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Everything posted by Spiderweb

  1. That's someone who came to mind, but he didn't turn on the Bill until.they unceremoniously kicked him to the curb. So.. he doesn't count
  2. Nothing is worse than someone who hasn't a clue what reality is.
  3. This is ridiculous. You have clearly surrendered your critical thinking skills.
  4. Absolutely amazing. FOX, by far the biggest propaganda based lying machine in existence, and nary a word. ....sic
  5. Please don't compare the classic Bills Daily site with the trash that is the Drudge Report, which is little more than a propaganda machine.... Bills Daily had class.
  6. He's the only one on this list that could be a great addition if only he could push himself away from the table and get serious about being a quality player.
  7. I just hope this isn't akin to the Rae Carruth scenario.... We surely didn't need this yet, the wall is coming for shady as he's now on the wrong side of 30. His career may we'll have been over in a year or two but this could hasten it quite a bit. At his age, the Bills should have been looking for a future RB already.
  8. I wasn't insinuating the players were victims. They were largely the beneficiaries of the owners largess. Victims no, glad recipients yes. That coupled with revenue growth of the league, they now will keep coming back for more...
  9. Saying the high salaries are reflective of the palyers Union fails terribly in recognizing extremely rich owners wanting to have the best toys. Owner themselves were the main reason salaries got to where they are now. This and a NFL that cares about revenue above all else..
  10. ...and TO is blameless for all the negative opinions of him.... Strange days...strange days indeed.
  11. Thus bash the media. What a climate we live in today. Predictions fellas, predictions....
  12. The loss of Gronk would hurt them none the less.
  13. That nails it. Our history is one of protest, and revolution. We are not United Kingdom West are we? Strange how even our own history is constantly subject to revisionists who demand compliance in the name of being a good American. Oh, I'm a veteran of our of military also.
  14. Let us hope he doesn't. After his showing last year, one should have been able to say, "at least we won't have to watch him in 2018". He was beyond pitiful, he was putrid.
  15. Wow.... I just knew he wouldn't stay retired, but damn that stubborn Bean. We should have gotten one more year from Richie had Bean & Co. not slapped him in the face with a pay cut. Had a very good year, thanks, here's two thirds of your salary for the coming year...
  16. With OTA's begun, the itch begins for Richie. By camp it will be a real burn. I have trouble believing we've heard the last of Incognito.yet I still didn't understand why the Bills sought to cut his pay. He earned his $$$.
  17. Character? How much "character" did Bean show when they cut the pay of a pro-bowl player. IR's salary was already reasonable Now they created another hole where there wouldn't have been one this year.
  18. "Mediocre" should sue you for defamation.
  19. You mean in comparison to the guy who brought a worse swamp with him?
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