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Everything posted by shrader

  1. It's only been two back to back episodes though. We had the Kingdom episode in between those and the premiere. Maybe I'm remembering it wrong, but last week's felt like it was more about Daryl/Dwight than anything else. I can see why people aren't crazy about it though. There is a definite change in tone here. They need this though if they're going to develop some story and advance the upcoming war.
  2. I bet Heath only appears again as a corpse.
  3. I know it's such a cliche, but with that attitude, he really does have to leave. The message in his quotes there is that it can't be fixed. So at that point, you're just willingly subjecting yourself to the so called oppression. Why?
  4. I'll spoiler tag it since I'm talking about the previews for next week's episode. I don't think it's really a spoiler, but I'll play it safe anyway:
  5. Safe bet. I'm not really sure how he knew it was a rocket launcher though. I don't know a thing about them and how much evidence of the rocket would be left behind.
  6. I'm with you on Lehner. I never understood that one from day one. As for Kane, I'm willing to give him the same "wait until Eichel comes back" benefit of doubt in giving to others.
  7. He'd have no way of knowing that she was one of those two though. There were, what, four women in the lineup?
  8. Except there's still so many more Saviors left back at the Sanctuary. Sure, they'd take out Negan, but the group hasn't seen enough to know where their leadership structure goes beyond Negan. That and Negan showed up early, which cancels out any opportunity they had to setup an ambush.
  9. I wish they would put out a fake map of where all these places are. It doesn't seem to take too long to get from Alexandria to the Sanctuary or even the Hilltop, yet just a few weeks ago in their timeline, they had no idea the other places existed. I don't really care if they're real places or not, I'm just curious about the distance from one to the other.
  10. They've focused almost completely on scoring forwards in the draft though. It's the defensive pipeline that we should be pointing at. He really hasn't traded much away from that slot other than Braydon McNabb, but he also hasn't added to it in any form. We're now sitting and praying that a long shot in Guhle pans out because we have absolutely no one at the pro level ready to step up. Murray is going to need to address this soon, because it's going to bite them in the ass very quickly. You can't build up depth at D when your only moves are a pair of player for player swaps at the position (Myers-Bogosian, Pysyk-Kulikov).
  11. Obviously it's way too early to judge, but the deal doesn't seem to be doing much of anything for either team right now.
  12. Foligno has definitely been fun to watch lately. Now if only he (and everyone else) could start scoring some goals.
  13. I'm starting to regret that I unfollowed pretty much anyone on facebook who was posting any of the political stuff from either extreme. I'm not seeing much beyond the "won't somebody please thing of the children" posts so far. I may need to figure out how to undo that move so I can find some entertainment.
  14. Honestly, I missed the goal. But an entire game goes well beyond just a single play. I now I'm over-simplifying it, but I have two takeaways from the whole thing, one's good and one's bad. With this diminished AHL roster, they only gave up a single goal. At the same time, that same roster only put up a single goal. As guys get healthy and return to the roster, the team should get better on both sides of the puck and they're going to start putting more pucks in the net. If that defensive structure is there already, this team is going to start winning games.
  15. So they had to make a few minor wording changes here and there, but the vast majority of that story last night had absolutely nothing to do with the election results. The biggest running joke of the whole night was the whole Bill Clinton thing and that worked no matter who won. Hillary recruiting Gerald also worked either way. And speaking of Gerald, that's one character they really haven't done much with over the years, but his little speech to Kyle was priceless. He'll never approach Randy Marsh status, but he's finally somewhat interesting.
  16. Ruth Bader Ginsberg is a celebrity? And am I the only one who doesn't know who half of those people are? Ok, I've seen most of the names, but if they were to walk by me right now, I'd have no clue who they are.
  17. I think that game was about as much as you can ask for from the current lineup. Like I said earlier, that was an AHL roster on the ice last night. Dressing so many guys who should probably never sniff an NHL roster (Schneider, Grant, and Carrier) and guys who aren't ready for that level yet (Baptiste, Nelson), any team should be thrilled when they only allow a single goal. This game is the perfect example of something you said earlier, the team treading water until they can get their top guys back. I can live with a bunch of fake losses right now, it means so much more for the future. And I'm sure some will question my placement of Carrier in the two groupings above. I haven't seen enough yet, but I'm not really sure which of the two categories he falls in.
  18. They can go just about anywhere with this one. I wouldn't be surprised if they just throw away the current storyline completely for one week and go with something off the wall.
  19. I went to see Strange last night but the theater was broken. I did get three free tickets out of the deal though... wait, make that two free tickets since there was no refund
  20. The only way I'd ever do this is with continuous overtime. No points (including the fake winner point they hand out right now) should ever be determined by a skills competition.
  21. I don't think anyone said a single word in my line. Instead, I had fun playing a game of "guess who they're voting for". The guy in front of me wearing the NRA shirt, is that the election equivalent of the claim that you should never wear a shirt from a band at their concert? Or would it be the people wearing american flag shirts? Wait a second, maybe I was that guy. I was wearing my USA hockey hat that I wear all the time.
  22. I had the same thought about his father. I can't get a feeling though for whether they'll expand the character for a while or if he'll just become another red shirt Noah-style.
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