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Everything posted by Spiderweb

  1. I for one surely hope that a deal for Brown is dead, dead to the core. I think he's a world class talent but age is not on his side and he just seems like a totally immature spoiled brat. Walk, no .. run away from him as fast as possible. Pure poison.
  2. And you base that on what?
  3. If you wish to start a discussion, begin with yourself....
  4. You misspelled the ad agency. It's spelled "Fox". Propaganda and outright lies. Nothing comes close to comparing, nothing.
  5. Not a bad country. Wl
  6. Flexibility is extremely important to top receivers. Without it, he's just a physical freak.
  7. No change of direction? Poor WR. Anyone remember David Boston?
  8. Loved Marv Levy but he wasn't a great coach anywhere near as much as he was the beneficiary of a great roster built for him by Polian and others. His skills as a GM we're beyond pitiful.
  9. He definitely came to my mind as well... His biggest problem was simple, he had next to zero arm strength.
  10. Hurley has been grossly overpaid and may his contract come back to haunt the full of themselves Rams.
  11. So sayeth you Nostradamus... You nor anyone else here has any clue as to whether he'll be successful or not.
  12. Expectations were set at high level when Whaley gave him that ridiculous contract. Why over paid for small return. Plus, he always seemed to drop to many passes, especially at critical times.
  13. Wow. Did Kap hurt someone in your family? You have no beef, yet he's a douchebag? Rich or poor, he took a stand against police brutality. He out himself out there and risked far more than it's likely you ever will. Not my favorite QB but far better than the NFL backups and even a few starters.
  14. Now I'd only his son wasn't on the field as well. Flag happy punk...
  15. Exactly.. If he ever plays some guard then maybe this might be validated for discussion, but he hasn't, at least professionally. However my son's friend's friend said he make a fine TE...jeez...
  16. One of the old AFL's early.positivea was good enthusiastic announcers. I tried to watch a game with Maurice Jones Drew, Marvin Lewis and Dan Heilie and it was horrible. Worse than listening to paint dry. MJS is brutally bad, Marvin Lewis sound as if Brown gave him a frontal lobotomy before he was let go...
  17. Kiper, while longer being a polarizing pundit, is being held to an impossible standard. Too may variables to consider. Teams drafting BOA or need. Trades of draft choices and players. What counts is the quality of the selections he makes, far more than does a specific team get a specific player that might have been projected to them. Hell, let's throw logic, reasoning and intelligence out the window and hang him. The very same goes for all the pundits, most of which do have far more knowledge, information, and tape on players than any here. Don't feed to mob mentality.
  18. It was the first SB I didn't watch at all and until yesterday I had watched every one. I couldn't care less about the Rams, but it was NE that I cannot stomach any more.
  19. Football has been done for two weeks now.
  20. Statistically, Mayfield had a pretty darn good year, veteran or rookie
  21. Exactly. For anyone to say there no longer exists a bias is either blind or stupid, probably both. Racism still exists in this country all the way to the highest levels of our siciety. TT made a valid observation based on what he has seen
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