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Everything posted by Spiderweb

  1. The draft is for a teams core, and FA used to fill where needed in a responsible fashion. Example, the Pats and even they have struck out when swinging for the big player in FA (Roosevelt Colvin, Adelius Thomas). Homeruns were hit with a few trades (4th rounder for Moss, a 2nd & 7th for Welker, etc - mostly because they Raiders were, well, the Raiders and the Dolphins were just plain stupid). In short, a team cannot be built solely thru the draft. It takes wise FA signings, wise (and lucky) trades, and hits with drafts to build a team. What we have seen from Buffalo this off season is restraint from attempting to make the big FA splash, yet some immediate needs were addressed. Edwards will hopefully be a big help.
  2. ............one can only hope that the message has finally gotten thru to One Bills Drive.
  3. ..............go off on a "Barry Brady" length rant.....and rightfully so.....
  4. How true....maybe.... Worse yet, Spiller? Scat back? Wow, maybe he will have Darren Sproles sterling yards per carry averages (3.7) and Reggie Bush's sub four (his first three years of his now 4 year career). Scat backs are far more a luxury than would be Clausen or Bradford. (Bill, while I see the logic of your point, the Colts didn't have a great line in place when Manning was drafted, Troy Aikman was drafted by a Cowboy team that was only a shell of itself previously. Kelly was drafted by....well......you get the picture. What you say makes perfect sense, yet The Cowboys, Colts and the Bills were darned glad they picked these QB's.)
  5. Lack of charges only mean that they don't believe there's enough evidence to pursue charges. It does NOT mean that a crime wasn't committed. As with "civil" trials, the evidence required for violating a personal conduct policy, does not require criminal conviction to be found guilty. Quite possibly Ben is a boor beyond compare and that in and of itself may be all that's necessary to find him in violation of the NFL's policy. Yeah, I know, you fail to see how a higher standard might apply with respect to conduct. I say, tough. These guys should be held to whatever standard the NFL, their employer, deems appropriate and is reasonable. Sexual harassment will get one fired from most employers and this may be exactly what Big Ben has practiced.
  6. Narrow minded Sir? You are the personification of narrow minded! RKFast, you're rapidly becoming a joke, This is not a race issue. It's more simple that that. It's either you have a self functioning brain or not,. Key being whether you are filthy rich and only seek to keep every single dime you can, or that you simply don't care about anyone or anything other than yourself and you're too deficient intellectually to understand that the "teabaggers" seek to advance themselves and rare not a wit about you. Are you aware that 47% of American families pay zero federal in federal income tax. Are you one of them or the rich who reep the benefits far beyond roads, schools, national defense, etc., and assume they too should bare no share in their cost? These ideas that you continue to propagate, have rendered you a non-entity. Please step aside, for the good our our country.
  7. I'm also not keen on trading Lynch for a draft choice (other than another 1st) as while I like Freddie Jackson, he's a bit old for a RB and I don't believe he has all that much left in the tank. Trading away Lynch means we'll need another RB and we have a lot of other holes to fill.
  8. This is the year to finally call Kelsay a former Bill.
  9. He is a poster from another site who fancies himself as a sports journalist. He is wrong as often, if not more often than not about his "tips", insights, etc. Yet, just like baseball, if you keep on swinging, you're bound to get a few hits. It doesn't take much to see that somethings up with Lynch, his no show, etc. Clearly, he lost his starting job last year, and any athlete worth his salt wouldn't be happy about.
  10. You have to look at the individual games though. Trent played very well in the late third, fourth quarters of those wins. Yes, he "looked" as if he was turning the corner. As for the hit, he completed the pass, standing in there and releasing the ball just before the hit. On that play he looked like he had it all going, and unfortunately, that hit and few other lesser ones afterward led him to become a "deer in the headlights" QB. Can he regain his confidence? Who knows, but it does appear that he is lacking in toughness. I still can't help myself from disliking his throwing motion. Compared to the classic over head throwing motion of Kelly, Edwards kinda throws like what we used to call, "a girl".
  11. Sadly, just one of many of late.
  12. Not that's a real comeback. Heck, I liked Butler, but second coming, he wasn't, but to cite a 1-sack season last year? How ridiculous this "fabulous" stat is given the fact he went out for the year in only the second game of the season (against Tampa Bay). Jeez.......get real.
  13. While Butler seems to have gained stature since he was injured and then retired, he wasn't the second coming..... I would much prefer he was here, however, we may just find that Green will be every bit as good at RT as Butler "may" have been, at least for the coming year. Even Butler was playing, I just don't recall anyone saying how tough our O-line was. We all know it's been a problem area for years. Here's to hoping that this year we begin to see real improvement and that Wood make a successful return this year, even if he doesn't immediately start. In fact, I doubt he'll be ready for the opener, but he's young, so one never knows.
  14. Lets not get carried away as this being a top 5 game since 1993, yet it was a great win. Flutie was very effective in 98, and seeing old TT still being able to make plays, and the emerging youngster named Moulds, brings back memories of the days when we were last competitive. Flutie slipped a ton in 1999, but our D carried the team all year and Flutie managed to make just enough plays for the Bills to win more often than not. Pint sized ego maniac could play the game though.
  15. Inappropriate analogy. Not the same thing at all.
  16. I believe it's been reported that McNabb can veto a trade to Buffalo if he chooses.
  17. Without any doubt, I'd rather share a ride in a car with someone who just had a beer vs. someone who just smoked a joint. I call tell you this, I don't want any on the road who has just smoked a joint any more than I want a drunk. As for zero "weed-related" deaths....humm....tell that one to those that have died in drug wars and also, where did you garner your "facts", Tommy Chong?
  18. This brings to mind an age old question, what was Nixon thinking?
  19. It was the knee, and you didn't need to add any wild "other" speculative cause..... Sometimes things are just what they appear to be.
  20. ............and so be those regurgitated with disdain by the right. Except I can't be so gracious as I believe the right knows exactly what they are doing when they lie, and distort the truth. The amazing part is how easily so many are mislead. Democrats are spineless fools, and the GOP is pure evil. Now, more than ever is it time for a no party system of all independents to lead the country.
  21. RK Fast, shame on you. The same method used to pass this bill was the very same method George Bush used to pas his 1.6 trillion dollar gift to the rich. By the way, it was used 17 other times as well during his "rein". It never ceases to amaze me how the GOP cries foul when tactics they themselves used with impunity are used to get around their stone walling and refusal to help the everyday man/woman in this country. So I suppose you see nothing wrong at all with the fact that we have the most expensive health care in the world, by double that of Canada, and yet we lag behind in virtually all measurable and quantitative standards. That the health care industry is exacting a horrific toll on our economy in that it's voracious appetite for new money is taking money away from the pockets of the consumer who fuels the economy of the USA, one that is 70% consumer driven. Now that is sound business thinking there.... Oh I see, business knows best. Well, Enron, Lehman Bros, AIG, etc., etc., etc., must have all been the examples you chose to follow? A centrist movement is what we need, not extreme conservatism, or extreme liberalism for that matter. Marry an ideology, and parish by it. Finding common ground and building upon it, whoa....that sounds almost constructive...can't have any of that.
  22. Bill. might you care to revise the GOP rhetoric as to the "American people" and the percentages for and against the "Bill". The stated math just doesn't quite match reality. One current poll
  23. You Sir, and I use the respectful and salutary "Sir" extremely loosely in your case, are a nut job. Sure, we just eight years of the dumbest president in our history, and you wish to follow that up after a four year break with the one person on the planet old George may have been smarter than? You are the problem.
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