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Everything posted by Spiderweb

  1. Funny? Like it or not, the financial melt down WAS inherited. Two WARS were inherited. There's more, much more, but it's clear you wouldn't listen (or think for yourself) anyway.
  2. Very well stated.
  3. When 19 of the top 20 economic powers of the world have nationalized health care, and may of them have greater freedoms that we, Rush only proved one thing, he's an idiot (and a glutinous obese drug addict as well). Yeah, he's someone to listen to and follow......
  4. ............or expecting the anything but "fair and balanced" Fox network to do anything but back the Insurance industry.
  5. In 2007, he looked darned good. Last year, the dummy took most of the year off.
  6. For Turk to be mediocre (as a QB or OC), it would require a major step up ...
  7. Hummm..... Guess it didn't quite quite turn out like you thought, eh? Yet, the move seem like quite a surprise. This O=lin is the least experienced line since Buffalo had Reggie McKenzie, Joe D, and Donnie Green. Hey wait, that line turned out pretty darned good. Somehow I doubt if the Bills will catch that lightning in a bottle a second time.
  8. It wasn't all that nice either......
  9. Being of suspicious nature, I checked the "www.NFL.com" page and it's there..... As in everything the NFL does, the prices is subject to year after year increases if this becomes a heavy seller. Yet, for now it seems like a great deal and I registered, but not yet paid. I will be as soon as I get my wallet and pull out an old dusty credit card. If this performs satisfactorily, it may be time to say goodbye to DTV all together. My wife and family will be thrilled not to have me glued to the TV every Sunday afternoon and evening watch football. Woo hoo!!!
  10. Yes. The NFL Sunday Ticket is DirecTV's crown jewel. I however prefer DishNetwork, primarily for their far more flexible offerings of equipment (such as dual tuner units that can be independently fed to different TV displays). It's like two boxes for the cost of one (One output is HD, the second SD but I still have numerous SD TV's to this work fabulously). DirecTV can record one channel and display another, but cannot send different channels to two different TV's). If DTV would offer this, I'd leave DishNetwork but alas, DTV even killed off independents from making and selling receivers for DTV. In the past, I loved some of the old Hughes boxes, which were far superior to the DTV offerings. Yet I still hedge my bets as I'm a grandfathered NFL Sunday Ticket/Superfan only subscriber as well (DTV).
  11. Time for the Bills to cut bait with Shouman,....
  12. Bannan? He's done quite a solid job for the Ravens......He's kinda like John Parella who left the Bills unceremoniously and had a very solid career with San Diego.
  13. Agreed! I had become sold on Ayers before the draft and was hoping he'd be there. He was, the Bills sadly went in another direction.
  14. Nancy Pelosi? Even moderate to liberal Democrats dislike that wonderful piece of work.
  15. Yes, it is........
  16. Celebrating is when a big play matters, one that makes a difference. generally, they would occur late in the 4th quarter, I liked Thurman Thomas. Yeah, he could spike the ball from time to time, but how many times did he simply flip the ball to the ref after scoring? A ton. Frankly, while obviously admiring the talent and play of Bruce Smith for years, I always hated his sack strut, dance or baseball swing, unless it was again late in the game and a difference maker. Nothing worse than a tool going nuts when his team is getting hammered, yet it happens all the time. Something has been lost as the generations roll by. It's called "class".
  17. ....still there's no denying that he appeared under sized and was driven backwards multiple times. First action or not, that type of play won't cut it. Weapons, yeah, but the o-line needs major improvement before the bell rings, or all the weapons in the world won't help, espcially Viagra or Levitre, or whatever......
  18. Al Davis has spent a ton of money on less than star talent the past few years and doesn't see to be letting up. Always a puke, he's obviously become a senile old puke.
  19. Reed is a very solid #3, very solid. You don't personally like him, fine, but he's a very solid player and was in all likelihood, our best 3rd down WR for the past couple years. He's absence during his injury last year was very telling. He was sorely missed.
  20. That was a nice clip, but I'll always remember Bruce's hit on Esiason (Jets).......That was "Lights Out", for Boomer that is.
  21. Me neither, I was at that game.....The Bills were down to about Tampa's 18-19 yard line, and ran Leaks into the middle to setup a field goal attempt to win the game. Then the cretin.....FUMBLED !!!! Guy behind me started laughing and razzing me........we ended up throwing a few shot at each other until a friend I went to the game with got between us and broke it up. Ah, the days of my youth.
  22. Yeah right. That's quite a dream there, devoid of reality and wrong. Of course he wants more money. Top CB's (contract wise anyway) are knocking down quite a bit more than he is. Also, you can bet he's after some hefty guaranteed coin as well and depending how much he can get up front, it will obviously play into what he'd take for his annual salary. For a 32 year old CB, the Vikings would be less than sharp if they gave him huge guarantees in a new deal, especially since he's already under contract for the coming season. Sorry Winni, tough it out on your 6 mil and shut up.
  23. I'll add the theory that McNair had let the mistress know that he was done and wasn't leaving his wife and children for her. She had seen it coming, bought a gun, and was ready the moment McNair told it was over, or when he refused to reconsider their continuing their relationship. Just my theory.
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