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Everything posted by Spiderweb

  1. Yes, Steve Tasker was a great Gunner. Yet, for my money, Mark Pike was our best ever Special Teams player overall. RIP Mark.
  2. Brenda? No... Give Williams a shot. Period.
  3. Why is this guy still allowed in the NFL? This only goes to show that there is a complete lack character and integrity in anyone willing to employ Antonio Brown. Why am I not surprised it is with the team with Brady on it.... Should have been suspended for life...
  4. Really? The Cheatriots have been winning with their ground game. Maybe you missed this?
  5. All I'm saying is to keep this in perspective. Brenda was dumped by Miami for reason. He was not effective there. In SF he as effective in their run scheme but he was more prone to fumble than their other backs (which he has already shown us as well). He is on this team due to his speed and let's hope he can provide the spark McDermott was and is looking for. In no way is this in support of Moss or even Singletary who both have shown to have numerous worts. Perspective.
  6. Brenda gives our offense an additional weapon, but at 2.9 yards per carry, let's not get carried away. That is still a pedestrian performance.
  7. Oh my.. not going for it.. boooo
  8. Let us not forget ( those oldsters like me ) a FS named George Saimes who was a key part of both AFL championship teams (64 & 65)......
  9. Popular opinion for sure, but any replacement will still be subject to the wants and desires of the billionaire owners. Thus, it would bring little, if any change.
  10. Cody Ford should be released before the Bills leave the Jags stadium. From WFT game through today, I can't say I've seen worse guard play in the 55 years I have been watching football. Why didn't Ryan Bates get the call? Singletary started the year looking like he had a bit of spring to his step, now ih looks like he's running in quicksand. No line, no running game...... Allen did not protect the ball.... Horrific loss....
  11. And it was very nice to have Beasley step up the way he did against the fish... All things aside, I do like watching him play football.
  12. And that is exactly why a dome is appropriate, especially in Buffalo.
  13. Best answer, yet not necessarily an honest one for many of us.
  14. Ted Washington
  15. It's not that she lacks the knowledge, it's her horrific voice...
  16. It has nothing to do with her knowledge of the game, which seems very good. It's her horrific broadcast voice that is excruciating to listen to.
  17. Yeah, may he rest in peace (career wise)...
  18. Bread or no bread, I will despise Brady for as long as we both shall live.
  19. Sadly, it's a choice that could well effect others. None of this is just about ourselves.
  20. This is about whether we care about others and our society. This isn't just a another flu. The deaths speak loudly to that. It takes far more lives than a normal flu. Far more. Lastly, tell it to my neighbor's family in which the husband and father took ill in mid February and who died from covid 6 weeks later.
  21. Good video but the maddenly overly verboise narrative almost prevented me from seeing the 77 seconds.
  22. After a rough start, Klein came on quite well the last couple of games he started and/or played considerably in.
  23. Now there's a player from the past...
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