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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Well they look good now that I turned it on Edit: make that damn good
  2. So what does everyone think so far? I'm finding it hard to get into it so far since we have absolutely no attachment to any of these characters. Maybe Tony will change that, but they really screwed up by going with a completely original cast. And no, having someone be a distant relative of Edgar doesn't count. No one cared about him anyway.
  3. It's hilarious that they tried to hide this with the patriots celebration.
  4. Go spend a few hours with their fans. You'll change your tune quickly
  5. The article speculates on now being able to make side deals related who to take and not take in the expansion draft. That's the kind of thing that doesn't make any sense to me. There's too much uncertainty at this point. It's probably just a case of the writer not thinking too far ahead before putting it to words.
  6. That whole thing just makes my head hurt. The writer suggested that they could already make deals based on the expansion draft. How can they make those deals before a team has actually finalized their protection list? This takes the old "future considerations" clause to the extreme. I can see them trading draft picks for player rights, but not anything expansion draft related until the summer.
  7. Which year was it when the Cheektowaga area got around 7 feet between Christmas Eve and Christmas? I know it was early 2000s. We were leaving my aunt's house in Cheektowaga right around the time that storm started. I almost never remember the specifics of storms if they don't fall on a memorable date like that one.
  8. I love hearing the 77 stories. Meanwhile down here in NC we've had one storm all winter. It knocked out the power for maybe 45 minutes and my d-bag neighbor (from Connecticut) was complaining, calling that the worst case scenario for a winter storm.
  9. I must have missed that diagnosis back in 2015 (just read the story now). My father-in-law lasted for just about that amount of time. That disease sucks beyond belief.
  10. I've never done an all inclusive but it's definitely something the wife and I have constantly been looking into. We haven't found the right time for one yet, but it's definitely on the list. She's done a few in the past and absolutely loves them.
  11. I'd say that to me, this angle looks like the puck never crossed. It looks like it's moving parallel to the line, directly above it. Something feels slightly off with the appearance of that camera angle though, but I can't place what that is.
  12. How is it that there's an MSG logo on that yet I never saw that angle once last night?
  13. They really need to find a way to mount a camera in the crossbar so they can finally be rid of inconclusive replays due to the off center angle of that overhead view. I'm guessing there are concerns with that (and also putting them in the goal posts) about how it would change the way a puck would deflect off the pipe, but in this technological day and age I'm sure they can figure it out. That angle, just like all other camera angles would have its flaws (ie. puck under the goalie like the first reviewed non-goal), but with more angles, you get more thorough reviews. We'd know for sure on the review at the end of the game with a true overhead view inside the net.
  14. Yes, the shoot out brought on a ton of more points awarded over an entire season. The original point in this discussion is pretty much just a matter of semantics, but the extra point is not handed out to the loser. A shoot out is just a tie with an extra point handed to the winner. The overtime loss was fairly rare even during the time where they gave a point to the loser pre-shoot out. As you've just suggested, eliminating the possibility of a tie brought on a hell of a lot more points in the standings.
  15. They're ok with it because the current alignment guarantees another expansion team after Las Vegas, which lines everyone's pockets. It's not a result of the loser effect. It's the shootout (and also 3-on-3 OT) effect. They had the loser point for a while before they instituted the lockout and they never saw standings that looked anything like this. I've said it for a while now, the bonus point is not the one handed to the loser, it's the one handed to the winner. These games are all all ties with one extra point handed out.
  16. That's the exact point where young guys on entry level deals need to start filling out the depth roles in the lineup. Just look at the revolving door of guys you've never heard out who have been filling out the Penguin roster for years while they remain a perennial contender.
  17. Yeah, the one in there with the guy holding his cat and then the floating cat head in the background... clearly staged. I didn't pay too much attention, but that was one where clearly the guy was going for laughs.
  18. I can't see any world where Sam and Jack aren't both extended this summer. Maybe Reinhart looks for some sort of bridge deal, but Eichel is going to get a 7-8 year one immediately.
  19. The guy dunking his wife's pregnant stomach looks like a skinny Rod Farva. On another note, a few of my neighbors decided to do an awkward photoshoot like these as a gag gift for the wives. Don't worry, everyone kept their shirts on. It was matching Christmas sweaters and Santa hats. Someone suggested ones like the giant floating cat heat in the background but we couldn't make that work. The results were pretty hilarious though.
  20. Short seasons. You get to spend a lot more time packaging up good episodes.
  21. It's definitely going to play a role and it's something that's crossed my mind this weekend when it comes to the Kane stuff. I haven't been crazy about the idea of moving him, but I warmed on it a bit yesterday. If they're going to trade for a defenseman, he has to be the most likely candidate for that deal. I don't like weakening the offense, but at the same time, if our farm system is going to replenish any gaps in this lineup, it's not going to be the blue line. There's absolutely nothing there. So if you can find the right defenseman (something I'm very skeptical about), you pull that trigger... but you don't do it until the offseason. Since we only have two blue liners worth protecting, you protect the maximum number of forwards. Without a trade, I don't know where that improved blue line is going to come from. You've got Guhle coming, but they need far more than that. I'm fine with expecting him to fill a 3rd pair role, but what this team still really needs is a 2 or 3 guy back there and good luck finding that. Shattenkirk is the only serious option in free agency and that's not going to happen at the kind of money he's going to command. We're left shopping in the bargain bins again and it's a miracle if you get something better than a 3rd pairing guy there.
  22. What if this whole thing with Toronto is just a flash in the pan and guys fall back down to earth this year? I know people love playing the comparison game, but this whole thing needs to be less about Toronto and more about Buffalo. They need to be their own measuring stick.
  23. How many bonus points do they get when they can build their own kitchen?
  24. I'm not so sure that's out there though. I have no idea how realistic it is, but I think at this point they need to make a serious run at Shattenkirk in the offseason. You'll immediately get a much stronger contribution from your blueline that way.
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