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Everything posted by Spiderweb

  1. I would tend to agree that he was aided by Tampa 2 style secondary play, but he still had to be in the right place and that's part of how INT's are made. Give the guy credit! Learning a new defense, that it seemed no one else on the Bills learned last year either may well have contributed to his lower production along with his nagging groin injury.I
  2. OK, but let us in on where this came from? Should be good.....
  3. Hummmm.....is there an Aron Rodgers on the Bills roster?
  4. Generational? I grew up with the standing Buffalo, and I can say without any reservation, going to the charging Buffalo was single best uni reflated change since the Bills scrapped the Lions look (the Bills first year).
  5. The old/new white helmets are sharp. Always liked the white, yet while a solid helmet they surely aren't cutting edge. I'd like them more if the change didn't cost me a fair amount of coin updating all the helmets, bar glasses, flags, etc., I have in my rec room and bar areas. All in all, a positive move though. (While I liked the red helmets too, I hated the Donohoe uni's so the loss of the red helmet was worth it IMO)
  6. It's not a 24 hour delay. You have to wait till midnight before the Sunday games come available to view. Not sure about Thursday night games, etc. Video quality is decent, but not great. Definitely worth the $39.99 to $49.99 they charge for it.
  7. From memory, that sounds about right.
  8. Lockout Over.... Finally...................
  9. dag....I immediately thought the same thing...
  10. My sincere condolences to you and your family in your time of loss.
  11. Ah, Bucky Brooks. He was a complete waste as WR. Yet, he has also has positive things to say about Buffalo, but on cue, since he said something we may not want to hear, out come the cat-calls.
  12. Pears has consistently been spoken of by Gailey as a capable player. From what I saw, I wasn't as convinced though. Urbick looked solid, and even Rinehart had his moments. We look fairly solid at Guard now, yet RT should still be a concern. That is, unless Hairston turns out to be a steal.
  13. Wasn't it Levy, when asked who his best rookies were, he'd respond, "last year's"?
  14. Hummmm, sound like you're picking and choosing. Europe in general has evolved with many programs this country has generally thought of as socialism, and to a lesser degree, so have we. Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, etc., are all in trouble fiscally, as are we. Yet Germany, seems strong and their individual tax rates are some of the highest in the world, so they do provide evidence individal taxation doesn't have to be low or extremely low to compete globally. It should be noted that Bill Maher is easily far more intelligent than most around here, even though some of what he rants on about is a bit over the top.
  15. The law is being broken. Yet many here gripe of high prices as validation (as you added as well). Right and wrong simply doesn't apply to many here.
  16. If Davis is healthy, I'd rather have him than Ayodele.
  17. ....and yet you would trip over your own junk to give further tax cuts to the rich and the corporations. These days, the law is only for picking and choosing as well, follow what you like, ignore what you don't. That's America....today.
  18. There was a time when Americans would have been ashamed to knowingly purchase counterfeits.
  19. The pix is awesome. PTR has also presented compelling arguments for locating a new stadium in NF. My only concern would be access roads and infrastructure (including parking).
  20. That's really reaching...... FDR did far more for this country and the population as a whole (not just the rich), than all the presidents that followed him combined.
  21. Thanks for the tip !!!
  22. Would go with Drayton being the more likely signing than Poz at this point. Poz, good or bad, will likely want more $$ than Dryaton since he already had his big FA signing before he came to the Bills. The Bills got him because he bombed witth Jacksonville. He's also already 30.
  23. Ah, better check your eyes.... Schobel's last year was actually a solidly productive season.
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