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Everything posted by Spiderweb

  1. Not sure I will go that far. My point was only that Williams does have ability too. I also recall an 80 yarder for a score in a game that cost Manuel his job, a job I don't believe he will get back barring injury (with our O-line that's a distinct possibility though).
  2. Ok, I'm as happy as anyone with the great catch Hogan made yesterday to set up the winning TD, but to say without any doubt that Mike Williams would not have is an opinion only. I seem to remember Williams making a pretty spectacular catch against the Bears to contribute to that win.
  3. To those who sing the praises of Icognito, it should be noted that he played against the Bills with Miami and Tannehill took a pounding. Icognito is more effective run blocking than pass blocking. In reality, he sucks as a pass blocker. Pass on Icognito as his apparent fame around here dwarfs his actual ability...
  4. Praying that all will be well for ya Ron
  5. He deserves a ton of love today. He played great!!!
  6. As stated, Pears has been horrible at Guard. Marine claims he can't use Urbik at RG because he's the backup center. Crap....find another center dippy.
  7. Manuel needs to step back and recoup. He has been horrible. He has missed receivers badly that were wide open, not to mention throws at the WR's knees, behind the WR's, or so far over the WR's head that the WR's had no chance. Goodwin darned near got killed because of Manuel. Yet as bad as this is, what the neck was Hackett and Marone thinking? If Marone had any balls at all, he would have left Hackett in Houston. Hackett has to be the worst OC in the NFL today.
  8. 15 consecutive years of this has worn everyone's patience beyond thin. Every throw Manuel makes looks like a lob, a floater. He was criticized by Kelly for not stepping into his throws and firing the ball. He makes flat throws when he needs to drop it in. He has been late on way too many throws and when he does pull the trigger, it's anyone's guess where it will go. Our WR's have been hung out so often that they must be beyond sick of Manuel. It is tremendously difficult watching him play. I have hoped that the light would go on for Manuel but he looks as clueless as ever and mostly downright pitiful. I'd say the book on Manuel is closing very fast and it's not looking good. In his defense, he gets almost no help from Hackett who is nothing more than Marone's sad sack pal.....
  9. Going pass happy with Manuel was a huge mistake and it was made even though Manuel has never shown he could carry the day. He is far more inaccurate than Fritz and that's saying a lot. There was one player I specifically watched a bit the past couple of games and that was Pears. In no way has he been an improvement over Urbick. He will get any QB killed. He was an average RT....but has been a horrible guard. Wood our center has not looked good lately either. He needs to step it up as well.
  10. Manuel has had time enough to throw, but seems to hold the ball forever at times.He simply has no vision, no sense of timing, and is brutally inaccurate too often. Sure he makes a nice throw now and again, but those are far and few between all the pitiful throws. Has he ever stepped into a throw? We lose the game against the Bears if our WR's Woods and Williams don't make the acrobatic catches they did. Our WR's must be getting extremely frustrated. With that said, Hackett must be about the most incompetent OC around. His play calling looks like the plays are drawn from a hat instead of having specific purpose. If ever there was a game that called for pounding the rock........
  11. Initially I thought so too, but there was a receiver in the area and the refs probably thought it was yet another crappy throw from Manuel. The PI on the throw to Woods was blatant.
  12. Williams has been written of as having been poor, especially in the run game. I hope the Bills wrk fevorishly to get Richatdson ready to play. Williams has nit shown to be worthy of playing time so far.
  13. It was something I looked forward to every week as well, but almost every issue was received after the previewed game was played. Also, I wasn't a fan of Larry Bump but after it changed and he was replaced (by Chris Brown?) , I only got worse and less interesting. The internet was the final blow in it's death.
  14. Not to point to any specific posters, I would agree that the general attitude and demeanour of too many posters has become one and the same as Jerry Sullivan's. I see no wonder in how he keeps his job based on Bills forums of late.
  15. Did you even read the post you are replying to? You have so misconstrued what was said so flagrantly you should be on Faux News....
  16. The Byrd loss has been a huge topic for us, yet watching play against the Browns, a big weakness in his game showed a number of times. He lacks speed and with him playing Kelso deep it only makes him an average player who is paid megabucks needlessly. I like his game, but he may be more a player at Strong Safety....
  17. AP is another phenomenally talented athlete who has a brain the size of a small marble. Nice to see him chasing Travis Henry's gold standard of fatherhood though.
  18. From the preseason we all saw that Kounjio and Richardson need technique work. Maybe they won't pan out in the long run, but it a welcome change to see Buffalo go for some big guys up front. These two can be better judged next year...
  19. The throw to Chandler was nice, but that was a great catch by Chandler.
  20. To the OP, thanks for a great post, even if it originated elsewhere. It is one that makes me scream, "I want to believe". Great post and one of the best ever written for our consumption.
  21. Give it a rest. What about publicly funded venues...tax breaks...yada yada yada. North Dallas 40...Every time I call it a game, you call it a business. Every time I call it a business, you call it a game. The NFL is anything but private enterprise.
  22. Word is he was being shopped around..
  23. Actually I remember saying to myself a couple times in the second half, "now that's how you throw a swing pass." A couple throws to Spiller, etc., actually were well thrown....
  24. In general it was lousy o-line play that was really pissing me off the most. While it is great to move people around to find your best five, the time has past picking them and letting them play together. Cohesiveness carries it's greatest importance with an o-line. This is on Marine....
  25. Logical and well written. If anyone is left that cares about Buffalo, the DT stadium should be priority one. I fear the penny rich pound foolish crowd will simply take the easy way out. A DT stadium is more than an investment to keep the Bills, It's an investment in Buffalo. This could be Buffalo's last chance. Be brave, be bold, and just do it.
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