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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Nice move by the guy. It's just a shame that we've gotten to a place where this story even has to be written. This type of action should be the norm and not a newsworthy outlier.
  2. I think you should work on making the mods the borg. You've got enough tech knowledge to make that happen, right?
  3. Does Time have a special Onion division? The strategic syrup reserve?
  4. My brother gave me a box set of Mel Brooks movies for Christmas and I just haven't found the time to actually sit down and watch them. I know which two I'll go out of my way for by the end of the week.
  5. Yeah, I'd say just about the same thing too. Each week, it feels like I'm waiting for something to happen, but then it never does. Splitting everyone up was also a huge mistake. We're not invested in these characters yet and now there's not going not going to be enough time to develop them with three separate storylines running at the same time. This idea worked well for the one season post-prison in the original series because we knew most of the characters very well at that point and you could actually see their growth. I don't know if people responded to it the same way, but I absolutely loved that stretch where they were all separate and slowly being funneled towards Terminus.
  6. You kids go check out the hotel to make sure it's clear. Us adults will sit around and get wasted.
  7. In my house it's called shrader day. We'll be having a neighborhood get together on sunday at my house. More than likely, that means I'll be suffering through a headache most of shrader day, then the wife and I will head out somewhere for a birthday dinner.
  8. Guy creates a cult based on a lie. We've seen this story play out a million times in the real world. And I don't mean that to sound like I'm calling the show unoriginal. It may be the most realistic thing they've done so far.
  9. The load ratio thing was my fault. That was the number that initially stuck in my head so I was mentioning it here. But anyway... Checkmate. It's amazing how quickly things move once you get the phone number for the owner's secretary. This is one of those automotive groups that owns a bunch of dealerships. One phone call to corporate and they quickly handed me over to her. So we're all set now. The only money leaving my wallet is when I have my mechanic check it out to make sure they didn't screw anything up. Edit: and no, I'm not AWD
  10. My system came with the most recent COD and I've never even touched it.
  11. I think it's fair to question the move but I'm also not going to bury the guy for it
  12. I've been focusing on the load index but they also low balled me on the aspect ratio, which seems to be a bigger deal. I talked to my mechanic about it today (found this place 6 or so months after I bought the tires). Once he saw how different the tires were from the door label, he said I absolutely shouldn't have to pay a dime. The aspect ratio can apparently mess with the gas mileage, so he was giving me little lines like "hey, didn't VW have some kind of gas mileage issue" to throw out there randomly. He essentially told me that they screwed this one up royally. I did talk sit down for a face to face with the service manager today and he refused to budge even after the threat of taking it higher up the ladder. He said there was no safety issue whatsoever, even though tire centers beg to differ. So the second I walked out, I got on the phone and filed the complaint with Hyundai. Obviously that's going to take a couple days, but we'll see where this goes.
  13. If you played any of the Batman Arkham games on the PS3, you kind of have to finish the series. They made some odd choices in Arkham Knight, but as a whole, it's a fun game. I'm fairly new to the PS4 world too and so far I've only played that and just started Metal Gear Solid V.
  14. Yeah, if I can ever get this manager to actually talk to me I'm going to spell it out very simply for him. Either you so right by me or I'm taking this higher. I need to research a bit what higher would be, but that's my plan. Having me in unsafe tires for a year and then expecting me to pay anything to replace them is ridiculous. I know the tires are useless to them now, but that's not my problem.
  15. So their initial offer is 50% off, which is exactly what the dealer in my neighborhood told me to expect. They also want me to pay to have them put on and the balancing and all of that, which seems like a bit of a slap in the face. Time to decide how far I want to take this.
  16. Don't show this to my wife as I'm trying to sort out a tire issue.
  17. This reminds me of what was probably the lowest moment I saw from their fans while I lived out there. The year that Auerbach died, Sabres-Bruins was the very first event in the arena after he died. They did a moment of silence for him before the game. Seconds into it, some idiot yells out Buffalo sucks, which was followed up by some other random chatter. So they couldn't even come close to making it through a moment of silence for one of their town's sport icons.
  18. Thanks. I'll keep that in mind. I'm willing to give this guy the chance to respond first, but I have no problem going higher up the ladder if he blows me off. The clock is ticking though because I feel like I should have heard back by now.
  19. Yeah, I found that on my door. What I don't see is the load index, which on your tire picture is the 86 in the "86W". Maybe it's on the sticker, specifically with the maximum weight allowed, but I don't know the exact conversion for that. And actually, now that I look at my sticker again, they actually came in below one other number, the aspect ratio. On your linked sticker, that's the 40 in the "205/40". I don't know if they are required to match that number though, as Costco yesterday specifically mentioned the load index.
  20. Forgive me if it's already been mentioned here because I didn't read every post. I think it's kind of interesting that the rumors were of the Hayes family telling him not to play in Boston and now he winds up on the same team as Kevin Hayes. It seems like we should have been aware of this option much earlier.
  21. A guy in my neighborhood essentially runs a dealership. I don't know him well, but I asked him about it and he pretty much suggested what you're saying. He didn't flat out say it, but he hinted at the negative reviews really stinging the place. We'll see how it goes. I was just there about an hour ago, but the service manager wasn't in so I'm playing the waiting game now to hear from him. The guy I did talk to was, forgive the pun, really spinning his tires trying to come up with an explanation. He's the one who actually sold them to me a year ago, so it's his head on the line here. There's really nothing for them to hide behind here. I have the tire paper work direct from them which lists the tire specs and I watched as he pulled up the required specs on his computer. I'd love it if it came down to your scenario. I'd take that and run.
  22. I get the impression they will be thinning the herd pretty quickly. I was kind of hoping Nick was going to die last night, but it seems like they want to run with this new community a bit. Some of the others are not long for this world.
  23. They get distracted by something while eating and then leave. That's all I've got.
  24. How dumb were those two guys killed by Nick's herd? Let's stand on the ground and be overtaken instead of just hopping back in the jeep and fleeing. Also, let's fire with this revolver instead of the rifles in the car. They always have to throw in me mentally of pure stupidity into these shows in order to get a cool visual.
  25. I looked up the required specs and the specs of the tires on the car. They are too low. If I can google the required tire specs (I'm told they're also displayed on the car somewhere), there's no way they should be able to screw that up. They are the same brand that has been on the car since the day I bought it, kumho. As for the patch/plug, failing is my own word here. It has a slow leak. As it turns out, the place that did it (a local mechanic shop) did it in that no go zone on the tire. I'd imagine that the crazy heat we've had down here doesn't help. That's not really important here though as the real issue came before them. I was at Costco for the tires yesterday and everything they said matches up. I've got the original paper work on the tires and they are definitely below the specs.
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