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Everything posted by Spiderweb

  1. The comparison isn't just simply weak, it's comparing apples to oranges. Yet, that never stops the right when they put out their spin. Facts? Ignore them, the stupid people won't ask for them. Lie? Sure, why not the stupid people won't call them on it. Democrats are often spineless, but the GOP resides somewhere about three feet below whale dung.
  2. Announcement? Sure looked like a question to me....
  3. Better start praying for the owners and players to get back together soon and complete a deal, or FA may be far off (well past the draft). This doesn't look very promising at the moment.
  4. While the "de-certification" move by the NFLPA is exactly what is is, a move, a ploy, a strategy, but one cannot in all honesty not bring into the same conversation that the owners planned for a lockout over two years ago. If you feel this was a positive bargaining tool to bring both parties together to find common ground and form an agreement, you are woefully mistaken. The owners opted out of a current CBA, they planned for a lockout and secured funds from Television Networks, over two years ago, and they are defended as having been bargaining in good faith? This is precisely what is wrong with the American people, too many memories are about as long as one of their arms.
  5. Somewhat cynical, but so very true.
  6. Where in the world did that come from? Yikes !
  7. Quinn had one nice rush/sack, and one pressure, but other than that he seemed to be very effectively blocked by Castanzo, especially on run plays where Quinn was unable to shed the blocks.
  8. If Darius is there, then absolutely no to Newton. While Newto may well be a tremendous athlete, there simply isn't a body of work to draw from that shows him to be an outstanding QB. At best, to me anyway, he will take 2-3 years minimum to develop his potential. As Parcell's used to say, "he's got potential, but needs a lot of work".
  9. From some of the clips I've seen of Quinn, he does seem to have a natural ability to dip his shoulder (ala Bruce) and make the sharp turn to the QB. Von Miller on the other hand, seems to run wide and in some of the clips I've seen of him, he's appeared to lack any signature moves, other than speed around the corner. I would take Quinn over Von Miller any day of the week from my limited reviews of each. The only real concern with Quinn is that he's had a brain tumor, which my mother had and what ultimately took her life three years after her surgery to remove it. I wish Robert Quinn well and if he can clear the medical guys, I would be happy to have him on board (but the medical worry would always remain).
  10. Great news. Always good to hear about Joe doing well.
  11. OK, I'll bite. I don't recall him being found guilty of rape.
  12. Ramius, you can't keep beating the "de-certification" drum, without giving more than equal thump to the owners planning for a lockout over two years ago or more. Why does this keep eluding you and so many others? To me, it seems as if the owners planned for this, and they may be less inclined than the players to negotiate in earnest. When the owners decided to opt out of the last CBA, you expected all to go swimmingly? That, in and of itself was a major blow to any future agreements. Both sides have room for give and take, yet its the owners who want change. They want to reduce expenses and their offer before negotiations ended was a pretty good cut. It was geared to further reduce the players share of revenue year over year, and eliminated the shared percentage as it was a fixed amount.. Sorry, while the players already have more than most of us will ever have a chance to enjoy, I don't see them as the larger problem.
  13. While tyhe spread does intend to "spread" out the defense, it also frequently features a shorter passing attack, which leads to higher completion percentages. Big plays? More by the design of the spread and YAC than wide open, deep routes by far.
  14. Why not resurrect the dead too. Imagine Ray Nitschke taking over for Poz. I'l vote to end all PEDs. Let natural abilities reign.
  15. ..........or pay for education opportunity they have, yet so many of them fail to take advantage of. While financially, the colleges may come out way ahead, these guys have the chance to set themselves up for good life, either thru athletics or thru an education. The college players still get a pretty darned good deal, one that my 5.8 speed in the 40 didn't get me.
  16. Hogboy - could be reliably counted upon to stoke fires. Was sometimes humorous though. SpikedLemonade - could be relied upon to post anti-Bledoe and anti-Wilson posts.
  17. Well then, maybe you should not only question talk radio, but those that participate in it. The bottom line is that an 18 game schedule was not sought by the owners for the fans. It was for the profits, all while they also sought a lessening of the players share of revenue. Pretty much a double edged sword. Then throw in the wear an tear on the players. This isn't a video game, the beatings they take are real. Even if the owners vote to expand rosters, again, it would only further dilute what the current players get. It's a loss, loss for the players, short a simple.
  18. Actually, Fitzpatrick is quite average. He consistently ranks in the middle third of the QB in the NFL. The areas that hold him back are accuracy, not consistent enough, and ball security.
  19. Thanks, and try to remember, Goodell is only doing the bidding of the owners, which is what he is paid to do. I would tend to agree that he has not done a good job overall though. I've seen some (I've googled a number of "Bills" related items). How well do they hold up? I could use a strong Bills team for a change to stoke the fires once more to get me looking for more "items" for my bar and rec room.
  20. It's good to read that there are those who still capable of using their own mind rather than to be beholden to an ideology and render themselves as being simply puppets and minions of the rich. See above.....
  21. Ah, the spin believer. It was taken off the table to or thru 2012, but was open for more negotiation (to be agreed upon). It was not given up upon.
  22. I like the personal conduct discipline he's brought to the game, yet it's still not quite a balanaced as it needs to be. But don't blame that all on Goodell, he has people who recommend the penalties and discipline to him. As for his handling of the CBA, or games played in Europe, he's done what he is being paid to do, which is to do the bidding of the owners. Goodell represents the league, vis-a-vis the owners period.
  23. Anyone who still tunes into Fox news should be well aware of how poor new reporting has become.
  24. As for buying one's way out, unfortunately it does happen (far too often). Yet in this case, LT is reported to be broke so the cash he had was his celebrity status.
  25. It was the perfect response to a perfect setup.
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