get me to come in. The first time (Buffalo), I was 19 years old and wound up on a 2 week long trial, which also just happened to be the last two weeks of my summer before heading back to college. I figured there was no way they'd want a 19 year old on a jury, but was so wrong. During the selection process, they sat everyone in alphabetical order, started with the As, and asked all their questions. The kid sitting directly in front of me was dismissed the second he said he was heading back to college at the end of the next week. But since they were running low on people by the time they got to me, that same exact reason didn't fly for me and I was kept. It was a civil trial about wrongful dismissal and a battle over stock options. Two weeks of that and it was the most boring time ever. Even worse, once it was done and it went into deliberation, they immediately dismissed me since I was going back to school. Talk about a huge slap in the face. To this day, I still have no idea how it ended (I assume the sleezeball who was suing lost). So I've been a bit poisoned by the process since that one. The second was a better experience. This one was in Boston. There was no selection process here. They took 10 or 11 people out of the room randomly and put us on a criminal trial. Once the prosecutor finished the opening statements, there was a brief discussion with the judge and the lawyers. We were then immediately dismissed because the prosecutor had said something he wasn't supposed to. So that 4 or so hour day was so much better than the first one. My third was just a few months ago here in Raleigh. They randomly picked 40 or so people for the selection process. They wound up with their full group of 10 and I thought I was clear. But then they said they had to randomly select an alternate and I knew I was screwed. This one was a civil trial where the ex-wife was suing the current wife for "alienation of affection", which apparently NC is one of very few states where that complaint can even be made anymore (judge told us as much after it was done). It was a really screwy situation where the guy wound up marrying his secretary. I'm convinced they were screwing around long before the divorce, but there was no proof. Really, it was a case where both sides seemed like scum and I didn't want to see either get anything. This one went on 4 or 5 days. Even after it went to deliberation, I couldn't leave yet because apparently, had they decided in the favor of the plaintiff, there would have been a second level of damages that we would have had to go over. It was quick though and they chose to dismiss the charges. That last one was kind of a crazy case where the lawyers didn't ask me any questions at all before keeping me. If they had, I'm sure I would have been dismissed. As the trial got underway and they got into the current wife's background, it all hit close to home for me. She had moved to NC from Boston just like I had. Then they mentioned her maiden name and where she grew up. My sister-in-law had the same last name and was from the same town. It wound up being pure coincidence, but I couldn't help but wonder about it for that first day.
  7. What would that be exactly? I won't consider it advice, but I'm a big fan of throwing the phone in a wood chipper.
  8. It certainly was a click bait headline. Such a disappointing article, we were all hoping for your version of the story
  9. Did you read the story? Nothing in it actually suggests that she plays the game.
  10. I'm with you 100%. We're seriously offended by someone being wished a happy birthday?
  11. Last month Time Warner bumped my bill up about $15 per month without warning. I was amazed how quickly I got the price back down with the old "I'm going to sign on with someone else" game. It took about 2 minutes at most. They quickly moved it back to about a dollar less than it was before. Someday I'll actually try to see how far they are willing to drop the price before actually agreeing.
  12. I'm with you on that. The selection is fairly limited so far, but I'd put Jessica Jones as their best TV work so far. Kingpin was a really good villain, but Kilgrave was a million times better.
  13. I wonder what Walter Koenig is up to. Have him reprise the role. I haven't seen it yet, but I'm wonder about two things that might qualify as spoilers: 1. Is Checkov used much in the movie? 2. Any mention of old Spock?
  14. I know next to nothing about the character (and Iron Fist too), but I'm very much looking forward to it too. I was thinking about this on the drive into work this morning when I heard a brief mentioning of these movies on the radio and it really sums up the DC vs. Marvel movies perfectly. As the movies are about to come out, I want to like the DC ones, but I expect to like the Marvel ones. They've earned that with the solid work they've put out over and over. And speaking of the one thing that DC does do right, they're doing a one night only showing of the Killing Joke in theaters tonight. I may check that one out. It's going to be a chance to hear Mark Hamill have a hell of a lot of fun with a twisted storyline.
  15. All I can think visually when I see that Strange trailer is Inception.
  16. Do they have a timeline for the Netflix shows? I know it's much further down the road, but I can't wait until they start up the Punisher.
  17. I was wondering what they'd do for a trailer given that they can't really show any of the eight or so on their knees. So basically, that entire trailer boiled down to one thing, Shiva.
  18. I thought I was the only one who was annoyed when people add an s to a word like anyway.
  19. So basically what you're trying to say is that if the situation had been completely different, it may have ended differently?
  20. I wish they'd just make new characters instead of recasting old ones.
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