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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I was really hoping someone would rough up McDavid after he hacked the goalie for the 75th time. If that was Lehner in net, he would have done a bit more than get in McDavid's face like Nilsson did.
  2. How have they not gotten the woman who played zombie #25 in the original Dawn of the Dead? She's the ultimate authority on all things zombie.
  3. No, they were all in the organization to start the season. Pratt was a free agent who they signed after the season had already started. I would have swore there was one other in the last ten years, but maybe I'm thinking of someone from further back.
  4. It's interesting to see a couple different bands with multiple albums within that year or two. That never seems to work out too well for the quality of the music anymore (and by anymore, I mean within the last 15 years or so). I just scanned through a list from 1996 when I started high school. I guess I tend to associate bands with single songs most of the time because there's only one album on the entire list that stuck out to me at all, Pearl Jam's No Code. I've listened to them pretty much non-stop from day 1. From the list, I'm guessing that the biggest seller was the stupid Spice Girl debut, which just makes me angry.
  5. Is it an hour and a half again? They need to make that move full time. There's way too much going on right now to be covered within 8 single hour episodes.
  6. And then there's the two guys outside of the top 6 who are forced to play top 4 roles. That whole blue line situation is crazy. Is there no Nolan Pratt out there to fill the gap (and I'm only half joking when I say that). Someone help me refresh my memory. Was there another defenseman other than Pratt that we signed mid-season within the past 10 or so years?
  7. He's that sarcastic guy who is always taking little jabs at people. Unfortunately the zombie apocalypse killed everyone's sense of humor and they have no idea how to react anymore. In the real world, you just deal with that guy and ignore most of what he says. You really want to punch the guy, but that would never fly. In the Walking Dead world, with all the heightened tension, that "don't punch him" filter is completely gone. Ultimately, you wind up shooting him.
  8. Well it's not totally on Guhle for how long he stays. It's amazing how difficult it actually is to find the specific details of the NHL-CHL agreement.
  9. I can't even tell you the last time I heard the words "sweeps week" or "reruns".
  10. This whole thing reminds me of 2006... except that this current team sucks
  11. Yeah, they lighten him up a bit, but then there's still the part where he's stealing his people's wives and then rubbing it in their faces. I suppose that just makes him human, but that's the one part of his character right now that really throws me off. He's definitely living by a code, but that part doesn't seem to mesh with it.
  12. Where have you guys been talking about these things previously? I've got a neighbor who swears by his. I'd be curious to see what you're cooking.
  13. Even the way Morgan is over-acting the role is cartoonish. It can be grating at times. It was a good one last night though. Other than the multiple wives thing, Negan does seem to run things really well. They've got a good structure there with those rules that would definitely keep things going for a long time if his ego didn't wind up getting in the way. I am 50% more into him right now though. So who let Daryl out, Dwight or the wife?
  14. So 3 centers on the 2nd line and 0 centers on the 4th line? Makes sense.
  15. The Jagr note in there really makes you wonder where his numbers would be if he hadn't left the NHL for three years. He'd be the all time games played leader now, and that's without even factoring in three lockouts and a strike. He needs to come back next year and break Gordie's record (yes, Gordie's got those games in the WHA that aren't counted).
  16. I bought a plush Jack Eichel for my niece and it was delivered here today. Now I kind of want to keep it. She'll never know. Anyway, it never ceases to amaze me how the truly great players wind up scoring so many goals like that game winner. If you just see the highlight, it looks like pure luck. But there is so much that leads you to that very moment. Now Larsson, that one was pure luck.
  17. Thank god November is over and those awful pedo-staches are gone. Foligno I get, by I have no idea how Moulson's wife let him out of the house like that
  18. Now if only I could find a picture of the not-Heath walker. I probably don't want to ruin my crazy moment though.
  19. I know it wasn't his wife. She just reminded me of her and it's a fun ludicrous scenario to play out in my mind.
  20. When will people learn to hold their phone sideways?
  21. Absolutely. Even if you're upgrading your 12th forward, you're still making the team better. Grant isn't an NHL player.
  22. I like to think that she was Morgan's wife because that would make perfect sense. I haven't seen the first episode in a long time, but she is who came to mind after they showed that woman.
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