As long as Albany exists (in the political sense), New York State is history. A great State ruined......
NY has some of the most ridiculous taxes in the nation, and yet it's always in a financial mess (even before the worldwide economic collapse). Buffalo is my old home town of 30 years, yet I can't imagine a scenario where I would willingly come back home. I miss two sisters who still live there, the people in general, the Bills and the Sabres, friends, and yet......
Buffalo and New York garnered the distain from most of this nation the old fashioned way, they earned it. How can so many local and State representatives be so lacking year after year, generation after generation and continue to get elected, is mind boggling.
I will always be a Buffalonian, and proud of it, but it's a financial wreck. I have a family to care and provide for them the best I can, and Buffalo NY doesn't favor this economically.