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Everything posted by Spiderweb

  1. Why, because it's worth more than many of our homes?
  2. Here's one better, might you take a hike......
  3. Loggia was great in that piece. Simply great.
  4. Excellent points. Well stated.
  5. ....and you base this off of what? What little playing time he got, he spent picking himself up off the grass as he routinely got his butt handed to him. If Ellis has anything to offer he surely didn't show it. He seemed pretty darned weak and no where near fast enough to be a speed rusher. If Ellis turns out, great, but no one should be holding their breath for this guy.
  6. Thanks, while Dockery may not be an All-Pro, he far better than simply "average". Worth his contract, probably not, but very few athletes are.....
  7. No matter how short his career was or how few carries he actually had, he was awesome to watch, even if only for a short while.
  8. I'll second that....
  9. It's always so easy to dismiss another, isn't it, rather than to add something to a discussion? Almost all topics discussed here are known, in large degree, by many others yet discussions do ensue. Sure we all know that our defensive line was truly offensive in it's inability to rush the passer, yet the tidbits brought up truly underscored how bad they were. My only disagreement with the original post was that Schobel missed more games than he played and that hurt the Bills heavily. His numbers were weak when he went down, but he was still our best pass rusher and was sorely missed.
  10. Tasker was truly an outstanding Special Teams gunner, yet let us not forget who was probably the best "big" man Special Teamer. That was Mark Pike, who could never find a full time position as DE, or as an LB, yet on Special Teams, he ( to this poster) was the Bill's best Special Teamer. He often took on the wedge and yet still made the tackle. While Tasker (as a gunner) got the press and the glory, Mark Pike went on to be the all-time NFL leader in tackles. This is not meant to diminish what Tasker achieved, but only to point out that he may not have actually been our best Special Teams player.
  11. Not to mention that his rubber band arm is due for yet another rotator cuff tear. Pennington ..... if he only had an arm, he "coulda been a contenda"....
  12. Precisely !!!
  13. Just as long as you don't pet your peeve....
  14. Ralph as a pioneer and one of the AFL founders, and Bruce for being a supremely talented DE over his long career. As for Bruce's character, it wasn't bad enough that it would cost him so there's little point in discussing it now. Save that for a later day. As for Andre, he too is hugely deserving and may I add, he was better than Carter IMHO. Reed was also far more explosive with the yards after catch. Carter is, well......an ass.
  15. Eric Mould did have a great 4-5 year period where he was tough, but his big plays generally came from outside routes. He wasn't shy about going over the middle, but he never came close to being a game breaker with the over the middle route like Andre often was.
  16. Frankly? No one, not since Andre Reed's prime have the Bills had this as a consistent weapon or threat.
  17. .....hummmm.... Would have thought you might have mentioned, "IMHO" (in my humble opinion), but then again....
  18. Now that's a contribution to the discussion (sarcasm on....)
  19. I've been an NFL Sunday Ticket subscriber since it's inception (1994). I began watching Bills game via my old 10 foot dish (C-band, then Ku-band) in 1988. In 1994, all games were scrambled and the birth of the "ticket", which was available to all big dish subscribers (videocipher II scrambled signal). I believe it was 1998 approximately that DTV got the exclusive rights to the "ticket" and that's when DTV solicited me to join them. Little choice there. I did.... This year I too posed a question to DTV's customer service, which was that I'll never pay for the Super Fan if I don't get a free peek, especially after all my years of being a subcriber. They agreed and this yearm I had the Super fan package for the first time. Mainly just wanted the HD though. I do have an issue though withg having to pay $10.00 per month additional for HD, and then having to buy the Superfan package on top of it all to get the NFL in HD. "Fezmid" may disagree, but we're being fleeced for the HD in particular.
  20. Jeez.... Todd simply never knew when to shut the hell up.... Good riddance.
  21. The pro bowl is a game that has never interested me and never will. Sure I've watched a few minutes of it from time to time, but if I have anything (and I mean anything at all) to do or needs to be done....
  22. Of the list, Sims may be a bit intriguing as a backup. But then, we already have Hamden who may be better anyway. I just don't see the others as our backup.... I supect we'll be staying with Hamden and possibly a rookie...
  23. Again, the "Dean" hits home with this fan as well. Am I happy with Jauron, emphatically NO. Can he lead this team forward to success? From what I've seen from him I don't believe that's very likely. Will I be there next year on game day, even if from the comfy confines of my bar? God willing, you bet I will be..............
  24. I've been a fan ever since the 1966 season in which the Bills lost badly to Kansas City in the AFL Championship. We could have been the first AFL team to go to what was a few year to be known as the Super Bowl. Alas....... I'm 53........(with a coming birthday right around the corner), and agree with the "Dean" wholeheartedly with respect to bandwagon fans.....
  25. Could not have been better said. Reminds me of John McKay's (Tampa Bay Bucs origin head coach) "execution" comment.........
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