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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I'm not sure what they do at center, but if Deslaurier returning knocks Derek Grant off this roster, I'll be happy. He's just not an NHL player. I know calling out a 4th liner doesn't mean all that much, but I just don't see much of anything from this guy.
  2. Okposo is no slouch either. His skill is so evident out there. I think as time passes and they get used to having everyone out there, he will be the most likely to explode.
  3. She was pregnant when they shot last year's season and then had the kid when it was airing. I remember hearing that on Talking Dead at some point last year. I wonder how long it was between having the baby and then going back to film this episode. The two brief Heath scenes make it very obvious that those were shot first and then she came back at some later point to shoot the rest. I'm surprised that you can't stand her. I don't remember a single thing about the character. They were talking about the humor in the character last night, but I didn't not remember a single bit of that in previous seasons. She's just so damn minor to the show. She's the random guy sitting at a table in that restaurant above Cheers. But then again, that would make Heath the janitor over at Harry's.
  4. And how long has it been since we actually saw her. She's already a very minor character, but then have her completely disappear for something like 8 episodes? I can't imagine too many people cared about this one at all.
  5. I guess they're going to wait and see how 24 does before they decide what to do with Heath. For now, he's been abducted by Jack Bauer.
  6. I bought a new 60 inch tv back in October from Costco. There was something wrong with it so I just returned it this week. I got a new one and with the price drop thanks to their Black Friday prices, I got a sound bar to go with it without spending anything extra. Works for me
  7. I really hope that Vader's limited role in the movie is to show up and kill the wannabe Jedi in like ten seconds.
  8. Someday they'll realize that the all star game doesn't matter. They should let the very few fans who do actually care to have some fun.
  9. I wish they would extend the length of each episode. Instead of dedicating an extra hour to Talking Dead, cut that in half and give the extra 30 minutes to the real show. I realize this has an impact on the production side, but it would be a much better use of the time. As for the thought of not focusing on a single group per episode, I hear you there. The Kingdom seemed pretty interesting and different, but now we've gone almost a month without seeing them.I think if the show was longer like I suggested above, it would make it a lot easier to jump around a bit within the episodes.
  10. I think we need to sit through a bit of character development and wait for the big payoff that will be the war. It's next to impossible to introduce as many new groups and people as they are now without investing a ton of time into it. The whole thing is a bit too ambitious for a show that runs for only 8 single hour blocks, then disappears for a couple months.
  11. I can't tell if they look worse in number form or spelled out. It's shocking how bare the cupboard is right now.
  12. I hope you didn't read it as a jab at you, 26. It was about the laziness that is twitter.
  13. Does the posting of line combinations as numbers only drive anyone else crazy? I know why they have to do it that way, but it's even tougher to figure out when half of the Amerk roster is in there.
  14. The show needs more Jesus. He's the most interesting of the new people so far. Simon could be a fun one too (he even looks like Trevor from GTA5). They have to be playing some sort of head game with the Hilltop and Gregory though. There's no way that they can't piece together the thought that they were in on the ambush of that Savior outpost. I feel like they tried to explain their way around that one though, that it was a separate group of Saviors in charge of dealing with the Hilltop. I'm not sure I buy it though. I'll be curious to see how they wind up tying in the Kingdom, if the Hilltop maybe is aware of them already.
  15. I wore one of those on Halloween this year so I could be this guy. I have no idea how people can wear those things to hockey games. I couldn't see a thing. It was fun yelling at everyone to slow down though. As for the real green man, that should be saved for Charlie Kelly alone.
  16. That and higher profile guys wound up getting hurt in the process. Since that initial wave, Kulikov and Bogosian have gone down and we've traded O'Reilly for Kane.
  17. And it actually goes even further than that. We don't seem to be high on Ennis anymore, but he's one of the guys that would be filling the gap left by Eichel/O'Reilly. Even Deslauriers to some extent... these are actual NHL players that would be filling some of these top line minutes as opposed to the AHLers you mentioned. And then there's the blue line. Who the hell are Taylor Fedun and Justin Falk anyway? They could at least add the "u" to Falk's name and hope it confuses the other team for a few seconds.
  18. I'm it sure I want to see what they do visually when Garrison !@#$s all the memberberries to death
  19. Man, his meniscus must be absolutely destroyed if it's going to take that much time. Scopes usually have a much shorter timeframe than that.
  20. I was thinking the same as well. His power is completely different from everyone else, except for maybe the Scarlet Witch (visually anyway). I'm not sure how anyone can mess with him since he can control time.
  21. It goes beyond that though. Their #2 and #3 defensemen have been replaced by guys who aren't even top pair AHL defensemen. The whole thing is broken. There is absolutely no help waiting in the wings.
  22. I thought his sorcery progressed a little too quickly, but I did enjoy the movie. The CGI is starting to get distracting though. The stuff was amazing at first, but lately as they use it more and more, it looks so fake.
  23. Let's face it, they're the Amerks right now. And as much as it hurts to have your top scorers out, it's still that lack of blueline depth that is going to kill them. Everything starts from there.
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