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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I'd gladly skip taking a shower one day just to say that I never used the same shower twice during the entire month of February. When I saw that number, I figured there' be a bunch of random half baths scattered around, but no, it says each one is full. Crazy.
  2. I don't think that Columbus really belongs in the conversation. They've been on a completely different track for a while now. The last year or two, they were a popular pick for that team that was finally going to break through. For whatever reason, they underachieved last year. Whether it was something as simple as Johansen-Jones deal that shook things up, they were clearly on the right path for a while.
  3. I'm 100% on board with the dead weight comments, specifically Franson. I feel like I'm watching myself skate any time he's out there. I too can be timed on a sundial. The good thing there though is that are definitely free of him after this year. I'm not quite sure on how they move on from Gorges (1 year left) and Bogosian (3 years left, expansion draft?) though. That's going to be key, reshaping that bottom 4. I know your view on Guhle already, but where else do you think the fix is going to come from? It seems like they're going to have to make a hard push for Shattenkirk. Beyond that, it looks like the market is going to be mostly retreads (but still more than just the Falk and Fedun variety). Strangely enough, it looks like Toronto may again be our competition this offseason, this time in the search for some defensemen. They've really only got two under contract for next year. Oh, and one point to that Harrington column that really made no sense to me. He compares the production of Toronto's rookies to that of Fasching/Bailey/Baptiste. You may as well be comparing Crosby to Tyler Ennis. We all know who those Toronto rookies are always going to be compared to and it's not a trio of crap shoot prospects.
  4. I see absolutely no problem with the talent up front on this team, except the need for one more in the top 6. It all falls back on what I've been saying for a while now, the blue line. It doesn't matter what you have up front when you're essentially stuck in a 5-on-3 situation for more than half of the game due to all the dead weight back there. I'm not sold on Toronto's blue line either, but they've found a way to work with that and that all reflects on the coaching.
  5. I'm not willing to go that far. I think it all begins and ends with your last sentence.
  6. I tell her to line up her mirror with the car next to her. She can't handle even that
  7. Probably the funniest thing with my wife's driving is that when it comes to parking, she has no feel whatsoever for the dimensions of her car. She has no clue whether or not she is too close or too far away from the line (the one either in front of the car or behind it). She has taken to using the backup camera to see where exactly that line is and then readjusting the car. It works, but I could save her some effort if she was willing to listen.
  8. I wouldn't know. I miss every single day game. I love how they need to point out which one is Eichel. I would have never guessed.
  9. Every single time my wife asks me a question, she has already assigned an answer to that question in her mind. She will then follow up with that assumed answer even though it wasn't my actual response. It'll go something like this: Wife: Did you stop at the store? Me: No. Wife: What did you buy? Me: I said no. The best is when my answer and the answer she heard sound completely different, something like: Wife: What color was it? Me: Orange Wife: Purple? Me: That doesn't sound anything like what I said Her other big thing, and it happens at least once a day, is when her phone rings (usually her mother). She'll see who it is and say "I really don't want to talk to you right now". She then proceeds to answer the phone every single time. She's then frustrated and ranting about the conversation after it's over. I keep telling her she doesn't have to pick up every damn time but she completely blows off the suggestion.
  10. One Pegula related hockey experience has gone incredibly well. Penn State pulled into the #1 spot in the national poll for the first time ever yesterday. It's amazing how quickly they got there.
  11. I hate those day games. There's nothing worse than randomly checking your phone at around 4 and having that "oh crap, they played already" moment.
  12. I didn't not know if I've ever seen a better opportunity to switch goalies than after the tied goal. I probably would have done it after the second.
  13. How much did she pay to publish one that long?
  14. Thank god for the replay from the trailing angle. The live feed did not do justice to just how wide open that net was. I would have thought that only early season Evander Kane could have missed that net.
  15. Last week I picked up a group of 18 tickets for this friday's game in Carolina. I need to do this more often. Discounted tickets and only a single $10 fee for the entire thing? Sign me up. I'll be the only Sabre fan in the group, but it should be a good time. The others aren't Carolina fans though, so I'm sure I can use Eichel to win them over, especially the kids.
  16. It's a shame they laid that egg against Boston. They'd be on a nice little run without that.
  17. I wish this team could score at even strength half as well as they do on the power play
  18. It nailed my age the first time.
  19. Goaltending is not a problem with this team. They have no reason to add anyone right now.
  20. I finally got to this movie yesterday. Maybe it's comes down to the amount of time on screen, but I thought it was funny that the Tarkin CGI felt so awkward to me yet Leia was fine. Vader's scene was fun, but I didn't get my wish of him showing up and quickly offing the jedi wannabe. As a whole, I enjoyed the movie. I thought it started a bit slowly, but once it got going it was good. It was refreshing to see a one-off movie with zero chance of a sequel, at least for the central people in this single story. I know it's kind of strange to say that when talking about the 8th movie in a franchise, but I couldn't help but think it. Throughout the whole movie, I kept asking myself "isn't that Krennic guy one of the guys that Vader force chokes to death in one of the original movies?". It was driving me crazy at the end as to why I kept thinking that. Then I realized he gets choked out (or a broken neck) by Bane in Dark Knight Rises.
  21. Yes I'd still hate it. Laine did that to himself. Some players are far more aware in that spot than others. So they can jump people for that all they want, I just wish the league would follow up with more than a two minute minor.
  22. I'm just seeing this for the first time. It looked like Laine was knocked out at the moment of contact. Kind of odd. Still, it's a perfect example of something that drives me mad in today's NHL. You throw a perfect clean hit and you have to be immediately jumped by the entire other team. I'm not really sure how that's only a roughing minor there.
  23. I'd say I'm kicking myself for throwing that one out there right before the game, but it has been a constant with Nilsson all year. Still, when it comes to these goalies, I think the broadcast nailed it last night when they said that goalies have not been the problem with this team. Both of these goalies would look a hell of a lot better with a real team in front of them.
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