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Everything posted by Spiderweb

  1. Praised? That's a bit much. Some "accepted" the acquisition as a stop gap move, but "praised"? I don't recall that.
  2. White helmet, great. Standing, sleeping, grazing Buffalo, horribly old and outdated. Somethings simply weren't better back in the day. The standing Buffalo is dfinitely7 one of those.
  3. CJ will have to break some of his college habits. He's no longer in a class to himself and will have to come to grips with some plays will lose yardage, or won't gain anything. Accept it and head to the next play. He won't always be able to outrun everyone.
  4. NFL economics will "soon require 18 games to float fincially"? Horse dung, unequivocal horse dung. An 18 game schedule is simply to feed the greed of the Jones, Synder, Kraft, etc., club. Pure and simple - greed.
  5. Yes, that's the way it works. It's not a bad thing either. It's not as if the Bills roster couldn't be up upgraded in most areas.
  6. Even if Bell's play is decent this year, we still haven't any depth at Tackle, and we also will have an aging, mediocre RT to replace come season's end. I believe a Tackle will still be a high priority draft or trade.
  7. Wow, and just a couple weeks ago, it was spoken on this board that the TE position had numerous choices and decently stocked. Now, it's Stupar and who ever else the Bills can scrounge up (signed one today). Schouman just never can remain healthy. The waiving of Mathews was a bit of a surprise, given our lack of depth unless his injury is more long term than has been disclosed. Nelson, 4 game suspension. Talk about snake bit.
  8. New board looks great, but I'm not sure about the "rep" thing. Other boards have it and in some ways it's been kind of nice not having this.
  9. Must admit that I too have wondered bout this practice for quite some time. Seems so redundant.
  10. ......so you're saying that Mallett wears cement shoes?
  11. I'm sorry, but this sad old song simply needs to be put to rest.
  12. There may be a bit of over reacting yet I can't help but remember those SB years too. Even in the preseason, our firt line offense could move the ball, and do so quite well. Marv went to the second & third teams quickly and we lost, but we still saw an offense that was going to be effective, if not excellent. I watched those games and never thought, "Oh Boy, we're in trouble".
  13. While the 84-85 trio was one of the worst the Bills ever had, if not the worst, it still somehow doesn't make me feel better about the guys we currently have. Unless one of these guys has their light go on suddenly (Brees...), our Offense is likely to be pretty offensive again.
  14. A leaky O-line is a killer, but it hasn't stopped Aaron Rodgers with GB. That's a QB who has drive, passion, intelligence, and talent. Alas, Trent is no Aaron Rodgers.............
  15. You determined that on a 3-7 for 28 yard passing performance? Modrak, you're outta here!!! Show Me the Baby is taking over......
  16. Nice of you to elect yourself TSW Sheriff.....
  17. .........and you are? :wallbash:
  18. .....and your posts continue to get more delusional with every post. Malone bailed completely on his "family". His son, Demetrius was a complete non-entity in Sir Karl's life. That sure shows a strong commitment to responsibility, and family by the anointed one. What it shows is that Sir Karl is dirt. Thanks for slapping up one of the worst posts I've read in a long, long time.
  19. Couldn't agree more, on all counts.
  20. Despite our O-line woes last yer, and the fact that no team feared our passing attack, our running game was more effective than many other teams (ranked 16th). I too like our back coming into this year. Fred Jackson, even with his well rounded game, could find his carries much more limited than the past couple of years. Not because he doesn't deserve the carries, but because of Lynch and Spiller. I look for Lynch to run well this year (even if his carries are limited too). Improved O-Line play could further help the run game, and surely help the passing game of which is an area needing far more improvement than the run game.
  21. I may be in the minority, but Bob Hayes was very one dimensional and didn't have bad hands, but they weren't "great: either. I diagreed with his going into the HOF and the height of his ranking here. If one could include him, why not Elbert Dubenion. In 1964, he had a 27.1 average per catch on a 42 catch season. He too had the misfortune of playing for a run first conservative team. Again, I don't believe Bob Hayes was one of the all time greats, and Andre surely belong ahead of him....
  22. Ah, you touched on something else that can't be over rated, and that's the mental part. Pocket presence, ability to read a defense, and make quick and proper decisions. Accuracy is huge, no doubt, but it won't mean much if the QB doesn't have the mental presence required for the job. Nore will having the mental attrributes for the position, but no accuracy (see Fitzgerald). Not to bring an old debate, but Flutie often stated how important the decision making ability is. He ranked it number 1.
  23. Floyd little had a relatively pedestrian career and does not belong in the HOF. Sorry. In truth, Floyd biggest claim to fame is that he followed Ernie Davis at Syracuse, the team that produced Jim Brown, and Ernie Davis before him.
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