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Everything posted by Spiderweb

  1. The only logical choice. Yet, that doesn't stop those who'd like to see JP play no matter what. Losman didn't even get much action in the preseason either as most of it went to Travis Brown, IIRC. Cras-h course? Maybe, but play him only when he's ready, mentally as well as physically. What we are more likely to see is him doing a few more mop ups before we see him start, but only the coaches and JP will know themselves when he's ready.
  2. Careful with that voice of reason, the "clan' here at TSW wants blood... and Bledsoe's heads the list.
  3. B for pass blocking, but a solid F minus for run blocking. No push, and zero sustainedd blocks. See how many times the Pats O-Line sustained their blocks tonight? Almsot every single running play (and they're not known for being a great run blocking line, but we made them look great tonight). O-line overall grade - D
  4. Signed with pleasure and hope for justice...RW belongs...
  5. No doubt. The first few games he looked rather, well, crappy...seems to be playing much better of late.
  6. CSN&Y, gee... that dates us I guess...
  7. What in the world made you want to share that with anyone?
  8. None is so blind as he who shall not see....go check the tape and then come back and give us your take. Short and simple. It was legal and no, it wasn't from behind. However, I wouldn't have any problem with banning it if all the cheap shots taken in the "piles" were eliminated and those are dished out frequently by those big DL's (Wilfork, NE ???). I say since this continues, as long as the opposing player is not otherwise engaged, take his legs out. Perfectly legal and fair. Besides, it's not as if Tucker dove straight into Abe's knees for crying out loud. That would have been cheap, but it wasn't so get back to the tape and see for yourself....
  9. From what I've seen of him this year, he's playing about the same he did for us, with the exception that he actually held onto a couple picks....Still a solid corner, better tackler than cover guy. He's worth a bunch of $$ too, but maybe only half of what Minny paid him IMHO.
  10. Actually we didn't run the ball all that well last year. Not at all. We finished well down the list for total rushing yards, and those we got, many came from T Henry when we were trailing (we trailed consistently last year). Meaning, opposing defenses were frequently playing pass when we did run. Not trying to take anything away from TH, but he benefited personally (stat) wise with our Bills trailing week in an week out, yet his average was only 4.1 yards per carry. I'd love to see what McGahee can do when its not obvious to the whole world that he's getting the rock.
  11. Looked liked a bit of the old Chris Watson saga
  12. At least McGahee, there doesn't seem to be anywhere near the fear that he'll put the ball on the carpet... I do agree that we need to not "overuse" McGahee. 37 carries ias about 7-12 too many in my book. It's just hard not to go to a guy who has the potential for a big gain any time he touches the ball. He sure looks like he's on the verge of a long score at any time now....
  13. Last word I heard was that all x-rays taken were negaitive...now we wait and see the rest...
  14. Kelsay's best game as a pro, hands down. Pretty solid all around....
  15. Love the man's return ability but his CB play has me praying for Vincent's return next week. But if I recall, that was his knock coming out of college as well. Sure seems to handle the nickle better than the starting CB.
  16. Would have been nice to see a few more holes for McGaheee to run thru though. Solid pass protection save a couple bliztes and Drew "Fleet of foot" Bledsoe escaped them nicely. Still would like to see tougher run blocking.... Gameday grade - B
  17. So you now decide all on your own what laws you care to follow and which ones you don't, and you expect to not suffer in any way for it? You're more that a little bit off in your logic.
  18. Schobel did "show up" against Ogden, a pretty fair LT is most peoples books last I checked, but one correction is needed, they DO keeps stats on pressures. What made Bruce Smith so impressive wasn't always his raw sack numbers (although they are impressive), but also the huge number of pressures he was credited with as well. For example, in 1996 he had 13.5 sacks and 54 QB pressures (Bills 1997 Media Guide).
  19. Not sure, but I'll bet he's leading the league is "drop" percentage, in the neighborhood or 65% (seems to drop more than he catches anyway). Aiken is big but simply hasn't shown any hands during game time. Must be a great "practice" player for him to still be around.
  20. Kelso's Helmet, the self pro-claimed expert at TSW, laid a huge egg today. Go Bills !!!
  21. I will be watching from Dayton, Oh (Sunday Ticket). May drop in the chat room.
  22. Here's Heather Graham's contribution: Oh Heather.....
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