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Everything posted by Spiderweb

  1. Why must anyone convince you of anything? Absolutely no one knows how Allen will turn out. We can hope that he'll br great or we can think he'll be bad, but it could take a couple years to find out. Keep in mind a guy named Goff who stunk in 2016 only to play great in 2017. Only time will tell.
  2. Shame on you then....
  3. Maybe Byrd campaigned a bit too often to bring his kid back...
  4. Yeah.. QB frenzy and need hurt us and the opportunity we had to really get some needed additions. Im just not sure Allen is the guy we should have taken. Rosen seemed like the pick to me... time will tell.
  5. Such as???? Statement as such means zero without any specifics.
  6. DC Tom is very good, but you rank in the upper echelon easily yourself as well.
  7. While this is all very true, after watching him the past two years, I believe I saw a great athlete and exciting college QB. But I have a hard time believing his skills (running) will translate well in the NFL with any consistency over time.
  8. With all the contract purges, I sadly believe we will have rough go of it again unless the draft lands us crucial pieces at multiple positions. I dont yet see us as anything but weaker so far. I surely hope not but at this moment, last year looks like a mirage to me.
  9. Ragland seemed a better fit for a 3-4. Best wishes to him.Wished it would have worked out for him here.
  10. ... Rob didnt fare well after his shot in Buffalo so... 'nuff said....
  11. Nice try. The media was split on Taylor all last year. The same applied to the Bills fans as well. Revisionists abound.
  12. I can't simply because i watched him the last two years in Louisville, the area where I live. Great athlete, simply not the accurate stong armed passer needed. I say. Get off this bandwagon......Now............
  13. I didn't like it either, but during the early years of Monday night football especially, it happened. Much of it was self promotion, sure. However, the football media played into it as well.
  14. Prior to Jerry Jones, Dallas was kind of America's team for many even if not for us.
  15. New GM... Talks tough but still the same old Browns in the end. Way too much $$$ for Landry
  16. I'm not betting that he plays but that wouldn't suprise me much. I definitely believe that we haven't heard the last from Richie or about him.
  17. Like Smith.. Definitely disagree on Lamar.
  18. Yeah, his cut makes mullets look good.
  19. The Flutie - Johnson debate was brutal. Much much worse than anything Whaley did.
  20. What's old and lazy is believing that the cheating isn't the "edge" that has pushed a good well coached team over the top.
  21. Pretty well summarizes things here.
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