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Everything posted by Spiderweb

  1. Empty helmet, or empty head, what's the difference.................
  2. For crappy, had nosed idiots, does Hank Bullough ring a bell with anyone?
  3. I would have to agree with Dean wholeheartedly with respect to Fred "offsides" Smerlas.....
  4. Is anyone else around here a NFL Sunday Ticket subscriber only with DTV? I get no other programming from them currently and use Dish Network for my main programming. To date (the past couple of years), the only discounts I've gotten were for the HD and Superfan packages. Now that they are included (basically), I'm likely stuck having to pay full tariff. What irks me to no end is what DTV has agreed to pay the NFL for the programming. Each contract renewal, brings huge increases in prices to the customer and a bonanza for the NFL. Anyone else like me been able to get a bettwr price that the 299.99 or whatever it is before taxes?
  5. These salaries for guys who haven't earned a single penny of their ridiculous contracts, must come to an end. I hope that this ridiculous inequity (rooks vs. proven vets) is finally addressed in the current CBA negotiations. It's well past time where enough is way too much for these top draft choices. What drives these amounts anyway? The threat of sitting out and re-entering the draft the following year? I say let them.
  6. Again, I wouldn't write him off just yet. Gailey is making him prove he warrants the starting nod. Here's a college one year wonder (thanks Jauron....you toad), and he's now having to learn a new position. I agree wholeheartedly that the Maybin pick highly questionable and desperate at best, but it may well take more than just a single mini camp for Maybin to learn the new position. By the season's end, we should have a much better evaluation on whether this kid is going to "get it", or not. No excuses, just reality. If he has anything to offer, Gailey will find spots for him to contribute.
  7. So you're saying since he did not claim it as his own, no harm, no foul? Seems to be very clear to me that he did not claim it as his own. It was quoted, referenced, and the link provided for the full story. Jeez....
  8. ?????????????? WTF does this have to do with anything? 2010 and we have those still casting disparaging remarks about how someone wears their hair, or has facial hair that doesn't suit their sensibilities.
  9. ...a bit of optimism will get you in trouble around here...... (I too hope the change in fortune has begun for our Bills)
  10. So that means you'll be taking a leave of absence this year from the Bills boards? I mean, you already know the outcome for 2010, so................
  11. I was about to question that as well. I do recall when he was coming out of college, and it was his size and speed that led to a rather so-so college QB getting drafted so high as a WR.
  12. After having spent 21 years in Dayton Ohio, I went from despising the Bengals (1988 Playoff loss to them nailed it) to having sympathy for them and actually watch them periodically the past few years (when the Bills aren't on of course). I'm no fan of the Bengals, but since they have been competitive, it has been interesting to watch them. As for TO, I never liked him, was not happy that we signed him last year, and with the exception of his ability to still get open deep, I thought he basically played like crap for the Bills. I wish him no ill will, but couldn't care less about the 12 year old (mentally) fading superstar.
  13. Excuse me, but his "retirement" did hang the Bills out to dry. It destroyed his trade value.........
  14. If he really wanted to be traded to a team in his backyard, he should have shut his mouth about his feigned "retirement". He lessened his trade value considerably with his retiring, but it's up the Buffalo routine. I say screw him if we have to eat his cap hit anyway.
  15. Quite frankly, it's not the same as last year We won't be cutting our starting LT or RT (Walker), replacing our OC, and have Jauron as HC all about a week before the season starts. We may have the same guys from last year (Bell, Meredith) for LT, but they will be ready unlike last year (Meredith was also picked up after the season began). Green at RT may be a retread and nothing more than a stop gap, but he at least has some experience. We may not be great, but it should be much better than the debacle Jauron gave us. Having said that, I still would have liked to have been able to obtain Gaither via FA, but the Ravens clearly wanted more than want Nix was willing to give. I not be at all unhappy if additional OL help is found though, even if not Gaither. We still amy be weak on the OL, as Bell is still green (and may not even be healthy), and Wood is very promining, but he too has clear health concerns coming in to camp. I hear Wolford, Ballard, Hull, Davis, and Ritcher are interested in playing again ( ).
  16. ICE, while your beating the same old drum yet again, as far as Edwards being on the worst QB's in Buffalo's history you might wish to research that comment a bit more before stating it as a matter of fact. It's not. Here's a list of QB's far worse: Johnny Green MC Reynolds Warren Rabb Dan Darragh Dennis Shaw Matt Kofler Gary Marangi Bruce Mathison Joe Dufek .....and I'm sure some will have a few more to add.
  17. Steinbrenner, love him or hate him, it was the "Boss" that returned the Yankees to greatness. Before his group purchased the Yanks, they had become pretty pitiful. He had some droughts and often made bad decisions on who to spend his money on, but 7 World Series Championships is pretty darned good.
  18. Whoa, someone take a piss on your Wheaties?
  19. You meant, according to "Willis"............. Being a Bills fan, for me, is due to Buffalo being my home at birth and the first 30 years of my life. Loved them since 1966.
  20. Let's get the dominoes falling. Spiller and Troup need to be in camp....on time!
  21. RIP Randy Jackson. May God comfort your family and friends.
  22. Sure, where do you wish to begin? I was only responding to a claim that he had two degrees (inferring ws was intelligent). I added that his degrees as with his "honorable" service record we're merely products of privilege. No president, in modern times, could match George for his ineptness in giving a speech, or even more so, his ineptness with press conferences when he's asked a question that minders hadn't prepped him for. Now, care to debate his tax cut (estimated to have cost the treasury approx 2.5 trillion to date - wikipedia), when he has the country in a war Afghanistan. A war that he failed to support properly by any measure, and then set his sights on Iraq, which was a war based upon lies. A tax cut in which over 54% (wikipedia again) went to the top 5% of the wage earners in this country. Would you like to discuss his over 5 Trillion in deficit spending? Where was the "how are you going to pay for it" GOP gang when that was pushed thru? Funny how they have money to give away to the rich and powerful, with nary a thought about the deficit. Bush's legacy will be that he managed to be a worst president in our lifetimes. Two wars, and an economy belly up, and lets not forget that he had no problem with the first almost trillion dollars for bail outs. By any measure, he was a failure.
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