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Everything posted by shrader

  1. As bad as that kid was, the actress who plays Daniel's daughter (why do I always forget her name) was hilarious in a crazy as hell kind of way.
  2. Well at least they're going to be bringing everyone back together. I think I said it earlier, but the characters on this show aren't developed enough to have them split up in four different places. Well, three of the four storylines seem to be ready to come back together anyway. What's her face will probably be killed off while she goes to find her father. There doesn't seem to be any obvious way of bringing that story back in with the main one. On another note, I don't usually watch much of it, especially with Fear, but I stuck around for a bit more of Talking Dead last night. That kid they had on was so incredibly stupid. Where the hell do they find these people. When finding people for a one hour discussion show, you probably should find someone who can string together a complete sentence.
  3. I can't blame one side more than the other. Ignoring the kneel down at the end of the half, the defense forced one fumble and two punts. Other than that, every single drive produced points. Time of possession is going to impact that a bit, but that is a very consistent lack of results from the D drive after drive.
  4. Too bad that one cut off before the part where they were trying to figure out how to make it happen
  5. I was speaking specifically of the Marvel shows since there's a ton of continuity between the production teams. How is it with a lot of these other shows, is there a lot of overlap in terms of production or are most made by completely different people?
  6. There's a Bills fan joke in there somewhere.
  7. I was struggling at the start of the episode and I knew I wasn't going to make it through. I closed my eyes during a commercial break and the next thing I knew, the Daily Show was on. The episode seemed fine from what I remember, I just had no gas in the tank last night. Thank god for the DVR. I'll be curious to see what the one random thing that recurs throughout the whole season is (ie. Randy is Lord).
  8. Weren't the Raiders in dead last in these rankings in recent years? What brought on their spike, just the possibility of relocation?
  9. Ummm, spoiler? If they're actually doing that, it seems like a very long time to wait until suddenly mentioning them again. When would that even air, late winter/early spring?
  10. If they've been stuck in there the whole time, they may not know that any dead person will turn. So they may think they had a chance to save her before she died. That's who she is! I was trying to figure out why she looked familiar.
  11. I just watched it last night and I agree with all of you. That was a much better episode, the first good one of this season. I still don't care much about any of the colonia stuff, but there's a lot of potential at the hotel. It should be interesting when the mother of the bride snaps.
  12. That's pretty much exactly my point. How on earth can any conclusion be drawn from that? The kid was making a very late season transition from ECAC hockey to the NHL and was also coming off an injury. We may as well judge this forum as a whole after reading a single post from 4mer.
  13. This deli near the office at my previous job had the best spicy mustard I've ever had. They made a damn good sandwich too. One day, I got back to my office and sat down to eat the sandwich. They had screwed up my order and used mayo instead of mustard. I had to throw the thing out immediately. I can't stand mayo, but then to find it in place of that awesome mustard? It still makes me cringe.
  14. I don't expect much of Kasdorf, but this statement is ridiculous. He's been a pro for 30 seconds. Give him his full season in the A before you say anything about his career.
  15. You beat me to it. It's a well known fact that fire cannot travel underneath a dumpster.
  16. I'm still looking for a good explanation for why they killed off Daniel. Maybe they've got something interesting planned based on that with his daughter, but it seems like they may have written her off now too.
  17. I know absolutely nothing of the character other than his introduction in Jessica Jones. That said, I'll be glued to the couch watching the entire thing. Their Netflix shows have been pure gold.
  18. I turned this on late and only caught the very last question for Hillary and then all of Trump. Was the lighting really bad throughout the whole thing? I noticed pretty quickly that Trump's face was so red that I thought he was furious. But then I started to notice the same thing with a few in the crowd asking questions so I assumed it was the lights.
  19. When you are listening, they should talk football. When you are not listening, they are free to talk about whatever they want. Is that the basic point here?
  20. The one thing the Panera I've been to with a kiosk had going for it is that there must have been about 15 of those screens. Even with a line, that will allow for a bit of browsing. If that's what places are doing, it should pretty much cancel out my original post. Now if only places with those mix your own Coke flavor machines could actually get more than one of them in the building. That's when the real innovation will happen.
  21. I love the contrast in fighting styles between the Punisher and Daredevil. Both are brutal, aiming to take someone out as quickly as possible. Very similar really, except one's method is to kill immediately, the other won't. That prison one was an eye opener and really goes to show how different Marvel's tv is from their movies.
  22. I don't know if everyone is like this, but the first couple times I've found myself using those kiosks, I find myself exploring the menus to see exactly how much customization I can make or checking out what exactly is in certain sandwiches. I haven't been in there (Panera) at peak business hours, but I can imagine that slowing things down. It'll pass with time though.
  23. The last sentence from that Aikman quote is a thing of beauty. I think you could publish that single line as an entire article in a paper and it would win awards.
  24. I enjoyed suicide squad. They pretty much focused on Lawton, Harley, and Flag, and to me, that worked. One thing just didn't seem right with Harley though. Maybe I can't get the cartoon/video game versions out of my head, but she seemed to have an accent at some points and then not have it later.
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