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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Yeah, the cliff hanger was a dumb move. Everything about that episode last night had season finale written all over it. That new beginning stuff was crap. I did something I don't do much and I sat through all of Talking Dead last night. It was one big eulogy. They weren't talking about a new start for the show, they were talking about what these characters meant to the show. They should have shown it last year. But whatever, we're all caught up now and we've got 7 episodes left to see where the fun goes. On another note, has a character ever had better last words than Abe? Ok, it wasn't his most creative, but I'll give him a pass given the state of his head.
  2. He was asleep through all of it, but these were my dad's last Sabres and Bills games and I choose to believe that they kicked ass for him.
  3. My DVR cut out with about 10 minutes left in the game. Fortunately it was right as they scored the 4th goal and the game was clearly over. Too bad, I could have used some positives after the long day I had.
  4. So you're saying that Matthews won't score 328 goals this year while the rest of the team scores 0?
  5. I love that even though they've been doing one long drawn out story across the full season in recent years, they are still able to work in stuff like the "it's just locker room talk" line with just a couple days notice.
  6. They really need to rename that injury. High ankle sprain sounds so tame, like something you recover from overnight. Maybe something like high ankle explosion or even just plain old death would be more appropriate given the response from the fans. It sucks in the short term, but we'll get plenty of hockey out of him for years to come. I'm most curious to see if Reinhart can further establish himself now. As for Matthews, the way things go with so many rookies, I wouldn't be surprised if he wound up with about 15 goals all season. The road is always so bumpy for these teenagers.
  7. Do they really need "A Star Wars Story" in the title? I think the title is perfect without it. Everyone already knows exactly what the movie is.
  8. A doctor I work with said something along the lines of "we don't like to diagnose over the phone". That feels appropriate here. I can't help but wonder about any of these doctors who go out of their way to publicly diagnose from afar.
  9. If he was the only one maybe, but there's clearly a game being played by some agents right now.
  10. It's kind of. Rely watching the news and it's a bunch of stories of massive flooding in my brother/parents' neck of the woods. My dad may have chosen the right week to be hospitalized.
  11. Is there any tv that doesn't have at least some form of the "smart" stuff now? I've been shopping around for a 60 inch lately and I don't remember seeing a single one without it. I'll be hooked up to a PS4, so I don't really care about all those bells and whistles.
  12. At least the Sabres were a local team for that game. For this one, I'm amazed they didn't wind up with any of Chicago/Detroit/Minnesota.
  13. I didn't catch much of it, but did they ever explain why they chose these two teams for that game?
  14. So can my neighborhood still have our hurricane drinking party this weekend?
  15. What the deal with all these hurricanes reaching the northeast coast in recent years? It seems like there's been 1 a year for 4 or 5 years in a row now.
  16. I enjoyed those last two hours. Travis snapping was long overdue. This awakened Travis should be a much better character moving forward. This show has a weird way of breaking off the most interesting character from the group though. First it was killing off Daniel and now they have Strand off on his own. He can't last long at the hotel with them hating him and also their doctor gone. Where the hell was Ophelia going anyway? I assumed she wanted to find and put down her father, but instead she's near the border. Maybe it's just the truck breaking down that ruined her plan, but the whole thing isn't very clear right now. I do find it funny though that even with the zombie apocalypse, the vigilante border patrol agents have decided to take it to a whole new level.
  17. The biggest villain in the walking dead so far... Texans
  18. Don't get your hopes up. It doesn't seem like he'll be in the movie much. He'll probably get the same treatment as the emperor in the empire strikes back.
  19. Which is funny because every time I've seen someone type "K Williams" or "KW" in this thread, I've read it as Kyle Williams.
  20. Travis kills Chris, then kills himself. For whatever reason, up until this week, I was expecting them both to die. I'll spoiler tag it just in case people don't watch the trailers for the upcoming season: Edit: And I could see Travis putting him down after he threatens Madison or the girl again.
  21. I watched it last night. I don't know how they're going to get there, but at some point Travis will have to put Chris down. This whole story has to be headed in that direction. The only other option I'll consider is that Chris somehow winds up killing Travis. My guess is he's holed up somewhere while the other two are scouting the hotel. And speaking of Chris, he's got a minor role in Agents of Shield right now, so that may be biasing my thought that he'll be killed shortly. It's kind of like Heath in the main show, except that role is much bigger than the one for the actor who plays Chris.
  22. It's hard to believe that one day after he died, he's the second most talked about death in the sports world. It hasn't been a good couple months for the legends, first Gordie Howe and now Palmer.
  23. My brother is in town with his family for the weekend for a wedding. They went to camp today and I'm getting text after text with pictures of my 6 year old nephew with random players. It sounds like the team is very welcoming to the fans for all of this.
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