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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I have no love for the fans in that area, but you could not be any more wrong with that statement. Keep in mind that Minnesota is the only state that has produced more NHL players.
  2. That's actually where I went today. I'll be buying from them if I can't get the dealership to replace them. But I have no idea how a Hyundai dealership can put improper tires on a Hyundai car. I think they're going to have to take care of me. I e got all the paperwork from the sale to prove that they did in fact put these tires on my car.
  3. Last year I had my tires replaced at the local Hyundai dealership (yes, I know doing this at the dealership is dumb). I wound up with a nail in the tire in January and got it patched. Fast forward to this week and the patch is failing. So I took it into a tire place today for a replacement, only to find out that the dealer put four tire on my car that were below the required specs. The load index on these tires is too low so the tire place would not sell me one or two replacements, which I fully understand. So I need to head into that Hyundai dealership tomorrow and put up a fight to have them all replaced. Do I stand a chance here with this? From what Ive been reading, their screwup actually opens them up to liability issues. They never told me a thing about any of this, not that even that would excuse them.
  4. It goes beyond that though. Not only did he play locally, but he was also a local kid. There's absolutely no way a serious hockey fan in Boston wouldn't know who he is.
  5. I'd be tempted to blame his mom for making the whole thing public. Then again, I'm not really sure why a 32 year old needs to come up with a fake story for his mom about how he spent his night.
  6. I can't imagine anyone other than delusional fans expecting him to put up those numbers. Front offices can't be expecting that. In what was one of the stronger crops in recent mind, last year's rookie class only had 3 guys top the 50 point mark (granted that doesn't include injured McDavid). At some point people are going to realize that point production has decreased significantly across the board. He is not, and never has been a center.
  7. And is this the kind of thing that it takes sources to report now? It's almost the equivalent of saying "player X will either make it in the NHL or he won't". Thanks there captain obvious. If I ever need to know whether or not tomorrow will come, I'll need to hear from those sources.
  8. I hope the report has far more substance because even if it was credit cards, it seems plausible that someone would leave one or two in their room before heading out or to be given a card by someone else after being robbed. This info would probably be easy enough to track down if they want to back up the report. Maybe it has been done, I just don't know what the source is.
  9. I have no clue what the hell is going on, but what exactly is the point of the report in bold? Is it that crazy to think that he got a new wallet?
  10. They say the agent told them he wants to play closer to home. If that's the case, Chicago would have to be crossed off the list too. If he winds up there, that agent kind of looks like an ass for the blatant lie. I suppose that's the job of the agent though, better to make yourself look like an ass instead of the player.
  11. Suicide Squad is right up my alley. I'll go see it just to see if they do justice to the Harley Quinn character. I'll probably save that one though until I can get my brother out to the theater too.
  12. I have to decide between Star Trek and Suicide Squad on Friday. I'm not sure if Star Trek will still be getting many showings at that point, but that is my first priority.
  13. And unfortunately, he will eventually be forgotten. That's just the way things go. I'd bet that a good number of Sabre fans today have no idea who the Knox brothers were. This stadium naming was going to happen some day, so at least it goes to a locally based company and will bring some money to the area. Their names will live on through the countless donations they made over the year and, to me, that's the most important part.
  14. That was just the language he used to transition the story. He's definitely playing the tough guy act in his story, but from his description there, I don't get the impression the he said a single word.
  15. Was he in the crazy Scientology movie?
  16. Forest Whitaker looks really strange with that hair.
  17. It seems like there's one every other year or so. Two more come to mind for me, Justin Schultz turning down the Ducks and Blake Wheeler bailing on the Coyotes. Each of these guys goes against my earlier post about late bloomers, so I'll flat out admit I was wrong with that one. Those late bloomers are the guys who tend to wind up as undrafted free agents (brain fart). It's tough to really pin down a connection between each of these guys as the situations are a bit different for each. I'd be curious to see if there was any overlap between their "family advisors", aka agents. Really though, if I try to look at this from unbiased eyes, I'd say that if you've actually gone long enough that you can become a free agent, you'd be crazy not to. Not very many are going to have the choice of where they start their NHL career.
  18. I'd like to add a third competitor into the field, Ditka.
  19. But can he run across that pool faster than Phelps?
  20. There really is no refusal to report here since he was never under a contract. It's not going to be common though. Most of these higher level college guys tend to leave early. It really works best for everyone. The teams get their guy into the system and the player gets out of the restricted entry level contracts sooner. The guys who are more likely to go this free agency route are the late bloomers.
  21. I would have guessed he was much older. It seems like he was there forever.
  22. I don't know. This new guy at work is giving them all a run for their money today. He's got these pink dress pants on with white dots. They're super wrinkly, so that combination makes them look like pajama pants.
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