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Everything posted by Spiderweb

  1. Before I'd give CJ 20 carries, I'd have to see him run a heck of a lot tougher than he's shown to date.
  2. ....barely breathing.
  3. Lets see, Bell is struggling, Levitre is struggling, Hangartner isn't the answer at center, Wood is recovering, and Green is pitiful. Edwards is a schmuck.
  4. A positive? This could be my last year paying for the NFL Sunday Ticket the way things look right now.
  5. Mitchell is on IR, Won't see him this year....
  6. Fez, you have to admit that Edwards performance was pitiful. That and our receivers.... (not to dis our o-line, they weren't very hot either)
  7. Nothing changes in November. You will elect the same garbage candidates from the party that began huge deficit spending with the great orator himself, Regan. George continued it, and Dubya set world records with it. Yet somehow this is all lost on the followers of the right. The party that gives aways the farm to the rich, without hesitation, and without any regard to the middle class. These are scary times when those hurt most by the GOP policies line up to vote for him. Simply amazing.
  8. Jerry was a average lineman at best, but one who always gave great effort and did whatever the Bills asked of him, including playing RT when he was much better suited to play Guard. Jerry was definitely a blue-collar guy. Nice to hear about him..............
  9. Let the "spittle" fly.....
  10. Rogers also faced a pretty good rush, something the Bills did not show in the opener. If our secondary had a front seven that could actually harass the opposing QB with some frequency (as in the 1990's), our D could be capable of slowing down Rogers. He, unlike Trent, can hold up against a rush and still make plays. Here's to hoping the tide is changing, but it still seems like we're half a team away from being truly competitive. I hope I'm wrong, yet we've seen so little the past few years to be hopeful for.
  11. I believe you may wish to step back and consider how long Rockefeller ran NY. The wheels had fallen off NY long before Mario (Andrew's father) was Governor of NY. Democrat or Republican alike have taken down NY. There's no single party that can deny culpability.
  12. Denney was better than Kelsay. Considerably. While no star, he was far more solid, run-pass than Kelsay ever was. He may not have had a shot at LB, but then Kelsay shouldn't be there either.
  13. Dish is actually pretty decent. It's my main viewing source and DTV is used only for the Sunday Ticket (yes, I have only the Sunday Ticket with DTV and have had only the Ticket from DTV for years). Personal choices, and mine is that in general, I don't like DTV, and I have tried it for extended periods, twice, but poor equipment flexiblity (I like Dish Network's dual tuners.) pissed me off and DTV quality is no better, and may actually not be as good. (Cue...The Fez....)
  14. Wasn't she the one who openly acknowledged downloading Music from p2p to beat paying for it? (not that there aren't a number here who have done the same thing)
  15. While I'm no fan of the Ravens, it sure was sweet to watch Brady under perform against them in last years playoffs.
  16. Good observations. Green has been a turnstile to date. Hard not to see why Oakland let him go. As for Edwards, his finally stepping into some throws is a very good sign. One, that takes a bit of confidence that he's not going to get his head ripped off, and that understands it's importance whether he's going to take a hit or not. Yet, his throwing motion just seems wrong to me. It looks at times as if he's simply pushing the ball rather than letting it rip.
  17. For me, it will be #90, Hansen......one of my all time favorite Bills.
  18. Lonnie, heck with that. Vote for "wrong-way" Jim Marshall.....
  19. Oh, how I miss watching Andre Reed perform. No doubt in my mind, he is one of the all time greats....
  20. Dear God, please give Willis a brain. One that he might even use. Old Willis must live in another dimension because in this one, he's rather ordinary at best.
  21. It was the same in Buffalo during their SB years. Preseason is what it is, but there is one absolute, the Colts are a second tier team without Manning. If he ever goes down, they're in BIG trouble.
  22. Cablelady, short and to the point.
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