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Everything posted by Spiderweb

  1. Actually he did have bit of rhe deer in the headlights look to him early. The late drive looked better but it was a dink and dunk drive ending with a well thrown ball. Tuel was sharp from the get go. The best one could say about EJ's performance would be inconclusive.
  2. John, hang in there. Remember, a keyboard in the hands of the uniformed and knowledge lacking is a dangerous thing. Stay with us, you're one of the good ones around here.
  3. Thank you JR for sharing a voice of reason. McGee was a quality player who deserves respect from Bills fans, but alas, revisionist history and lack of knowledge rule the day. I wish Terrence McGee well.
  4. While Pagano was a legitimate "feel good" story last year, it was Bruce Ariens (spelling?) who led the Colts to their successful season. The Colts may well have kept the wrong guy.........
  5. I'll second that!
  6. The main thing that stood out to me was the consistent accuracy shown by EJ and especially Tuel. It was a pleasure not to have to watch a decent throw followed by one in the dirt and the next into the bleachers. On EJ's TD to Dickerson I thought he thru it too softly. Replay showed decent pace and accuracy. EJ makes it seem effortless. Tuel also looked good. It was great seeing Bills QB's not having to go into a Luis Tiant windup to deliver a ten yard pass.
  7. Good judgement is more often than not based upon experience. To state opinions if fine, but if one lacks the experience or knowledge and training on a specific subject as this, one should reconsider blurting them out. I have a degenerative disc between L4 and L5 that has on two occasions given me grief. The second time was debilitating. I had never felt pain like that in my life and I've been around quite a while. Thankfully I was responsive to therapy and my surgeon recommended against surgery at the time. It's been three years since and while I still have days where walking is difficult, they thankfully aren't too common. I have a checkup coming in a few months to check on it again, to see what it's condition is, etc. As for the analogy chosen, what tastes good to you may taste terrible to others, and conversely, others may love what you dislike. Again, opinion based.
  8. Outstanding work! Reminded me of the gem we got from Pittsburgh, Frank Lewis. Biggest takeaway, what a great team we had in the late 80"s thru the early nineties. Kelly, Thomas, Reed, and BRUUUUCE. Despite the SB's, those guys were all truly great and HOF'ers all of them. Get Reed into the Hall this asap! Only thing missing was footage showcasing how great Tom Sestak was.
  9. Self explanatory. Spiderweb was my nickname and my father's when we were young. Kind of a family tradition.
  10. Why yes I have.....first played it using cards based on the 1966 season. Hank Aaron..Willie McCovey..Mickey Mantle...Sandy Koufax...Dick Allen...Sam McDowell...ah, the days of my youth. P.S. also the football version of the same year..
  11. The NFL andd FBI would like to talk to you............
  12. Sorry, but you lost all credibility when you inferred that Lay and Skilling might not have known about Enron's crimes.
  13. Hate to say it, but Kolb likely turned out to be the their "Rob Johnson". A guy with the tools but lacking in being too slow of a decision maker. Just yet another QB who holds the ball too long and is afraid to throw into tight coverage.
  14. You mean those who are bought and paid for by the rich and powerful? It is well documented why the word pandering fits them so well. Yet give no pass to those behind the money. The politicians we have are simply the ones that the "money" gave us.
  15. Wow, unbelievable amount of revisionist history!!! Did any of you even watch the Bill in 2008? McGee was our best CB and more often than not did a very good job, thus the contract. In fact, the opponents number ones frequently went to Jabari's side to get away from McGee. Jabari played well in 2008, that I do remember, but one constant around here is that a number of folks have either very short memories, or they simply wait a bit and then make history whatever they feel like making it out to be.
  16. I for one, am anxious to see what Stevie can do with a QB that is reasonably accurate and consistent with his throws. Imagine how much faster Stevie will be with him not having to carry a ladder and a shovel in his routes. In general I rooted hard for Fitz but damn if he wasn't one of those who couldn't hit the broad side of barn unless it was under 10 feet away. Over throws, and pitches in the dirt were his trademarks. Fitz also brought new meaning to "wide right"........
  17. Last year was the first year I didn't have the Sunday Ticket since it's inception. More so, many years ago, I dumped over $1800.00 into a BUD (big ugly dish) just to watch the Bills primarily. After 4 or 5 years of scanning the satellites to find the Bills including the last couple where all the games had moved to the Ku band they began scrambling them. The first few years I could get the Bills via my Bud and a Videocipher II descrambler to receive the Sunday Ticket, obviously before the evil empire (DirecTV - sorry Fez but they are) got exclusive rights to it. It cost $89.00 a year back then. When DTV gained exclusive rights, the BUD was retired (RIP old BUD). Stayed with DTV for years, but as an early adopter, I as able to use it for the Sunday Ticket only, no other programing (they stopped allowing this long ago but I remained grandfathered in) and last year was the first time I was completely unable to get DTV to cut even a dime off the price. Must have called a dozen times just to try a different rep, but my account was flagged - no discount. So I dropped it. My chief objection is with the cost of the basic programming continual rise in cost. Couple that with no ala carte options, I got fed up. Recently, there again has been talk (John McCain) and forcing DTV, Dish, cable, to offer some form of "ala carte" services, but as has happened before, the lobbyists will win the day again, and turn this into yet another false hope. I don't need satellite music channels. Way too many better internet options exist for that. Far too great of a percentage (75% ?) of the channels are simply junk. With talk of DTV not pursuing exclusive rights for the Sunday Ticket in the near future, again I fear it's just more false hopes. Which brings me full circle in in again remembering my BUD with great fondness. I paid only or what I wanted during the videocipher days, which was for 2-3 movies channels, a couple of children's channels, and ESPN, all for under $25.00 a quarter !!!! OTA took care of the rest of our viewing needs and we were extremely pleased. I do admire much of today's technology used for Satellite services, but their business models leave me cold. Lastly, this isn't a Big Government letdown, it's a big business issue. An entire party and much of the the other are owned by big business and the truly wealthy. We don't get what Big Government wants, we get what those who stuff the crooks (politicians) pockets with cash want
  18. If anyone here sincerely believes Corporations pay too much in taxes already they one need to share with us what it's like to live the life of an ostrich, with their head buried in the sand. Yes, on the surface our corporate tax rates seem high in comparison to some other countries, but are they really? How can the tax rate be too high when corporations like Exxon, GE, and large percentage of the fortune 500 companies pay ZERO and in fact like GE, receive huge TAX CREDITS? Tax rates in many cases have been made moot for both corporations and the very rich through tax breaks and loopholes they have paid handsomely for through lobbying and in campaign contributions to pandering politicians. Because everyone who works for a corporation pays taxes is not a valid argument the corporations should pay zero. Lastly, no one likes paying taxes but you may wish to look at our tax rates in comparison to countries like Germany who's taxes are drastically higher than ours and there are numerous others. Yet the misinformation continues. Facts be damned.
  19. On the tape shared (links) around here, he looks thin and seems to arm tackle a lot, and by a lot I mean almost exclusively. Even when he was in position to blow up a RB or QB, he reaches with his arms. Only his pass defense and hands seemed good. I must say this one worries me and LB is a position of need for the Bills.
  20. Fez leads the Bills into the moneyball era.... I like it!
  21. Always a solid poster that John from Hemet, and always with a sound train of thought. That would be a nice first three picks, but if we don't get Warmack, and with a QB need it may not be likely, I'll be a bit disappointed. Chance was a man amongst boys and will be a great guard in the NFL.
  22. Kelsay just retired...... I for one always thought he gave it everything he had and always was a real professional and wish him well. That being said, it was clearly time. So for those who will bring up their attacks on him, go for it. Hopefully the additional cap room will finally be used well and real improvement to our Bills will happen.
  23. Really? I might give you year one, but in year two when Fred went down, Spiller showed quite a bit of what he can do. Year three, just finished. The only "bust" concerning Spiller was CHAN GAILEY's refusal to utilize Spiller....
  24. Stevie is our best WR, bar none. He had a couple bad games with drops this past year yet he also made some sick catches as well from a QB who far too often can't even see the barn, let alone hit it. I do like Fitz, but his accuracy simply is poor. His deep ball is either 5 yards too deep, or 5 yards too short far too often. Stevie has more than earned the right to express his feelings. He plays hurt (toughness) and plays very well. Maybe some here hold ask Revis what he thinks of Stevie.
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