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Everything posted by Spiderweb

  1. BW3's will end up with another game as their featured game. I watch them via Sunday Ticket at home. Been here 19 years and haven't found a consistent place yet so...home for me. I don't believe Dayton is the first place most who left or are leaving Buffalo would think of. My employer transferred me here, what brings you here?
  2. Only approx 10.5 hours till game time. Although no where near as far away as John, I too couldn't make it to the game, but the Sunday Ticket will be up and running and I too will be there in spirit. GO BILLS !!!!
  3. This is lame. Who the heck wants to watch a game tape delayed, especially when the outcome will be well known before it airs....dumb.....
  4. Is this game on NFL Sunday Ticket? I don't see it?
  5. From the opposite perspective, not necessarily mine though, one can make a strong arguement that there has to be a sliding scale on the length of the penalty for pass interference. If there wasn't, what would stop a beaten DB from simply going right after the WR and flattening him so he can't catch a 50 yard bomb? If the penalty was only 10 yards, just think of how many times the DB would not give the ball a second thought.
  6. Seems to me that the Pats played quite a few games last year without big Ted and still faired decently. Sure he's a loss in the run stopping dept but two things come to mind, he's been missing a lot of games the past couple years, and he's no kid anymore. Something tells me the loss of Ted won't play that big in the Pats scheme of things. BB will figure something out to slow down the run against his D yet again.
  7. No, actually your opening statement was a bit on the "dumbXXXed" side. Kinda like a "rookie" mistake, zillion posts or not. The "move" is simply conventional wisdom coupled with the play of Reed and Evans to date. Reed wins this one 2 to 0. Evans will get his time, as he earns it.
  8. Sorry, but as others have said, your simply wrong. I think I recall a guy named Moulds who wasn't worth much until his third year, despite his talent.
  9. I feel your pain as my son John started Kindergarten 8/25. After all he has been through it came as such a bitter sweet event. On one hand I'm happy he's able to and on the other, after spending the past 3.5 years worrying about any little thing that came his way, I'm not sure I was ready for a stranger to have him for 3.5 hrs a day. Yet, I still have one more, my 3 year old son Josh in the bullpen. Being that he's my 5th child, there won't be anymore coming up to the bigs, so this is it. Four boys and a "kick me in the balls and throw me off a bridge" (borrowed from a TSW poster from a few months back) 14 year old daughter. Of course I love her, but she drives me C R A Z Y ....
  10. Lawton is the guy I had hoped would have faired better. Keeping Joe Burns (again) disappointed me too. he's been so unimpressive in his limited opportunities., and always seems to be going in slow motion IMHO. Surely he was a better prospect than Freddie Smith and while I wish Drew Haddad well....oh well....
  11. Nobody pays attention to losers
  12. I just can't seem to muster the hope that I had last year. That season was such a nightmare beginning with game 3 that The Bills never woke up from. Glad to finally see Kilbride gone, along with the head schmuck GW so this should at leat help a bit. We're six days away from seeing whether the Bills finally will have a commitment to the run after years of saying they would, only to see pass after pass in situations where a commitment to the run may have sustained a few more drives. Never the less, I'm pumped and ready for the action to begin, but I'm not wildly optimistic like I was last year. My gut tells me we'll hover around .500.
  13. One just can't help but to feel that he's just too slight of build to hold up in the NFL. This roster spot was a bit of a surprise IMHO.
  14. He seemed better in run blocking than in pass protection, by a fairly wide margin, IMHO. But cutting him as others say we should, would leave an already bad line in even worse shape. This line is in serious stevestojan. It's getting so bad that Teague is looking more and more like our most consistent lineman, who plays week in and week out. All the others have "issues" including our new guy Villerial (spelling). This line appears poised to make this a heck of a long season again. Now throw in the recent injuries and.... Two weeks to get ready cuz we sure aren't ready now.
  15. Absolutely priceless.....LMAO
  16. After that fiasco, the Olympics have become a minor note in the grand scheme of things to me. The Roy Jones theft is yet another example. Where judges determine the outcome, the games have been compromised, for a long long time now. Politics, errors, and blatant stupidity have ruined many events and will continue to do so.
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