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Everything posted by Spiderweb

  1. The law firm my wife works for won't let go of tickets for us, so I'm probably out of luck too.
  2. How about Dudley Meredith (DT)., 1960's. One of the first Bills to go over 300 lbs. Slow moving slob, who subbed for Sestak and Dunaway IIRC.
  3. Ah, Monte Ledbetter. I've mentioned his name on rare occasion when those here forget (or never knew) how bad some of the Bills teams were beginning with 1968....Ledbetter was around in 67-68 if I remember correctly.
  4. Tindale had a big game with two long runs aganst the Dolphins in 1995, but not until Thurman had destroyed the Dophins. Holmes aslo had a big game.
  5. Yet you fail to acknowledge that it is the "rich", the powerful, that have created the mess to begin with. Are you saying that those in the Congress aren't rich, and privileged already? When, and if, they do set forth prudent fiscal policies and practices, then move to remove the penalty. This would also include the reckless deficits and interest paid on those deficits. Ultimately, there could be a nice tax cut, and possibly a few extra dollars for worthy programs if we weren't spending so much in interest on the debt year in and year out. No one wants to tackle this, Rep or Dem, because the benefits are too far down the road and both parties seek little more than immediate gradification. It's the tough choices neither is willing to make. Reducing the load on the rich only serves to reward them for the mess they've created. As child, my parents only rewarded me after I did something well. Sadly, the deficit is something that will be a major drain well beyond my lifetime.
  6. That really isn't it. It's due to Karl Rove. Bush is an idiot, but Rove has led a well oiled machine throughout Bush's political career.
  7. Dayton Ohio. Currently subscribe to TWC (they offered a 50% discounted on their Digi 2000 package that includes two premium movie channels). The cost was initially 59.95 plus tax and when the 50% discount was applied I was around $31 to $32/mo. Just this week, I received notice that this package has been "enhanced" and will now cost $69.95/mo plus taxes (before discount). My viewing is mainly football, and movies but when this year is up, out goes the cable again. Far inferior PQ than that I get from the satellites (still subscribe to DTV - Sunday Ticket only). As for broadband, I've just recently gone to Verizon DSL for 29.95/mo, first month free. Not bad. Roadrunner here has been losing a number of users to the newly offered (in my area) verizon DSL. Biggest complaints with TWC & Roadrunner here is that it goes down far too often and the speeds are no where near what they advertise. Fez - what's the word on the power line broadband trials? Cincinnati was running one for a while now, but haven't heard anything on it lately. Read about it initially in PC World, but that was a while back and nothing new since.
  8. We prefer to remember the Phins Ray Lucas starts against us, thank you.
  9. We're these days known as the "dark ages"? How true the commentray is regarding those "good" old days. Ralph became more open (wallet) when Polian came to being....
  10. Sadly, as I just replied elsewhere, what better role should government have than in the health, welfare and security of it's people. Nah, lets just cut taxes, increase spending and run up massive deficits. Now that's prudent financial management. I'd love to be able to run our household in that manner. Yet we have no problem denying basic human services as to show our "conservative" (spending) side. Sorry, your argument has been debated before. To deny the that our heath care system leaves millions of Americans on the outside looking in is to simply ignore reality. We're talking about people to have meanial jobs, or work for small companies that can't afford health care. We are not simply talking about "homeless" or welfare families. Heck, the welfare families are covered. Maybe if I was commenting on the mess our public schools are in (they are), I'd find a warmer reception but that wasn't what JSP brought up. As for the Daddy comment, do you have a problem with our Daddy being very strong Militarily? If I were a betting man, I'd bet not. If so, we'd then have some common ground.
  11. And you, are the cause....not the cure... As if you're not already paying for a system that has double digit cost increases year after year when the overall inflation rate is in low single digits during the same period. Ever realize that the cost is already is coming out of your pocket? You don't think your salary isn't effected by the premiums paid by your employer? Laughable? Yes, it is, your already overpaying for a system that's broken. Your so typical of the myoptic views shared by millions of Americans that we're the best, regardless of what the evidence or alternatives may be. What better role can a government play than it the health, welfare, and security of it's people? But hey, lets simply fall back on our "six pack" and not discuss or debate the issues. Lets' instead resort to "comrade" and Chairman Mao remarks or insinuations. Funny how those who know the least about other countries are often the strongest supporters of "our" way of life. Have a 12 pack instead and bury that head in the sand. Reality has no place in your life anyway.
  12. Amd of course you'll have some skewed half true story to back that up. I personally deal with Canada daily in my line of employment, and while they admit their system isn't absolutely perfect, virtually everyone one of them that I've spoken to about this feels the USA is morally bankrupt when it comes to our health care system. Sorry, but there was a news piece a month or so back where quality of service and yes, wait times, were looked at and guess what, the good old USA did NOT finish #1. They compared the Canadian system, Germany's (I believe), and the UK's, and possibly one more. I found myself getting angry when I read it because I know in my heart that our country and all the purported God loving right wingers will not have anything to do with something that could possibly benefit everyone. Worse yet, is that they've managed to convince millions of everyday folk to drop in, lock step, behind them as if they're the Pied Piper to help fight to maintain this corrupt, immoral system. The estimates are that we have 40-45 million people in this country without health care insurance, meaning their access to the "system' is extremely limited. That's sad, that's immoral, that should be criminal. What is also true, is that we have a strong and powerful right that speaks of God, and then decries any attempt to help their fellow man. Our system exists for greed, plain and simple. Very powerful insurance companies would fight change in anyway they can because their very existance would be on the line. Hospitals, the doctors, right down the line, all feed on greed. And no, Mr Gecko, greed is not good. I guess this is why it is easier for a Camel to pass thru the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter heaven.
  13. Great, but I couldn't handle that much beer....
  14. I would agree that they seem most noticeable during fast action scenes. What I'd truley like to see is a three Chip DLP, but those are only currently available in high end projectors. Cost of the chips themselves is the limiting factor I guess. The color wheel thing (mechanical) just doesn't seem to me to be the way to go ultimately, regardless of whether it's 6, 7 or 8 segment.
  15. AVSForums is a great place for videophiles to hang out and catch up on the newer technologies. The "Sammy's" (DLP) have a great following and you can find a tremendous amount of info there on them. Also, the JVC LcOS set (the first successful use of this technology) has some interesting reads, and the Sony Wega LCD projection sets are extremely well discussed. Home Theater comes in all varieties, and about the only one you can go wrong with would be the older CRT based rear screen projection sets, although they are now generally the most affordable, but no longer get the developement $$$ from the manufacturers since their R&D is going into the new technologies. A week or so ago, I spent quite some time reading about Dell's Plasma (HDTV) offering, which is now sub $3K. Also blew about an hour going over the new Sharp LCD sets that now reach 45" screen size. Great site. I've been dropping by there for about a year now from time to time. The Sammys (DLP) are very nice, but I catch occasional "rainbows" and after watching it for an extended period (a football game...big surpise there), it gave me a headache. "Rainbows" are a problem for about 5% of the people (estimated). Personally, I plan on waiting til mid to late next year before getting serious about going HDTV. It will be interesting what will come around by then. Happy hunting...
  16. Darraugh....yep...Oh crap, I remember Dan Darraugh and his ill fated 1968 season. That of which began with Kemp, Flores, Stephenson, Darraugh, and then Rutkowski. Jeez, what a horrible year, and this board has struggled with this years team?
  17. Good news....Congrats
  18. Win ? Lose? Is that why they play the games?
  19. Give 'em hell Harry, er...Nick.
  20. Good news, I too loved what I saw of this guy in the preseason, the little he got to play. He reminded me of a player from the the dreaded Cowboys back in their heyday. Remember a guy named Moose Johnson?
  21. The bottom line is that stealing is just, well, stealing. What I find utterly ridiculous is the illogical rationalizing people do to support their theft. I'm a strong defender of "Fair Use', which has served not only the consumer and electronic manufacturers well, but also the Music and Movie industries. However, that is based on the premise that you obtained whatever you're copying, editing, etc., legally and that whatever you're doing with it is for your own use and benefit. I guess maybe we should just all become Anarchists, then there would be no rules and we could freely set aside morality, decency, character, logic and just plain common sense, so that we can please ourselves anyway we like without worring about anyone else. Now that would be a nice world, wouldn't it? Sad to say, some have already taken the initial steps...... Yes, allowing your child to steal is not being a good parent.
  22. Drop over at Newegg.com and check out the 16x DVD (dual layer) burners. They're dirt cheap. Decent ones starting in the $60.00 plus range IRCC.
  23. I'm still in the "wait and see" mode, but with McGahee coming on, the play of Big Sam Adams, McGee, Evans, Spikes, Fletcher, etc., I believe he hasn't done anywhere near as badly as some around here say he has. Far more talent on this team than what we had back in 2001. One area he has excelled (A+) is on the financial side, and not just the cap. He's run the front office very professionally and has managed to put rear ends back in the seats at the Ralph.
  24. From the land of the Buckeye, I'll add my 2 cents. Dish Network does has more favorable package prices, although DirecTV gets a slight edge in Premium packages (check them side by side). With that said, I've been a long time Dish Network subscriber, who left them for DirecTV (got a one year deal for approx 35/mo that included free HBO & Cinemax for an entire year - promotion was aimed at Big Dish users, of which I had until about 2.5 years ago). So for a brief time I had a Big Dish, DirecTV, and Dish Network, scattered around our home. At the end of the one year commitment to DirecTV, I went back to Dish Network. I (personal taste) have thought that Dish actually had the best PQ (Picture Quality) by slight margin over DirecTV (sorry Fez...). Both are highly compressed and neither compare with the best signals I received off the Big Dish, but the Big Dish signals varied widely from transponder to transponder and satellite to satellite. Too much so for my tastes. Also, there was regular maintenance and the equipment was far too expensive in the long run. Back in the early 90's, big dish had phenominal package (programming) prices, but last I checked, they're now no better than the small satellite. DirecTV does have the edge in equipment. Channel surfing seems to have less lag, guides load faster, the preview screen is far quicker loading compared to Dish Networks, and they have Tivo (superior to Dish's offering in functionality and capability). I just wish they would be more flexible and still offer a lower tier package like Dish's at a similar cost. So, the Dish Network remains for now with DirecTV providing me with just the NFL Sunday Ticket and the NFL channel. I was advised early this summer by a DirecTV telphone rep that I would no longer be able to do this next year. She stated that the NFL Sunday Ticket will only be offered to those who have a DirecTV package. I guess we'll see on this. If so, it's back to DirecTV of course.
  25. Logic??? Maybe you should learn the art . Most here have been bashing Drew, but they're simply acknowledging that he played solid (save the three picks) . No one is promoting him as "our" guy, at least not the 95% you speak of...
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